Westboro Baptist Church

Redpill me on the Westboro Baptist Church, Sup Forums. Someone told me that they're just a bunch of lawyers trolling for responses so they can sue the shit out of people to make fuckloads of money. Are there any sources that back this?

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trolling irl. WBC are pros.


They're pretty serious. They shun and disown any apostates. Even Fred Phelps the founder, when he renounced on his deathbed, they denounced him and act as if he weren't a part of the family.

An extended family and their group of hangers ons. Number about 30. Real trolls and serial litigants.

The need to fuck off. Every single libtard uses them in their arguments against anything redpilled.

try this.


theyre so insane theyre funny.


They goad people into attacking them then sue them for $$$.
90% of the family are professional lawyers, it's a scam and retards like you keep falling for it.

50 good men shitposting IRL and having a blast.

How did he fall for it?

Back when I was bluepilled, I thought they were evil and were some of the worst people in America.

As I grow older, I realize they're right. Only wish they weren't quasi-kikes fishing for lawsuits.

I meant you.


reminder these people protest soldier's funerals

These assholes are hugely responsible for the anti-Christian political climate we find ourselves in today.

They've done more damage to Christianity than any atheist activist or muslim could ever have done

I know, suck eh. But sources like MSNBC, CNN and BBC love them and give them heaps of oxygen.

> see everyone. Look how horrible us whites can be. No wonder the world hates us, you can see they are justified.

Can't argue with their message, but they are not Christ-like in the delivery.

>Fought for blacks for civil rights for blacks for some reasons
>Gets mad about gays

They are a false flag group to make people hate Christians? That would make a lot of sense actually.

they're true Christians; they're literally what Christianity was before the industrial revolution. it's a good thing that Christians are getting shit on. they're taking out the strongest by promoting Islam but that's very difficult lol, either way seems they might succeed. once everyone officially accepts dominating Muslims, then regrets it a decade later, religion will cease to exist after the following war

So can I get some sources on this to btfo the bluepilled lefties? I don't imagine they'll relinquish their favorite punching bag without solid proof.


Hating is not what true christianity is even remotely about.
We're supposed to love everyone unless they're openly sinful...
as in you can't have gay friends because that would be accepting their sinful lifestyle but you're not supposed to treat them any worse than a liar or thief or adulterer...

And if you think protesting US soldier's funerals is Christian than you're an idiot.

That... actually isn't what I'm implying but you're right that is a very plausible theory!

IMO I think they're just trying to get people shocked so they can bring more attention to Christianity but they're too stupid to realize they're doing more harm to Christians than good.

>user likes it when soldiers die
You make me sick, we should all be protesting soldier funerals.

you're not even trying

Yes, they are all lawyers. I'm sure they believe what they say to a certain extent, but mostly they're just trying to get money through their actions.

I really hate them. They allowed the liberals and atheists to point to them and say "THIS IS WHAT ALL CHRISTIANS ARE LIKE!"

how does SA fit in ?

based docs, based sermons but his church does feel like a cult.

his and Jimenezs responses on Orlando do seem way over the top and his interpretation of Rom 1 is rediculously wrong.

love or hate, cult or church, cant decide on Anderson?

I don't think itll make a lick of difference. When confronted with the truth liberals still can't see

> fag mudslime shoots up a gay bar screaming allegiance to al baghdadi as he cuts down 100 homos.

'Zomg the christian right caused this by making him hate being gay'

> all Christians

Terrible isn't it. Their numbers don't even add up to 50 yet their painted to represent the true face of Christianity. Whereas there are millions of scumbags who support isis but 'they know nothing about islam'

>A formal complaint was filed against Phelps on November 8, 1977, by the Kansas State Board of Law Examiners for his conduct during a lawsuit against a court reporter named Carolene Brady. Brady had failed to have a court transcript ready for Phelps on the day he asked for it; though it did not affect the outcome of the case for which Phelps had requested the transcript, Phelps still requested $22,000 in damages from her.[21][22] In the ensuing trial, Phelps called Brady to the stand, declared her a hostile witness, and then cross-examined her for nearly a week, during which he accused her of being a "slut", tried to introduce testimony from former boyfriends whom Phelps wanted to subpoena, and accused her of a variety of perverse sexual acts, ultimately reducing her to tears on the stand.[21][22] Phelps lost the case

pretty funny guy 2bh fampai

Yes, they are mostly lawyers.

Yes, they sue the shit out of anybody who violates their civil rights.

But the authorities who deal with them know better than to get in the mud with them, so I doubt the opportunity comes up often enough to make as lucrative as traditional practice.

Anderson is cool with racemixing and doesnt believe in borders. There's always in a nigger in the front row shouting "Aymen!" all the time.

>There's always in a nigger in the front row shouting "Aymen!" all the time.

yeah so irititating, to top it all out he has a witewimmin and halfbreed child and I think the guys name is Janice (not kidding)

marching to zion was based though

>Fred Phelps
Wasnt this guy a democrat?

They piss off fedoras so they're fine by me.

I read his wife's blog religiously

I've been studying them for a while. No, they are not a scam trying to make money. With the number of hours they log traveling and protesting, if they could make even 1/4 of those billable hours, they'd be a lot wealthier.

They believe in what they do enough that they are willing to die for it (have been several serious attempts on their lives). I admire them, they secured an important first amendment victory.

They had one girl who was a qt 3.14 who left and married a fat mexican cable TV worker.

QT and a physical therapist who makes good bank, a 10/10 catch...with a fat mexican. Feels bad man. I could have had her, and yes I did think about trying to write her. Fuck I forget her name, will find a picture.

So was Omar Mateen. Your point?

counter culture hivemind like Sup Forums pretty much

They are christian trolls.

They sit there and troll liberals, though they do not seem to know about computers yet. Otherwise they would be here, shit-posting.

They have an official website though.