I should probably ask /trv/ but I like you guys better

I should probably ask /trv/ but I like you guys better.

>what 3 cities should I visit in India.

I am thinking
>New Delhi

What does Sup Forums think?

I too want to know about India.

Specifically street shitting. Where should I go to do it? It's on my bucket list and I want the full experience. Anyone done it before here? pls reply.

Stay away from north and you'll be fine


What happens in northern India?

I'm sure you'll get a lot of well meant, honest and completely trustworthy advice opening with a pic like that OP

south india is catagorically better tbqh, north indians move there.


Oh, i see now.
Thanks for the map

>voluntarily going to India

I believe Ive located an error.

That's a big name.

nope, absolutely not.

where do you suggest.

What do you want to do there?
Gang rape?
Tourist new age religions that did not know the difference from Buddhism and Hinduism?

for you.

wrong image kms right now.

Oh, you think the open defecation is your ally, you merely adopted the poo in loo. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the bathroom until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but weird! The designated streets betray you, because they belong to me. I will show you where I have made my home,

should've been "i will show you where i have made my loo"

Yes, next time...

its all a shithole.

>The Portuguese region is highly developed
What in the fuck? Is it because they have pig toilets there instead of shitting on the street?

I would do somewhere in Goa, Mumbai and Delhi/Agra/Golden Triangle.

Golden triangle is overrated


Pooplandistan? Go to Nepal, kid.

>t. Michael McSharty

Still more hygienic than in the streets.

Are you really saying your diet of bacon grease and feces is more hygienic than a meme created by the white trash self-shitters of Sup Forums?

poo in the loo hahah
the pinbacle of humor
I fucking love Sup Forums

>t. Indian diaspora

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