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What language was she speaking?
Well deserved
Gutter Dutch
German I belive
So...Gutter Dutch?
>he doesn't like femdom bully girls
nigga r u even trying?
Fucking culturele armoe
This white girl is literally attacking an immigrant because of how exciting she finds it. She obviously has a deep desire to fuck this dude. This is what is actually happening in Europe.
>feminism vs islam
And yet another bitch thought she could get away with punching yet another man, only this time she chose Muhammed, and he doesn't give a fuck about your feminist bullshit.
She was hot
It's actually Limburg, "The South" of the Netherlands. It's next to belgium and germany so their speech is all fucked up and retarded
I don't know what's more pathetic , him or his weak ass punch
nah, she deserved it m8.
>punch someone
>dont expect to get punched back
shes lucky he held back
dutch, netherlands
Lol, did I understand correctly that she said "You do not slap women"?
churing chuff chung adulph sloph
horrible language
I don't know what's more pathetic , a space program or his weak sewage system
>You wil never be bullied by a bunch of hot dutch girls.
>Why live
"you slapped me! how pathetic youve become!"
i think
Feminism, boys.
Why would she 1v1 a shitskin?
Stupid girl, they rape and kill wiyhout justice and she just goes out like that?
Fucking hell
you could do better dude
I'm ok with this
Is this some kind of Islamic mating ritual? I'm betting she fuck him shortly afterwards.
That bitch is considered a 4/10 white girl in the netherlands. 90% of Dutch women are hotter than that here.
And by Dutch I mean white, dutch people who have had families here for centuries, not the invaders.
He totally deserve it, little faggot.
"wow all these German boys let me punch them because they're all big pussies, Im sure this arabic guy will allow me to do the same!"
lol Germany you're country is forever gone.
Hitler, I think
I keep meaning to ask, i went to holland recently and saw pik related, what the fuck, is this a big chain there?
American education everybody.
Netherlands is in the same situation as Germany.
this, she clearly wanted to get smacked around and fucked in that dirty bathroom
>Germany you're country is forever gone.
No...come on...change your flag Australia.
nice maymay. bitches here are degenerate whores with no souls. i cant take it anymore
It's a lot less worse.
>defending a cuck getting cucked
Shouldn't have expected any better from nigerland
fake and gay
Because your country is smaller. And I doubt your education system includes: "Hate Netherlands" like in Germany.
But overall. We're all in it.
just noticed that I am posting under Ukrainian flag kek
Come yo Southern London, senpai It's fucked up in here
Good, gender doesn't matter when you attack someone.
He gave her back exactly what she gave him and didn't over react. Why the fuck does anyone think that if you hit someone they won't hit you back.
>normal dutch sounds cute as fuck
>that sounded horrible
Man, watching Darkwing Duck on dutch was the shit back in the days.
That's rich coming from you, India.
Had it coming / 8
It's a female
it's not like they can hurt you
only mra think we should punch women because like feminist they want women to become men
Nostalgic as fuck
spongebob is also way better in dutch
explains enough.
You may not like rap but Tupac knew that you need to keep bitches in check.
I agree with you mate.
he didn't go overboard and his hit back was equal to the one he received . . .. how can you complain about that?
If you assult someone expect to be put in check, simple as that.
>danish girls
But they are very tall by international standards and that's my fetish
good vid
We sure came a long way, but finally i feel equal enough to deck a ho
>Laten we lekker link gaan doen!
kek, what does it mean?
Wasn't it "Zwo, Eins, Risiko!" in German? What is the original English line?
>abusive bully
nigga she was asking him why he called her something (couldn't make out exactly what) then he was being a little bitch and not answering so she got mad and punched him
obviously he punched her back and I'm not saying he shouldn't have, but it's not like the guy was some innocent dude
Amsterdamfag here. Nope, if I recall correctly its the only one of its kind. Then again, you went to the kabab part of town so you were bound to come across this garbage.
Why hit a girl when you can [spoiler]hug[/spoiler] her?
Almost the same happend to me. But on a more mature level. female "coworkers" are the real cancer.
that would be rape, shitlord
ugh, i cant even
You for not shitting in the toilet pajeet
This is what Hollanders, oblivious of their own disgusting speech impediments, think. And why we hate them.
might aswell go all the way then and insert pinor while you are holding her down
Gee wizz, you sure showed me :(
>ITT Dutch siding with shitskins over their women
Now these hoes are going to die for Israel in WW3, isn't equality grand?
equal rights, equal lefts.
Why are women like this incapable of learning?
You just got socked in the face by someone who is clearly much stronger than you, so what do you do? Raise your voice and keep getting in his face.
Like a dumb fucking dog.
t. aardappel boer
Feminists need a dose of reality from time-to-time.
You're a fucking retard, it's those same women who vote primarily to let millions of those shitskins in and be paid for by tax payers because "lol, it's free money". If you were in their country and told her this she'd have you arrested on "hate speech" charges. She'd throw you in jail just for telling her the honest to God truth, how fucked up is that?
I used to feel bad hearing/reading stories of women getting raped by niggers/sand niggers but now I know that it's these very same women that support and champion these "refugees".
It's you that's the retard. You don't know anything about that girl. Your sentiments are what will lead to an Islamic takeover. Islam will extend its hand to you and tell you it will free you from the oppression of feminism and you'll take it. Then the Arabs take your women into harems as the right of conquerors and the native men end up as converts without any wives
It's our responsibility to deal with the women. Not anybody else.
Later she got pounded by ahmed ans she like it.
You guys saw the way se grabbed him
You fucking Randstedeling
Nigger the only people feminism oppresses is attractive, educated women but I guess they can't be that educated if they can't detect straight up bullshit.
Statistically speaking, the majority of women vote for more welfare, open borders/refugees, higher taxes, hate speech laws and gun control, these are the facts. Do you know why the Government in the Western world is pushing more for this crap? Because women make up the majority in the Western world and now they can vote and when they do vote, they vote Democratically/Liberal and the Government is now pandering to them. Do you really think someone against shitskins would be hanging out with one? They'd avoid them like the plague. She's most likely for the rapefugees.
>so cucked he can't even knock out a female
Damn Europe you really are fucked.
Post more videos of females getting punched back
Preferably hard
Greatest hits
I'm aware of what women vote for but if you thought about this calmly instead of reacting out of emotional spite like a woman you'd come to a different understanding. Attacks on white women shouldn't be tolerated at all.
>looks like a late 90s early 2000 vid
>uploaded 2016
Take your degenerate cuckold fantasies away from here, Sven.
That bus driver one, fucking perfect holy shit
Attacks on anyone shouldn't be tolerated but we both know he's a protected minority so nothing will happen to him. Wasn't there a story of some Nordic country arresting a Muslim rapist and letting him go off with a light sentence?
White woman wanted to hang out with shitskins and get herself some diversity, she gets what she wanted by getting culturally enriched. Why did she think it would be a good idea to assault a shitskin known for beating their wives?
That's just the world we live in today, if you have any suggestions on how to stop any of this, I'm all ears.
>Greatest hits
>not available
Can I find it somewhere else?
Don't worry, it was just some whore named Brittany Venti calling feminist dumb sluts for wanting equality when women have it pretty easy. Because of feminist now women must sign up for the draft due to equality and die for Israel too.
Its okay user, anything outside the randstad is irrelevant.
What an ugly sounding language
>Punch a man
>He punches you back
Gender equality. She deserved it anyway, he wasn't doing anything and she struck his face.
We're fucked because shitskin rapefugees can't even knock out the women?
Sure, ok.
Wont load for me
Is it down already?
youtube is
Not as down as your economy
Anybody who's okay with hitting women are either bitter /r9k/ virgins who are just mad at women because they can't get any pussy.
Or, they're just insecure little manlets that can't grab a womans wrists and restrain her.
>inb4 ur a woman
nah just not a faggot.