Average Bong aging

>Average Bong aging


>inb4, THE RAPE posting with rotherham refference

You looked beautiful, UK...

yeah, he and maisie aged like milk

and that girl from BFG, i remember my mom talking about what a cute girls she is and then i explain how bongs age. turns out i was right

Sansa... The rape.

That happened to me except for the nose


is he white?


pedos finally stopped harassing that guy

Which is funny because Sophie turned out to be absolutely gorgeous, and Kit Harrington, too.

truly a master race

Isn't that kid's a Jew though? I always thought he was a little kike.

>Sophie turned out to be absolutely gorgeous

FAS to a T

She is tho

Manjawed, built like a fridge and with the personality of a trashy potato that happens to be a cokehead

She has a potato face

>cant handle a strong jaw

Argentina confirmed not white

leave lily alone

strong jaws are attractive

A woman with a strong jaw means alpha sons with a strong jaw you idiot.

There's strong jaw, and there's manjaw the likes of which made 19th century Americans call you a squarehead

t. faggots

Is that kid wearing makeup? Anglos...

Shit taste
Sansa is perfect.

You are right but that particular jaw is nowhere near the too strong level.

probably photo-shopped by first 3 seasons that general was 50% pedo posting about bran

Superior got actress

> sansa
> strong jaw

alcohol in pregnancy or inbreeding

>this owned most of the world once, mostly through underhanded methods and deceit
It's true, ugly people really are evil snakes. So much for "don't judge a book by its cover"

We wuz ayys and shieet

This happened to me. Till the age of 13 i looked like a child actor, then i became an ogre.

The only GoT waifu.

bottom left is fine

More like the only child actor on the show not to look weird as an adult.

her forehead is wider than my prospects of dying to a carbomb

Hello American soldier stationed over there.

i'm not a burger gobbler fighting for israel while my wife back home gets dicked by tyron
i'm iraqi

Thank you for your cervix.

Are people scared of ISIS on a day to day level, or is it more a general threat that doesn't affect normal life?

>a general threat that doesn't affect normal life?

He really should have gone trap when he had the chance

Makes me wonder... Did the Brits make TES IV: Oblivion?


Ah yes, that's what turns me on with thinking about girls: what their potential boys will look like.

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?


She got recast though.


Oh really? Okay then.