Boy I'm excited.
Spain is the best place to watch a happening.
We're irrelevant, so nobody would want to harm us because they know we'll suck the winners cock anyway.
And we're heavely unemployed so we can sit and watch all day.
Do you really wanna be part of The Happening? Do you wanna? Well then that's fine with me. Come on, let's do it asshole, let's do it. I wanna do it, I wanna do it!
You've got a good taste for movie references. I like you Croatia.
literally fake
You think I'm funny? Funny how?
>>But Professor Einarsson told MailOnline this was not an unusual situation. 'Let me assure you, there is nothing unusual going on with our volcanoes at this time, at least nothing that we are aware of,' he said. 'Business as usual.'
>>will not be as large or devastating as the one spewed out from Eyjafjallajökull in 2010.
Don't forget Cuban missile crisis was Russian response to NATO placing missiles in Turkey.
Prove me wrong.
making russians frustrated since 1918 kek
only love can kill the demon
Goddamn it Iceland, not again. Get your volcanoes under control.
Russia's not in a position to deal with a real war, especially in Europe, right now.
It'll all just be sabre rattling with everything staying mostly as-is
>implying Russia can really stand against NATO
At best(and I mean very best), they will almost take over Balticum, but will be kekstomped back to Mongolia once NATO get their shit together after 5 days or so
The only thing I can see pushing them into action is something to disrupt the whole "EU Army" thing before it happens - but I can't see what they can do without making the EU military seem like an even better idea.
>mfw I will be forced to fight in the war probably
But I like the russians guys, what do ?
Defect. Russia's MO involves local "partisans" so join those I suppose.
>EU military
Where are the troops, tanks and planes coming from?
I assume they're essentially going to requisition them from the member states.
Putin is an old fart, and our goverment are a bunch of corrupted schizophrenics. I wish they all die already.
Hey! So you guys HAVE joined the western world! Welcome to "Democracy"!
>Russia will take measures
To restrict their fruit supply yet further.