We all know about the 27 Club, but who are some musicians who passed away before they even reached that age?

We all know about the 27 Club, but who are some musicians who passed away before they even reached that age?
Ian Curtis was only 23 when he hanged himself

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Nick was 26


I secretly dream about making my magnum opus and killing myself when I turn 23.
Hell, the album cover I have on mind could be a good t-shirt design too, I can see it get the "Unknown Pleasures treatment" :^)

Christina Grimmie

More useful if you kill yourself now.

Of the musicians that died on "the day the music died," Ritchie Valens was 17, Buddy Holly was 22 and the Big Bopper was only a year over the 27 club at 28

Darby Crash was 22


Yung Lean was 19

I haven't finished my album yet, but I eventually will.

Your album will suck.

My album will be considered Sup Forumscore, just watch me!

stop shilling this talentless junkie everywhere

Similarly, the plane crash that killed Otis Redding, who was 26, killed 4 members of the Bar-Kays who were all 17 to 19 at the time


Biggie was a year younger

I keep forgetting how young Otis was. He looked a lot older then he was. Absolute tragedy of a loss.

I just don't think it's going to pan out the way you want it.

Imagine what Holly would have done if he lived into through the 60s and 70s

Why did musicians go all fully formed at such a young age back in the day whereas they tend to start later nowadays?

Although one thing I noticed is new york punk/post-punk artists of the 70s started in their late twenties for some reason

dude rappers get big at 17 years old these days

There's been studies that have shown that people "grow up" slower than they did, say, 40 years ago, so I reckon it's to do with them reaching a level of maturity quicker than people do now. A lot of them would've been out of school and working by their mid-teens, for example.

I meant musicians who innovate, those 17 year olds are not innovating they're just gathering hype with chocolate rain tier internet shit

clifford brown, died at age 26

concentrated garbage. music for 'depressed' 15 year old girls

Of course not, I was only kidding, I'm not *that* delusional.
But, I would like to finish it, and then I'll probably end it for good.

tfw my birthday is on The Day Music Died

gone too soon

jesus i didnt know how young buddy holly was ;-;

Sid Vicious was only 21 when he died

this objectively corresponds with the question OP was asking though

I love the live recording of she's losing control - when curtis screams the lyrics you can feel his pain


Cliff Burton



Dead from Mayhem was 22 when he blew his brains out
Euronymous was 25 when he was killed by Varg