>yeah I play percussion
Yeah I play percussion
Other urls found in this thread:
>dissing the backbone to 90% of all music
>not disliking some retard banging on a bunch of cylinders
That's cuz u couldnt play anything else
When will someone grow some balls and admit most drummers shouldn't be consider actual musicians? Most drummers are idiots who do the most basic percussive shit that any toddler could do. Yeah wow you drum in a "punk" band like good for you lol. Especially rock bands(who still listens to those lol). Only low forms of life are attracted to the drums lbr.
If you're in a band, I implore you to fire your drummer and get a drum machine instead.
Why the hyde pic? Charls Carroll is a drummer
t. steve albini
no matter the instrument you play, you should at least learn to play basic beats on a drum and keep them during a song. It will help you be able to communicate with your drummer so that you can play together better
How do you feel about concert percussion? Or jazz drumming? (like actual traditional trained jazz drumming). Seems like your complaints lie heavily in shitty rock drummers who aren't displaying the full range of the instruments capabilities.
C-Can we go deeper than lim x->inf?