Sup Forums """"""intellectuals""""""

Friendly reminder that kikes are playing you like a fiddle.

Friendly reminder that every time you spam these autistic "14/88 heil hitler gas the kikes" comments, you bring the "hate speech" regulations closer.

Friendly reminder that it's current year, everyone uses the internet and people take the internet seriously.

Friendly reminder that you have the chance to use strategic trolling, but you are too much of an autist to coordinate with others. (e.g. a lot of people said we should use Islam to combat LGBT in comments, but most of you gave zero fucks and kept sperging out plain hate).

Friendly reminder that even if you consider them a gag, your actions have impact on the future of internet freedom.

Friendly reminder that you're acting like the very chimps you hate, flinging shit instead of using common sense and arguments to combat degeneracy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, shut the fuck up, gypo cunt.

Banter aside, best of luck for you guys tommorow brit. Hopefully it will all go down in history as the day you saved yourselves! God speed!

Go on, prove my points.

>common sense

If it worked none of these freaks would be lgbt degenerates in the first place

>Friendly reminder that every time you spam these autistic "14/88 heil hitler gas the kikes" comments, you bring the "hate speech" regulations closer.

Meh, I don't give a fuck desu. Most faggots on this island need purging -- even the genuine low test cucks who browse here do as well.

I'd bludgeon them like baby seals. Not even fucking joking or being edgy. They need it.

Sick of seeing this flag have some faggot saying or boasting about

>pls no bully
>muh civic nationalism
>muh Empire

And just general effeminate phrases and tones. I have offered to meet and fight 7 in the past two months on here none of them offered to take up the scrap/beating.

>Friendly reminder that every time you spam these autistic "14/88 heil hitler gas the kikes" comments, you bring the "hate speech" regulations closer.
Seriously fucking dont understand why faggots keep spamming that shit. Its autism.

It's our job to lead the people back to it. And prevent the kikes from isolating the alt-right the same way they isolated Nazis in a bubble of evil so that everyone could hate them for just being there.

Epic meme gypsy. I don't give a fuck about 1488ers, but they're better than little signallers like you shitting up the board with your faggotry.

How many people want to move to your shithole? Exactly, because the people there are shit-tier "Europeans". Times are tough here now, sure, but not forever like you. You are bound by your shitty DNA to be pathetic...

Do you understand how leftist/kike media works?
Today it's a joke, tomorrow some SJW picks it up and turns it into a Huffington article, in a week you have your average voting citizen reading it and saying "wow, these alt right bullies are indeed unjustified." More and more of your average people will be okay with internet regulations in order to push this """"problematic alt right"""" away.

>If you fight and resist the jews they win


>Friendly reminder that you should ignore paid posts.
Please keep going on, Ishmael.

I swear on me mum m8 - the post

Oh, yeah, the mandatory strawman.
If you can't use your brain while fighting, they win by simply turning your own ignorance against you.

lol id says queer u are a fucking fagit

I was one when I was teenager, not much I can do about you all being cucks. Not myy faulty m80... ;))))

>you have enough courage to fight me
>your a chav

>guys we need to fight and restore masculinity

Make your mind up ypu criminal nigger.

This is a fine example of how it's done, lads.

There's more of us than them. Believe me.

See? And even that's low tier trolling. You can do hell of a lot better.

OP was pretty cool today actually...

This might be a good thing. If the goverment starts to cutt in freedomof speech they might get overthrown faster.

There is 100 000 dislike gypsis
pol have only 2000 ppl
so thats mean normies also disliked this shit

You get a lot of newfags, though, you need to keep educating them.

For that you need a mass of people that matters as a democratic power. But if our comments are plain hate, get taken out of context and ultimately exposed to said mass, they will change their mind and feelings.

People can be manipulated extremely easy - just make them think they're in the right.


You are a verry vice romani.

Sup Forums btfo

do you have any idea whats going on brit cuck faggot??

You are right, naturally.

Which is why everyone should be presenting themselves as ardent and devout Muslims. Someone needs to link a digital Quran. Posters need to study it, and other aspects of Islam.

Try and re-frame the problem.

You have no idea, mate.

But think of google/kikebook/twatter and so on, they're rubbing their hands in anticipation to squelch free speech and push their own agendas. Tell me they wouldn't like that.

Unfortunately OP is right.

While the memes were funny, you can bet your ass a page like HuffPo will push for stronger regulation on speech because of all the evil trolls.

Unfortunately what people don't know is most people here are in the closet beta losers with a cuckold fetish who like to feel powerful by talking about white supremacy.

i'm gay, what are you going to do about it.

Liberals don't listen to facts. Fuck you OP you're wrong. Freedom of Speech forever niggers.

To defeat the jew, one must become the jew

>Shim Burton in "Nightmare before Cismas"

>we should use Islam to combat LGBT in comments
Make it more popular.

Whatever you say, australia


This is the truth.

This will always be the truth.


I can't tell if you're retarded, or if you're so angry that you can't type properly.

Trolls will always be there.
Majority of the normies don't understand that and try to push for regulation.
But no amount of regulation will save them from being physically harmed by an extremist.

It's all about adhering to principle, it's either free speech or no free speech.
And the people who are armed would love to have free speech.
It's survival of the fittest.
People who get triggered by words will never win against those who are hardened by reality and nature.

That's why we must prevent them from being artificially kept alive by a "safe environment."

But this is up to the normies. They have to be educated, and taught that we represent the raw nature of human being, not an extremist group of bullies.

So much this. Glad someone in this shithole of website gets it.

But what can you expect from these inbred miserable underage neets here? To organize? Lol they are the same animals that they attack with their underage sig heil bullshit.

Once again jewish websites proved to be master s of manipulating low IQ humans for their benefit.

First proof : Sup Forums and those comments on that fag video.

Fuck you nigga, il spam my 88 where I please.

And honestly anyone who can hate jewish media for being smarter than them is just pathetic envious butthurt reaction.

I respect their intelligence and how they manipulate every group for their own agenda.

But the tears!

The tears are soooo delicious

I can't tell if you're really anything on an anonymous imageboard of low test cucks like you -- oh wait.

Is that better for you faggots? Snide jabs like bitches?

Fucking faggots all of you...

daily reminder concern trolling doesn't work here

>I can't tell if you're really anything on an anonymous imageboard of low test cucks like you -- oh wait.


I agree Roman but you must be new if you expect any organization from a Sup Forums raid without any proper instructions we were just told to dislike spam, perhaps we should organize something better in the future

Their education will be the realization that we are the better choice compared to living in a pigslam dominated world.
It will be a rude awakening for them once the sleeper cells among the (((refugees))) blow up a lot of the landmarks like in London has Fallen; which, shit, I still have to watch that.


Hey, it's up to us, to every one of us to do it. The more we think "nah, others won't do it" the more we lose the power of autism that has been bestowed upon us by Kek Himself.

Make a thread for raiding anything else lad, will be deleted in a sec

This is just a false flag, all these faggot "internet moderators" share email lists

>His id is "qear"

Made me smile

watch Er Ist Weider Da instead tho. Its pretty dank