What's the best way of getting into a genre without starting with the best stuff?

What's the best way of getting into a genre without starting with the best stuff?

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By starting with the best stuff

Fuck off.


Starting with the stylistic roots or starting with the most accessible stuff. It'll help give you context for the rest of it.

Find a shoutcast stream which plays underground or less popular music in any genre.. theyre out there.

>What's the best way of [listening to music]
by listening to music you dumb fuck.
useless thread

It's not. Bump.

start with the best stuff

Use pandora or something similar. Go to local shows in the biggest city near your town and lurk at shows.

Alright, here are the keys to the kingdom. You’re welcome.


Thanks for actual answers.
Other ironic posts are retarded and i hope they die.

there's nothing ironic about "start with the best stuff" and you're an idiot if you don't do it

Yeah. Because i want to start with the greatest of something i have no reference to.


if you want to expand your horizons then listen to more afterwards

you're the fucking brainlet for not letting yourself listen to something that you think you'd like

>if you want to expand your horizons then listen to more afterwards
You're pretty much doing that when you don't start with the greatest.
You could argue it works way better like that.
You know how many people get stuck with the same Miles and Coltrane or Jazz or Smiths R.E.M for jangle Pop?

yeah but if those people started on something worse they probably would have just got stuck on something worse

Experiencing something bad is better than being feed nothing but the best.
Casual jazz listeners probably wouldn't know what makes a jazz album bad.

no, listening to only Kind of Blue is much better than listening to only some single bad album

the best for most people might not necessarily be your favorite of the genre

kind of blue for example is just super accessible so for music fans, but not jazz fans, it's the "best"

>without starting with the best stuff?

Start with the worst stuff.
Conclude that it's shit and move on to another genre. Rinse and repeat.

Listen to lots of it
>how fucking else