Would you be okay with your country letting in refugees if they all had vaginas?

Would you be okay with your country letting in refugees if they all had vaginas?

fuck me those women are hideous

and hijabs look stupid

Fuck off Ahmed you gross sandnigger

yes, it'd take a while to breed out their shitty genes, but at least a wider section of white males could breed.

Not with those faces. No wonder they want them covered.

no, and those bitches are ugly btw.
we have enough pussy over here.


No, they would be the Trojan horse to bring the rest of the family in.
Unless family reunions are completely outlawed and helping illegals is punishable with imprisonment and expulsion, then it's completely out of question.

> NOPE. Build A Wall, Deport them All.

Only if they are not muzzies and African.

>implying they won't just get redistributed to white convert who are even more radical than the usual Muslim

no thanks, I prefer neither

Actually men are better because at least they work. Muslim women would never work.

canada's only letting in women, children, and gays

"Vagina" is a loose term.

why are arab women so fat?


No, because they'll give birth to sons.
Half-caste sons with serious racial issues more likely to erupt in violence than if they were fullblood shitskin.


Most of them give up after pooping out one or two kids. I lived in Bahrain for a year and got a chance to see most of the GCC and, frankly, the situation doesn't change anywhere else. Oman, Qatar, UAE... all of the dames get chunky after the kids come along.

How about sterilization for citizenship?

The one furthest to the left looks exactly like my 30 year old friend in college but with a hijab.

You guys have a high female/male ratio with all the fags, prisoners, MGTOW around...

I think your country need males to teach the white boy how to be a man.

Death to traitors

glad she`s dead, fuckin whore

>any mixture of literally any race
>more violent than a shitskin
Wew lad let's not exaggerate

No. If you guys want so much to breed with muslims, just go to the middle east

your friend is a shaved ethan from h3h3?

You can fuck Islam out of Muslim women

Offer good sex, respect and Western lifestyle and Islam is forgotten forever.

Fuck them.
They have to go back

fuck no.

and those women wear hijabs for a reason, they should go full trashbag and wait at the curb.