Americans literally have the most retarded traffic laws, which I guess makes sense because the average burger has no idea how to drive on a real road. Stops and traffic lights at every fucking intersection. Ever hear of a yeild sign, burgers? I bet none of you even know who has the right of way at an uncontrolled intersection in pic related.
American traffic laws
Other urls found in this thread:
>slav drivers
We've all seen the youtube dashcam videos coming from your part of the world, don't think you can fool us.
The blue car has the right of way.
Well there on the wrong side of the road. That should be your first concern.
Look at what side of the road the cars are on burger. Red has right of way
I got really mad for a second.
At least our national car isn't the Lada.
>Driving on the left side of the road
that's a moscovich
What's the problem? The cats already went through the intersection. You see here in America where cars the first mass produced cars were created, we drive on the right side of the road
We stop at our intersections
>uncontrolled intersection
What, are you too poor for signs?
Neither car has right of way, as they're both on the wrong side of the road.
Roundabouts fix this problem and cut the avergae journey time too.
we have rotaries in some parts of US
up to a point
My God England. Are you guys afraid of everything?
>Knives are sharp so let's ban them
>Guns can hurt someone let's ban those
>Cars can crash so let's make the roads childproof because we don't know how to act at an intersection
What's next? Are you going to ban rope because it can be used to hang someone? Perhaps ypu will regulate it so it breaks if you use more than 10 pounds of force but wait! What if someone hangs a kid who weighs less than 10 pounds?
I'll concede that in some cases roundabouts are not worth it.
However at the majority of 4-way intersections, especially those with stop signs, roundabouts are a vast improvement.
we have yield signs
Our country is overpopulated, as such our roads have to be as efficient as possible.
65 million people in an area smaller than michigan.
Why is UK always shilling roundabouts? To many civil engineers with a doctorate in roundabouts trying to get some business in America?
>Knives are sharp so let's ban them
Only on illegal knives, justify why you need an illegal knife
>Guns can hurt someone let's ban those
We can have shotguns and rifles with he right licence
>Cars can crash so let's make the roads childproof because we don't know how to act at an intersection
Intersections are the poor man's roundabout.
Because Americans are always bitching about commute times, and roundabouts would help to shut you up.
>They are often safer, more efficient, less costly and more aesthetically appealing than conventional intersection designs
>Are you going to ban rope because it can be used to hang someone?
Fucking hell, don't give our politicians ideas.
We don't need roundabouts in America because we know how to design roads so that 5 or fucking more don't converge at one spot.
The bar for a license is so fucking low here and depending on your state you either have an unsolvable cluster fuck of traffic where everybody on the road learned how to drive in a different state or the polar opposite.
Can't wait for smart cars personally. It's never enjoyable to drive anymore.
plenty of empty countryside in england you faggot. and plenty of room in scotland
All other shit aside you guys shouldn't need a reason to carry around some kind of survival knife. What if you get trapped by your seatbelt in a crash or something?
Are you really implying that roundabouts don't solve a lot of problems? Is the american system so shit that people can't learn the simple rules of roundabouts? Next you're going to tell me you drive an automatic you turbocuck.
Made from Croatian tank parts?
England is only 11% Urban.
You guys should have a population of 600 million.
Time to take in more refugees :^]
Curious. Does it actually say yield on your signs everywhere or is that one just a rare case?
Since that would imply people don't understand the signs, therefore they need text on them.
roundabouts are bretty nice, wish they were more common in burgerland
>plenty of empty countryside in england you faggot. and plenty of room in scotland
Countryside? Yes. Empty? No.
>arbitrarily illegal knives.
Ironically more people actually yield when there are no signs.
Witness any intersection when the light is out. The caution makes people hyper aware and suddenly civilized.
Almost all signs have text on them Dane
>we know how to design roads
But you sure don't know how to control the traffic flow
>I don't know how to drive so can we make everything extremely simple for me
I do drive an auto, and guess what? Autos are faster these days you fucking idiot, at least here in America they are, who knows what piece of shit cars your country produces
Roundabouts are fine till you get to the multilane monstrosities and the rules get weird.
>Ukrainian posting about traffic laws
>90% of gruesome dashboard videos come from the Ukraine
cyka blyat
if +2 cars arrive @ a 4way intersection controlled by a stop sign at the same time, the car on the right (US) has the right away, if 4 cars arrive @ the same time the car to the north has the 1st right away. then proceed to the car on the right.
idk what you do in those ass backwards countries, but it's not right.
But we have these tho
Blue car goes first. Becouse there are no yield signs, this cant be in UK. Therefore people drives right, but these are one-way roads, both.
This. People have gotten worse and worse at driving because they're fucking morons. Automatics didn't help because every dumb ass soccer mom can now drive a minivan or SUV.
The cars in your diagram are on the wrong side of the road sir.
where there's no other indicators (no signage, neither road is more major) it's a first-come, first-serve deal with an assumed give-way at all sides.
Since Blue appears a few pixels further towards the roundabout, Blue wins.
>the car to the north has the 1st right away
let me just break out my compass
This is what I see when I turn into my neighborhood. American roads are heavily labeled to prevent confusion. The blue is lights are for the entrance monuments so people don't run into them
>I bet none of you even know who has the right of way at an uncontrolled intersection in pic related
>right of way
>right of
Traffic on the right. Now go focus on your civil war.
yeah, are you retarded?
If it's a 4 way intersection with equal priority whoever arrives first has the right of way. Otherwise, the driver to the right has priority.
In your case, since you posted an image from some left lane driving country, it would probably be inverted.
So the last to arrive would go first, and you would yield to those to the left if you arrive at the same time.
You drive an auto because you're a fucking cuck who can't manage manual shift.
>claims we don't know how to drive
>drives an auto
This should clear up your misconceptions of our knife laws, a knife used like your example would probably be fine.
Are you saying you have no rules that arrange the right of way in a non-controlled intersection with no lights, signs or painted symbols?
Most traffic in the US is on freeways, not 2 or 4 lane streets.
Americans are so stupid they can't even use manual transmission. Can you imagine that? They're so dumb they don't understand the concept of how gears work. In Europe, most Americans would be legally retarded.
Mythbusters already proved that 4 lane crossings are more efficient than roundabouts
Ecosystem supports farming, you can't jsut cut down countryside without damaging the ecosystem and subsequently british farming.
They are shit when you have more than two lanes. Sorry, but our national infrastructure isn't cobblestone goat trails so this doesn't work.
whoever gets there first has the right of way
and people drive on the right side of the road
only stupid monkeys drive on the left side
prove me wrong
you cant!
>Roundabouts are fine till you get to the multilane monstrosities and the rules get weird.
How are the rules weird in multi lane roundabouts?
>implying everybody else doesn't
(((One post by this ID)))
Stop feeding bait threads, bluepills.
Best drivers: New Yorkers
Worst drivers: every other damn American
>1 post by this ID
Jesus tap dancing christ, will you tards stop falling for these non politics bait threads?
I have the right of way because fuck you
No automatic as an option is relic tier technology.
"The newest automated manual gearboxes shift faster and more appropriately than almost any driver can accomplish with a manual gearbox. It rev matches on downshifts and always seems to be in the appropriate gear. And since the automation for the gearbox includes a level of intelligence (without the accompanying ‘red mist’) they won’t destroy themselves in an ill-chosen downshift from sixth to second on the track."
They exist but people are complacent and let the lights and signs do the work. This is why there are so many accidents that are caused by 'well I didn't think you were going to go' or some variation of it.
In the absence of lights or signs people suddenly become attuned. I think there was some study that showed the same thing.
All of my vehicles have been standard transmission, so no...
>this triggers Americans
Except they did the opposite.
>His country doesn't make auto cars that come with a manual shifting option
Must suck living in such a shit country.
>meanwhile every fucking intersection on a normal 1-lane roads is a 4 way stop with signs or lights
>No facilities for pedestrians or cyclists
>No public transport to speak of
Most of your infrastructure is hilariously shitty.
Multi-lane roundabouts with traffic light systems.
They work at motorway intersections between cities, Americans don't have the need for this since an intersection midway between 4 or 5 large cities will be in the middle of no-where with no traffic flow.
In the UK this might only be 5-10miles out and teh traffic flow ill be pretty high still.
It works for us but won't for you.
Why would that trigger us?
>I do drive an auto, and guess what? Autos are faster these days you fucking idiot
>against manual cars
>against roundabouts
Why, so you can eat a burguer with one of your hands while you wait in a intersection?
I would be fine if people would at least learn to use the fucking fast lane correctly. Speed is relative sure but I'm convinced it's the slow meandering retards that cause all the accidents. After all you don't see many people forced to change lanes etc. to get around the guy speeding.
Refer to:
Specifically 'Knives that are illegal', justify why you need any knife on that list.
>no planet destroying laser in the middle
I'm not triggerd; just dissapointed
>Best drivers: New Yorkers
It's like you've never been to Long Island.
It's almost like the entire country was planned around automobiles and cheap gas.
are you talking about a normal car?
Tard cars are automatic
>they won’t destroy themselves in an ill-chosen downshift from sixth to second on the track."
>Americans try to claim automatics are better
>What they actually mean is 'I'm so retarded that I would break it if it let me choose my own gears'
Every. Single. Time.
The only thing that would be more based than the American roadway would be the american privatized roadway
Or maybe you just have too much lard in your dumb amerifat head to understand that having a parking mode doesn't constitute manual transmission.
What can you expect from automatic transmission drivers anyway?
>american privatized roadway
>driving on the asphalt jew
America has most advanced animal manipulation studies, therefore the first driving monkeys would come from America. As monkeys are stupid, and prototypes are usually inferior, one can conclude that these monkeys would be stupid, and would originate in America. Assuming the American instructors were intelligent enough to teach the monkey to drive on the right, one would say that stupid monkeys would drive on the right. As you state that one cannot prove you wrong, the monkey has been taught to drive on the wrong side of the road. Therefore American instructors are too stupid to teach a monkey to drive on the correct side of the road for their country.
Therefore Americans are stupid.
In order to pass the driving test you need to identify multiple signs by just their shape and color. But yes, the real signs have text. Not gonna lie, however, the driving test is too easy, imo, so many dipshits on the road. The majority of them are non-white/foreigners.
>Best drivers: New Yorkers
You're kidding, right?
yes, but can you hold a starbucks latte and drive at the same time?
Over here you are forced to learn manual or you don't get your license and the learning process is really extensive, the girl that did the exam with me failed, she let the car stall 6 times because she was trying to start moving the car in 3rd gear.
>this triggers amerifats
If you can teach a monkey to drive it's already smarter than your average Australian
Ah, I understand.
Thank you, my fatso friends.
Actually neither of them give way since they are exiting the intersection (if this really is in America). I do not know why both cars would be reversing through intersection
Barely anyone here but old people want to buy automatics, they are available but most people don't want a cuck car.
Haha good one... No, I know the difference, friend