Give me that possible redpill that even you as an edgy basementrotting autist are afraid to explore

give me that possible redpill that even you as an edgy basementrotting autist are afraid to explore

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I don't think you know what redpilled means


porn of any kind is the most effective tool the globalists use to control us

every side has a degree of truth and sense, including the left

evil and selfishness lurks inside all of us, ready to come out

it is all really an absurd game which should be taken with a smile on our faces and not too seriously

Other countries don't actually exist, it is all a big ruse to prove that being politically correct works elsewhere when infact it has never worked.

you need some degree of authority

i bathe in this one
nothing scary about it

it certainly entails not being mexican

im just talking about truths that are so bitter that its hard to accept them this struggle is very real

The Earth is flat

God is real

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams


Juan post by the ID

You would know faggot.

No truth is more bitter than the one your country and race is going trough.

That nationalism doesn't make sense from a logical point of view (nor religion or traditions). They are just necessary constructs that can be used as a tool of uniting people. In itself, nationalism is quite stupid, but it's the power of the tool that is important.

Nationalism is just an expansion of genetic tribalism (which is in turn an extension of the family) to a set of shared ideals.

i was thinking about it today, with all the gay pride thing going on.

can we even be "proud" of something we had no part in or no control? what our ancestors did or if we like dicks or pussy?

i'm against all this gay pride bullshit desu. you like dongs? keep liking them but i don't give a shit. there's no reason to be proud of something you didn't actively choose. you're just born that way.

same argument can be used for your nationality or your race. white pride doesn't make any sense. i didn't choose to be white, i was just born this way. i can be proud of showing courage in the face of fear, of something i created, of my actions and my words. i can't be intrinsically proud of my skin colour.


you can find beauty in whatever you are, you can find positive aspects, motivation. you can elevate the positive qualities of yourself and of your closest kin and people with minds and body alike.

in that case "pride" can work. making the best out of what you are, were and will be. using it as a compass to enrich your inner life, outer life and others.

which also doesn't mean shoving your shit in other people's faces all the time and being an apologist.

Being professional is a joke
The working class is a joke
The ruling class is a joke
The unemployed welfare seekers are a joke
Without leadership humanity will go nowhere
With strong leadership freedoms will be lost
The decline of western society is likely a good thing for humanity
Their is no objective truth
Everything is a meme

Flag checked

>everything is a meme

it really fucking is

yeah u were thinking soo hard and all you came up with were the exact talking points of the media

you didn't read what i wrote or focused on some buzzwords like "enrich" that triggered your meme sense.

pushing the GAY PRIDE agenda in your face is what the media do. it's the opposite of what i wrote.

forcing you to think like they do is what media are doing nowadays. it's the opposite of what i wrote.

if you switch from being pride of the reasons your cock goes up to which colour your skin is, both things you have no influence whatsoever, you're not swallowing the redpill. you're just changing which shade of blue you prefer.

Our leaders understand their mortality and intend to just make themselves rich between now and their deaths.

Anything that happens after their deaths is no concern of theirs. Hey look at this coincidence that Europe will be about 50/50 native/Muslim in a few decades resulting in massive war. Well at least we all got rich while it was happening.

Freewill does not exist and it does not even make sense.

Free will exists in that we respond to hormonal and electrical signals in response to stimulus and that is out of our hands BUT we all respond in our own individual and flawed way.

If nationalism is usefull how can you say it doesn't make sense? If something is usefull then it isn't stupid.

Black Pill: Finns are god's chosen people, descendant of Atlantians, whose whole purpose is to fill the world with memes.

we are played like a fiddle to divide us with hate and fear by globalists who are not jewish in particular.


what does the word meme even means in this sense ?

here you go fritz

The individual and flawed way is based off your genetics and what you experienced previously. If you went back, you would do the same thing everytime. If that turned out to be false, then its random, which is still beyond your control. Once you examine things at the cellular level and lower, you notice that free will just does not make sense. Everything is just a result of physics and chemical reactions.

Humanity is just a collection of ideas which we spread and which we think is best, during which we break the species and destroy our future

a layer of meaning which has intrinsic value in itself and in its being spread around

not necessarily grounded in truth

the concept of truth is also a meme


Being proud of your nation doesn't mean you'r literally proud of inventing something or winning a war. No one goes "Hey, I invented the printing press because i'm german". Being proud of your nation means you are proud to have the same worldview and mentality that permitted those people in the past to achieve great things.


>German flag

>opinion disregarded.

the concept of "meme" is a meme, making memes the most meta concept in existence


What is with this basement dweller meme? Every polfag I meet in real life has a job, pays taxes, and is simply tired of giving what they earn to people that do not deserve it. Thoughts?

how would you meet legit basement dwellers in the first place? you are subject to perspective/sample bias

The ultimate red-pill = Trump isn't really running a presidential campaign and has no intention to winning. It is just a scheme to make money.

Trumps campaign finances were just released and that (along with his refusal to actually fund raise or campaign in swing states) all point to his "campaign" being an elaborate hoax to get con people out of money. It turns out he does take money from donors, which he pretty much just pockets. I'm too scared to actually look any more into it though. I'm going to be devastated when it turns out to be true. I'll probably kill myself.

The basement dweller meme can be dismissed as well when requiring burden of proof.

>polfag I meet IRL

Cool story.

I've thought about this. If it's true I feel like I will slip into the careless existential phase. Sounds edgy I know, but it's the best way to cope with things. Then after I'm over that, I feel I will only get more extreme politically. America is more fragmented than ever, this won't end well whatever happens.

Time is an illusion, nothing more than metaphysical slavery, speaking of metaphysical slavery language cannot contain the horrors of reality

Hi #correcttherecord! I give your post a 2/5. Leave the "want to kill myself" from the end, it's a little too obvious

Time ends once you die and the innermost workings of the universe will be revealed to you

>horrors of reality
You mean the biochemical response you get whenever you see something that seems unpleasant to you? I agree though, language is limited.

What is a biochemical reaction but the seed of Satan, a plaything for mechanical elves and angelic frogs

>being proud of your nation doesn't mean you'r literally proud of inventing something or winning a war

well, I agree with you on the substance of your reasoning, but a lot of shitters are just doing what i greentexted.

nationalism today seems better than what we have because it's more locally focused than the EU conforming shit

i like having things on a local perspective, maybe because i'm italian and we're basically Parochialism: The Nation, but mainly because I consider


a human value. Individualism, culture, different shades of unique beauties coming from different people.


people should have the rights to live were they grew up, to stick to familiar sense, to their tribe. also travel and do your own shit, but we need a compass in life. tribalism is a human trait that no globalist jew will ever be able to weed out from our genes.

so yeah, nationalism is better than what we have, in a sense of being something more locally focused, but nationalism can also be a conforming meme that suffocates different cultures and people together, only to use them as cannon fodder for some shit war.

>afraid to explore

Trump is paying the Clintons to stay in the race via foreign subsidiaries. He knows the DNC was too cucked to ask her to step down during an FBI investigation. He also made a deal with Putin to terrorize the DNC in exchange for scaling back NATO.

lol I just started reading my first manga (I know this post sounds autistic) but is that from Full Metal Alchemist? Or does every anime/manga look the same?

>no control over homosexuality

Wew lad

The NSA, CIA, and FBI are measures to create a president from birth through indoctrination. First you must instill in a human being a sense of national pride. Then you tear everything this person knows with nihilism. Then you provide this person with the opportunity to influence as many people as possible.

Cool story Finland. Shouldn't you be out fucking moose?

There is an antenna in my butt, but it's further up than 2 avocados.

May I feast upon the fallen soldiers? May I ingest their tangy stench, May touch the black sun and kneel before my sinful bride?

I'd probably just give up on politics all together if Trumps deceit is revealed. If we can't trust a old money billionaire NYC socialite who has an office on wall-street.... who can we trust?

>is it from FMA

obviously, user

Netherlands is more Germanic than Germany (even if you don't count the shitskins).

There is always hope, never give up user. Remember there are millions of people like us, and the next generations are already starting to rebel against this sjw bullshit. I am cemented to politics indefinitely, as long as I have a family and all, I will always express our best interests. Besides what else will you do with your life? Fuck it man never give up.
Sweet, my girlfriend recommended it to me. Nice to see others enjoy it as well.


>watching anime based on your girlfriend's recommendations

I needed to start somewhere, I am reading the manga btw never saw the anime. She also recommended Kingdom. I am a newfag with this shit. And sorry I don't want to slide this thread off topic.

The ultimate redpill is you that should have took the blue.

well, i consider it the same as a fetish. you can't really choose or explain why your dick is getting adamant at the sight of something, be it feet, shit, boobs or other dicks.

you can choose what to do afterwards with it, but that's a completely different level.

>unironically having a fucking rage comic meme from 2009 titled "drumpf" saved

Get the fuck back to Plebbit mate, your shilling is shit tier. Like the based finn said, too obvious.

there's literally nothing wrong with fma/fmab

>you will never live a degenerate lifestyle with ako and riko
Why even live

i'm more of a mikazuki guy 2bh.

Mikazuki is just a slut and has no real concept or understanding of love

I see the appeal user, finally a girl that's had more cocks in her than you.

God or magick being real.

The reich was destined to fail and collapse on itself.

Also read these gentlemen and Guenon.



That just sounds like nihilist depression

>it's true

top kek. as long as they teach school children how to use a dildo it's alright i guess.

Also, sauce me on some dank lolis.

It's called reality
A lot worse
But you can take it in a positive light

The Internet is the single most degenerate thing in our recent history.

You need to throw away your PC and quit it for good if you ever truly want the "redpill"

nothing of worth can ever come when you're addicted to the screen.

Also, modern technology is a demonic goddess cult and comes from Lucifer

Here's another pill:

the main reason for all the faggot shit is because of straight men enabling premarital sex to be normalized.

it's YOUR fault for not waiting for marriage that fags, polyamory and all that shit ever was allowed to permeate the culture. Becuase in the end homosex is the same degeneracy as straight sex with contraception and/or outside wedlock.

If you're anti-gay but don't believe fornication is equally abominable you're a hypocrite. If you shame males for being virgins you're a hypocrite.

that's degenerate user.

Pubescent girls are evilutionarily a-ok to fuck and we're just being cucks about protecting muh jinities.

Too many fucking links. Too dense of a read, you faggot.

the ultimate red-pill that is hard to diget is the acceptance of the fruits of evolutionary psychology

Sven, you make proud of being your rapebaby.

this is true but only within marriage

Arranged marriage at a young age was a good thing. Otherwise lusting for a woman of ANY age is degenerate

Democracy and freedom will win.

Free will doesn't exist. Everything that has happened or will happen, every decision we make, every thought we have, is part of one long casual chain stretching back to the beginning of the universe.

nationalism is just an excuse for your inferior complex/insecurity.

I'm afraid to think about this because it makes me feel like an edgy anarchist. But modern work is just horrible. Working 8 hours a day is just not natural and it why we're all so terribly unhappy with modern society. It's boring, so, so boring, it's draining, it feels useless. We're evolved to enjoy work like hunting, or building shelters with the tribe. We're just not meant to sit in an office for 8-9 hours and do stupid petty tasks.

Globalism, on the long run, for humanity, might be the best possible option.

Imagine one homogeneous community spread world-wide with a strong sense of nationalism about being human.

True peace is the polar opposite of true freedom. But true freedom can't exist, because we are slaves to our own genetics, and even if we learn to manipulate these genetics in a way that we eliminate all "negative" factors, we would still be bound to the laws of this universe, bound to the number of different possible genetic sequences, bound to the elements that exist etc. And true peace can not exist, not if even a shred of freedom or "luck"/randomness exists. Thus some people will (knowingly or not) always gravitate to one or the other, and they are at constant odds. The "true" answer therefore is neither peace, nor freedom, but eternal struggle: Chaos.

>that fat ugly stupid nationalist cellermoron meme

Actually I am in good shape.




Women are the ultimate blue pill.

Hear them, and be decided.

Prove me wrong.

reality is someones idea of a joke