wow this really makes you what did he mean by im greek
>How to get everyone to vote leave
Just let us make all the decisions goy, we have your best interests in mind we swear.
Software engineer with college degree from 12 years ago. England must leave eu
Yes, rank disdain for the working classes will surely convince them to vote for the cause you support.
I love it when the left publicly turns on the working class, shows them up for the contemptible manipulators they really are.
Despite what you britbongs think, no one on Sup Forums actually gives a fuck if you leave or remain in the EU.
This really made me think
Oh yeah, the famous "leftists are more educated" argument. Yeah because having a women's studies degree and being a column writer for some bullshit website clearly makes you intellectually and professionnally superior over a carpenter, plumber, welder, the people who actually make society work.
This is essentially what the remains, and the EU in general, come down to: you're too stupid to decide how your nation is run, let the "smart" people do it for you.
Because studying English in an English speaking country makes you above everyone.
Tells me everything I need to know about the Remain cucks
They only accept working as a barista at Starbucks with liberal arts degree majoring in womyn's studies as respectable career
>silence the proles
It tends to be the people at the bottom who get shit on the most.
What did I mean by this?
>All the people who do real work want to leave.
>All the parasites and suits want to stay
Yeah...I'm leaving.
Almost every single one of them, actually.
Better luck next time.
I care a great deal. Britain leaving would be a major blow to the globalist agenda.
And then they have the nerve to say "Why do you vote against your economic interests?" When the "uneducated" give them the finger.
hi i am genius with 187 IQ student of hardward university i am voting for stay in EU its best for england and pleas follow my leed because i am smart
>Be leftist
>Claim to be representing the workers class
>Degrade it
Since when did Sup Forums start following Marxism?
Probably exactly what you said, m8.
Construction engineer. Britain needs to get out of the EU.
>people get triggered by a facebook post, come to pol to circlejerk themselves so they don't need to argue
the guy in OP is oh so right.
>elitist Jews are trying to scare students by telling them their gap year will be more expensive.
Wow OP, completely BTFO. HAve not seen them doing this for...oh, the past year. You are correct, completely BTFO.
since some weird shit happened in which the left became almost entirely middle class.
You just don't understand, Sweden. It's better for the working class to not be able to fish their own waters, make their own steel, and have to follow onerous regulations for shit they aren't even exporting.
If we leave the EU, I might not be able to possibly have the decision to someday move to Czech Republic in the future if I may want to
This desu senpai. I left a decent paralegal job for construction a year ago and am loving it.
One of these two jobs actually gives me freedom to use my creativity and have an impact on society and the other is paralegal.
Since the left threw the working class under the bus. No, iPhone app designers, benefit riders and doctors in feminist studies do not constitute the working class.
"The poor and uneducated must realise that we know best and their opinions arent as valuable as ours. Why are you voting against us and therefore your best interests? Dumb racists. Thats why you are dumb and poor." These people are becoming a caricature of themselves.
It's not Marxist to acknowledge the existence of social classes or the dynamics between them. Social classes existed and were discussed before Marx.
>These voters aren't working
Wow, what an argument. Seriously though, why are you letting your country get cucked by the EU? They're gonna send the muzzies to you and then what? More unemployment, less money for you, Sharia law, etc. Etc.
Holy shit guys, David Beckham said we should Vote Remain. Lets all listen to the Millionaires with nothing to lose either way.
Nobody ever said the upper class isn't a right bunch of elitist bastards that should burn at the stake.
We only say that people do not have the right to take their wealth and distribute it.
What part of having disdain for people who think they know best how to run a nation and disregard the will of the people is Marxist?
2.1 at Leeds Uni.
Suck a dick, paella nigger.
>Dos Hermanas, Spain
really makes you think
>Wanting sovereignty
>Hating people who do absolutely nothing beneficial for society sell us out because it benefits them and they don't care about our national heritage and cultural values
This isn't Marxism m80. This is Nationalism.
Great point. Obviously the people wanting change are just the losers of current policy. Pay no attention to them
Fucking word filters
Norway cares, and Norway would be happy if Britain left. I think many nations trapped inside the EU would be very happy if Britain left, and showed them that there is a way out that they can follow.
1st class Master of Mathematics from Warwick.
Vote Leave
>talking about careers
If you are white then you are welcome either way.
Otherwise fuck off we are full
>1st in maths
Fucking everybody gets a 1st in maths, the award system for STEM is a fucking joke, tell me you got a 1st in law, English lit or history (something that requires some seriously good brain power) then come back to me.
that settles it, I'm a #remainbrain now
Leftists have nothing but contempt for the working class.
NEET in late 20's who has never paid tax in uk and has only worked in the EU.
If we based voting on intelligence then no nigger, Paki or woman would be able to vote.
As soon as one country leaves, or when Turkey enters.
Sup Forumscucks on suicide watch
>Haha I called you dumb because you didn't vote for the, obviously, correct option!!!
If anything, educated people know that a change must be made in order to shake up economies and make undeveloped countries offer better jobs, thus, reinforcing their economies, however, liberashits tend to think they're always right, for some reason.
>don't let the uneducated decide
>better import more uneducated
as they should. working class right wingers are subhuman and should be worked to death in camps.
>Naaihl Haq
>Nail Hack
Shit name
Woah, guess I'm a #remainmissile now
EU is the sole reason they don't have careers and aren't well educated.
I will never recover.
You know, that would be a fair assesment if the "educated leftists" would be educated in any relevant field.
Having a phd in underwater basket weaving or womens studies does not make you an intellectual magnat.
The working class are, hilariously enough, the last bastion of genuinely right wing ideology.
The best the elite can do is provide us with Milo Yiannopoulos and Peter Thiel, who are just as globalist as their left-wing counterparts. Meanwhile, the working class are electing Donald Trump and buying a historically unprecedented number of guns in a last-ditch effort to protect their culture and income.
Since the left turned into Bourgeoisie fat cats that talk down to the workers
My brother has almost completed his masters at a top 10 uni, my other brother is in the final year of his degree at a different top 10 uni, I am about to start my degree at a top 10 uni after working in London for 8 years and my Dad is a multimillionaire who retired at 50, we are all voting leave. Your move OP.
Sorry, but being globalist is hardly a bad thing in todays times. We are no more tiny isolated countries and we can not function as one anymore without making giant sacrifices for the people living in such an isolated country.
The globe is getting smaller and smaller and you need to adapt to that even with nationalism in mind.
you're just regurgitating memes you hear on Sup Forums.
in either case, you are showing your underage heavily by suggesting your college major is relevant at all. just having a sheet of paper that says you graduated college is all you need to work for a lot of businesses and make a fine living. i know music majors, history majors, and so on who work in sales, marketing, and and supply chain. i major'd in writing myself and now i work for a software company that focuses on statistical forecasting.
tl;dr grow up and get a job faggot
"Educated" leftists like you need to be killed. You offer nothing to the world except snide criticism and shit on the people that make your existence easy.
When the day comes, people like you will be the first against the wall.
>law, English lit or history
>requires some seriously good brain power
Yes, let's just consolidate global power into the hands of a few, nothing could possibly go wrong. Globalism is cancer and erodes the rights and freedoms of the common man.
>start reading thread
>mfw pol becomes red in a decade
>I hate democracy
the post
I don't complain about women and leftists voting all day either
whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo.
does it trigger you that "evil leftists" like me make good salaries, fuck women and own property while you fiddle with your pencil dick at mommy's house?
the irony is the only beta bitch here is you. stop whining and get a job.
this isnt marxism, this is nationalism.
>When the day comes, people like you will be the first against the wall.
The joke is, that's also what the commies did with them.
you do none of those things
i just closed on a house near boston on june 3rd, and my wedding is sep 17. like i said, whatever helps you sleep bud
And they was right. From stick to the atomic bomb.
When will this meme end? I'd argue that a great deal of education is designed to actually make you less intelligent.
>regurtitating memes
The friends of mine who went into shitty unis with no real life applications are all complete lefties. Mostly social studies and art. One chick who went into art i actually had to forcibly remove from my apartment after she had a muh racism meltdown and threatened to kill herself.
On the other hand the rest of the friend who went into computer technologies and like 2 guys going to be doctor are all right wingers.
I stopped my college education (architecture), because i had a job offer first year into it. Did the few exams i required to get the proper certificates for my job, and was steadily employed since then. So yea, i bet its just muh memes right?
Best thing my biggest leftie friend who studies social studies can come up with what he can be employed us? In a fucking museum or library... also they will prefer anyone with a historical or a literary education. But hey, his choice to be unemployed.
check your privileged education shitlord
Literally everyone I know voting remain have a humanities degree amd a shit job.
T. Test analyst for a pension company voting leave
Oh my God. They've got some Farouq Habib guy from the White Helmets saying how glorious she was because she looked after Syrians.
Didn't give a fuck about the thousands of young white girls nearby who got raped, en masse, by muslims though did she?
>brexit and Sup Forums
eat shit commiescum
Why don't you bin a knife into your eye socket,lad?
Very educated. Used to be in this country even the dumbest of rocks could pull this off. Still is.
Why do you feel the need to brag to strangers on the internet that will just call you a faggot anyway? You think because your a bitch boy real estate agent and possible future divorce statistic it gives your opinion anymore validation?
Like I said, scum like you will be the first against the wall. But whatever helps you sleep at night.
education is a code word for indoctrination
Let me guess, people supporting 'Leave' were not smart enough to withdraw their bank accounts and exchange their life savings into a currency that will still be worth something come friday.
How many remainers have a career at all?
This guy must be retarded.
Most of them.
And most of the Vote Remain camp are unemployed liberal arts students.
Brexit would only make EU stronger. We do not need deserters amongst our ranks.
>Stupid poor people! Why did we give them the vote!
This is a dangerous attitude to have.
Are you hired to find out the opinions of the goy?
posting crap on twitter is their career
>the uk going full on gas the peasants class war now