Rallying cry to the Scots of Sup Forums

As a proud Scot I call on my countrymen to leave the EU but also vote to keep Britain together. An independent Scotland is a falsehood, as the first act that new Scotland would take would be to join the EU. This is not true independence and anyone who tells you otherwise is a globalist shill.

The ignorance of my countrymen is real.

I foresee the following:
>UK votes to leave the EU
>Scottish turnout for this vote is relatively poor
>SNP blames English vote for carrying Scotland out of the EU against it's will
>SNP push for second independence vote
>this time the vote YES to leave the UK wins
>Scotland leaves UK
>Scotland joins EU
>Rest of the UK bring annual immigration figures back to a reasonable level of 30,000 (using a points based system ie austrailia
>Scotland gets hugely cucked by the EU and migrants of europe use Scotland as a doorway to their families living in London, Birmingham and the like
>tensions rise between scotland and the rest of the UK
>all the while our Scottish landscapes are destroyed with new housing demands and our qt3.14s are pumped full of subhuman seed

When you consider the fact that on average 300,000 immigrants have came to the UK for the last 5-10 years, a figure of this size coming to Scotland alone, a population of 7 million. It's fucking terrifying.

Scotfags have to understand that an independent Scotland will only result in one thing; being a slave to the EU. There are too many pro-EU sycophants leading this country. The only way forward is to keep Britain together and keep Britain strong.

I want off this wild ride. I am no unionist and am infact a Roman Catholic with an Irish name. The influence and mindset of the people who raised me and I grew up with I find to be incredibly cancerous. Scotland as a country has not significantly been fucked hard enough by immigration. When it does you're going to wish you took the right steps to get Britain OUT.


Why don't you just fucking leave?

scotlands population is 5 million, apologies



Fuck England

nz is getting 60,000 a month migrants a month with a population of 4 million

only to end up back in the EU, being forced to accept those 300k immigrants into Scotland alone?

don't get me wrong most of them would illegally head south but we'd get fucking desolated.

>don't get me wrong most of them would illegally head south but we'd get fucking desolated.
Thats the whole point haha.

Also don't you see the irony in wanting independence from the EU but still wanting to be slaves to the UK?

You just want to trade one cunt for another, I say lets get rid of both cunts. We only just lost the vote last time by a few %, we are guaranteed to win it if the UK leaves the EU.

>I am no unionist and am infact a Roman Catholic with an Irish name. The influence and mindset of the people who raised me and I grew up with I find to be incredibly cancerous

Are you me?


that image barely qualifies as a neighborhood.

naw this is just garbage juvenile take mate.

We won't get rid of both 'cunts'.

Call them what you want but I'd rather have the Prime Minister rule me than Juncker

>As a proud Scot
Proud of what? Scotland is Sweden with less niggers

>Britbongs laughed so hard when Scotland voted to remain
>now they desperately want the Scot's help to leave the EU

So you're asking Scots to stop being Scots?

How do you plan to leave an island?

Scots are bongs you fucking retard

Yes yes, well done Brexit, well done Brexit.


Recent events must be taken into account and I have a few last minute votes to award.

For the brave sacrifice of Miss Jo Cox, 500,000 votes.

And finally, to the nation of Scotland. For voting against independence last year. I award RemaIN 600,000 votes.

>voted "yes" on independence
>ended up glad it came back "no" when the migrant crisis happened since the SNP would have cucked the country to hell and back
>voting "leave" tomorrow to redeem myself

I might have complaints about London but they're no EU aka Just Fuck My Nation Up Senpai

>this never happened

London is the place you should be really worrying about people voting stay. I don't know very many people who care enough here to vote desu

An artistic impression of the Scottish highlands in 2020

Nobody moves here and we have terrible fertility tho

Well said, I think it's not just enough to leave the EU though, we then have to boot out all the people who dragged us there and tried to chain us to it. The likes of Sturgeon and Mandelson, they must go.

I'm not paying to have some crackpot old Belgium teach you migrant tricks.

The mindset of unionists that I grew up around, staunchly protestant orangemen is just as cancerous.

I'm voting leave and I'll vote to stay in the UK but not for the reasons these parasites have.

If we get out the EU and we have another independence vote I'll vote no for the same reasons you listed. The Scottish government is so liberal and left we'd be swamped with rapefugees within months.


Westminster is the GREAT SATAN, not the EU

>5 million
Fuck me, that's LESS than the population of London (which is probably why London is such a shithole).

>This time the vote YES to leave the UK wins
Why do you think this? Last time they had virtually every electoral advantage, yet still couldn't break 37% of the total vote.

Now, all their advantages are gone, so even Sturgeon with all her blustering knows they'll do even worse.

3.5 million more people live in London than Scotland.



>Article 1, Paragraph 4 of the proposed Scottish Constitution states "An inclusive definition of citizenship, with reserved rights of residency for non-citizens resident in Scotland at the time of independence. Voting age is 16."

>want an independent Scotland
>don't want to be in the EU
Which ideal should I abandon, lads

Inependent Scotland.
There is no independence if the current party elite doesn't change to actual nationalism and desire for sovereignty.

>wanting an independant Scotland

Lets assume they give up on their EU cuckoldry obsession, that means your people aren't going to give up on "progressive politics" cuckoldry.

Are you me?

England and the rest don't seem to want to genocide us so probably stick with them for now.

Fuck the EU.

See how the UK does separated from the EU first, then think about am independent Scotland.

I'm in favour of Scottish independence in theory, but Scotland's currently way too socialist for it to work right now. If Scotland starts leaning right (highly unlikely that'll ever happen sadly), then I'll be fully in favour of splitting from the UK.

I can't fucking wait. Half day on Friday then out for beers.

Let's fucking have it lads.

Pick the one you can afford. You have like no pocket money

>If Scotland starts leaning right (highly unlikely that'll ever happen sadly), then I'll be fully in favour of splitting from the UK

I think you're putting the cart before the horse.

Scotland's politics is skewed to the left precisely because it isn't independent. Normal voting patterns are distorted by the constitutional question.

After independence, things will normalise and traditional left-right politics will emerge.

>After independence, things will normalise

If you think this is reality you obviously haven't seen voting trends of Scotland the past few decades. You almost always solidified a Labour victory, this only didn't happen recently because you fucks started voting for the cuck party, or are you going to state Scots voted Labour/Libdems for all those years for independence?

People seem to be switching to the right these days, you'd be surprised.

I know we have a long history of left wing politics, but times change. I can see a radical shift of politics once the underdog mentality and "scottish cringe" finally disappears.

Scotland used to be on the right and still very much is, they are just voting for the SNP to say fuck off to Westminster for wasting the oil money and fucking over both Scotland and Northern England, they are and always will be robber barons.