It's time for a YRYL thread
Summerfags need to get mentally raped
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll start us off with some good shit.
That's enough for a little bit.
lost, fucking reddit subhumans
that's the most repugnant motion achievable by humans
This one always fucks with people.
>it is there by permission, not by right
I swear these people are beyond retarded. When you create a fetus inside of your own body with your own cells, it doesn't have much of a fucking choice. At this point just say that the lives of fetuses are worthless and get over with it.
I want absolutely nothing to do with artificial penis depicted in that series of drawings, or the hideous simian gyration exemplified in the video
the current year is hell
>Ugly retarded dumbo won't reproduce ever
Why should I be mad about this?
been lurking since 2012 though but I am extremely weak against degeneracy being promoted to children, these are our future.
> be medical student with a very high IQ
> be "genetic bull"
> impregnate SJW's with high IQ seed
> TFW in 20 years the high IQ children rebel against leftist brainwashing and turn nazi
are those things real? I lost it at the "aromantic" cripple
It's real. But it doesn't work like they want it to.
how do these sick bastards even exist? they're entirely incompatible with reality - there's no way they'd survive a single second in the outside word
That's OK, the white evangelicals are out-breeding the white liberals anyway.
Bumping, noticed the thread the other day made a lot of summerfags go mad
>gender dysphoria bug
>aka common sense
Thing is that girls who are ACTUALLY good at stuff don't go running around looking for validation. These are attention whores and they are a disgrace.
Thankfully she has spared a child a lifetime of ridicule that comes with having such a huge forehead .
i thought this was a YLYL thread but i finally realised why nothing was funny
> summerfags need to get mentally raped
> therefore I'll create a thread that attracts the most summerfags
Should be posting some good ol' 1488 threads
mentally ill
opinion discarded
I swear I can't tell if this person's comics are satire or a subtle redpill, or just altogether brainwashing.
You tell me
haha that really happened? top kek.
Yep, earlier this year
>yfw no longer rage at this shit
>you just hearty laugh as the ship sinks into the abyss
>Go back to you're hard sciences
I'm not one to be a grammar nazi, but it's a little ironic to be criticizing an entire gender's grasp of a subjective field without grasping even the most basic concrete mechanics in that field.
The only thing these posts are doing is making me go WTF. Like, I'm shocked these people exist.
that has to be a troll post, both of those. theres no way actual human beings think like that.... r-right?
What the fuuuuuck is wrooooong with these people.
I love these threads.
When they ayylmaos said
I'm pretty fucking god damned sure they were talking about this.
I have very high aptitude for English and art classes. And I remember it being blacks and women keeping the pace down
What would Francisco Franco think?
take a look at tumblr some time, these people are fucking insane
it's too early for this level of degeneracy
fucking nuke us back to amoebas
that's the right thing to do though
except the part where she stays with a cuck to raise a child
and the part where she's a degenerate cheating whore
but otherwise, she had the right idea
And then you realize you are on this ship too diego.
You should check out plebbits twochromosones
or some shit
They need help.
When you marry someone you're saying "this is who I will have children with".
But far be it for me to criticize cuckoldry.
fuck me, luckily that person hasnt had a child yet.... but if it did, would that not be child abuse? basically just pushing your child to be homosexual? surely thats...wrong no?
>child abuse
>I don't think I have actual penis envy.
I am afraid summerfags may be already mentally raped, user sir.
Clint Howard with earrings
well she's a cheating whore but the idea itself is pretty right wing and not degenerate
so what's bad about this? if they don't reproduce their numbers will dwindle naturally
I got news for you son......
Also checkedddddddddd
Serious question. Have you guys ever stopped and thought to yourself that maybe you've already died and this is hell?
I'm starting to ponder that more and more lately.
See, I have some sympathy with this one, since it clearly shows the person suffering from mental illness.
But then they go around and try to normalize it and that's just not right. Mentally ill people need help not someone that tells them to indulge in their illusions.
Why don't we promote this? If a woman is too retarded to not smoke and drink while she is pregnant, or she doesn't have a husband that keeps her from doing these things, then letting her destroy her children is the best way to remove her genetics from the gene pool.
>human trash doesnt reproduce
thats fantastic
but lets be honest here. its not that she doesnt want children. she simply cant get children because noone wants to be with such a dumb ugly nasty person
is there an end to this madness bros
Meh. Post niggers punching old ladies and maybe it will work.
This can't be real. This has to be a troll. I refuse to believe people have become so removed from personal responsibility that they have these levels of mental gymnastics to justify ruining a life they created.
I mean holy shit can you imagine if someone said something like this 10 years ago? The moral outrage? Now people are probably giving her virtual pats on the back and will start a hashtag supporting her decision
>Get raped by a landwhale
>Traumatized, can't get your dick up for months later on
>Be glad someone raped you
Who cares, the band is playing and the ride was nice.
Davy Jones' locker will be fine.
He said that we couldn't be left alone. And damn it if he wasn't right.
She could've just gone to a sperm bank
if we could convince all lefties to do this, the next generation would just be all retards and not dangerous at all
Are you really this dumb? That won't do anything except fill this planet up with more useless people, and we already have enough of those.
That bull-dyke's face on the right ... you can't tell she still isn't satisfied, her son will have to be a sissy for her to ever aknowlege her.
but why?
10 years ago people like that were still a thing. You'd have to go waaay back. Back to a time before you were even born.
>isn't it more important that I have healthy a baby, than keep up some 5000 year patriarchal tradition of genetic heritage?
>genetics mean nothing
>continues to actually use the man with the good genetics to impregnate her
The term is RACIST BIGOT. Most Americans are racist but would say their not. What they mean is their not a bigots
Because we are better than them.