>there are journalists browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW for their next article on grassroots internet racism
Please screenshot this post and include it in your piece, I want to be famous
>there are journalists browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW for their next article on grassroots internet racism
Please screenshot this post and include it in your piece, I want to be famous
i'll have to check with my rabbi first
aye strewth mate OH GAWD A SPOIDA
Momiji to the Huffpo frontpage!
I masturbate to cute boys in skirts. Screenshot this.
but that's an incubus (female)
Who doesnt?
They came to the right place. Fuck the year round summer kids on Sup Forums
Hi Journos *waves*
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
I'm surprised they haven't already. Yesterday someone started a thread about Brevik and every user approved because those teenagers would have become liberals.
>draw girl
>add penis
>cause confusion
why is this allowed?
Hi journos, I hope you enjoy your visit to our Azerbaijani wood instruments board!
why not?
"Young whites know they are about to get fucked over, and that is a good thing!"
Cocksuckers, all of them.
>implying these pseudo-"journalist" bloggers have the intelligence to browse Sup Forums
>intelligence to browse Sup Forums
ayyest of lamos
how exciting
>he thinks he's smart because he knows how to use a web 1.0 anonymous imageboard
lel hello rebbitor
Silly Trumpkin
Your shitty cartoon isn't racist in itself. Put a Trumphat or swastika or white nationalism symbol on it or something. We need to let our audiences see how racist it is.
Huffington Post better expose all the old white Jews that run the world wide money printing scheme.
Oh, wait. Evil is Good when anyone but a white male does it. Evil is Righteous when Jews do it.
journalist kikes gunna get a visist :^)
I wanna be in the news too!
but we are just a peaceful anime imageboard. what could they possibly want here?
White people are the devil.
How did I do?
Post smug
Smuggest gril coming through