>ISIS minister prays with his goatbros in a UK park flying the good ol' black n white
>citizen reports it
>cops find he and goatbros
>touching cop
>yelling at cop
>cop does literally nothing

In the US, this Jihadi faggot would have a knee on his neck in two seconds. Good job UK. Sweet police force, you sure know how to keep the British people safe and secure.

Brits are a bunch of faggots

im sure there are plenty upstanding brits who care about the security of their nation and recognize the need for a police force that isn't entirely cucked fampai

The only thing wrong with this post is that they will cease to be "Brits" tomorrow when they vote remain.

They will then be Eurocucks until the Muslims take over and turn them all into jizya paying dhimmi fuccbois

Now I kind of want remain to win so that I can have the satisfaction of simply calling Brits Europeans and watching them seethe with rage.

Either outcome, Sup Forums wins.

I can't stand ungrateful immigrants, nothing makes my blood boil. To be so entitled that you can come into another country with different values and expect them to kowtow to you. even if these guys aren't first gen fuck em anyway.

i understand this point of view, australiafag.

same if trump loses.

the butthurt would be amazing


it is written in the quran, some bullshit like "allah has granted all their posessions to you" or some shit

so they actually think it's just a down payment, something they already own

Fuck you

And you

Especially you

You as well

Why are British police so cucked :(

There should of been massive union movements and strikes when they took away patrolling officers firearms.

In Australia it's been illegal to display an ISIS flag for a few years now.

Thought it would have been the same in England.

We actually had a problem here when a terrorist took hostages and one of his demands was an ISIS flag, and the police basically phoned up a bunch of suspected terrorists to find out if they had any spares, and they found out the suspected terrorists had tossed them out in case they got raided.

They're like that because they know their hosts are almost hindu cows.
Recent countries that were built on blood and violence, like yours and mine, would never tolerate this shit, because its OUR country. OUR blood in the fucking soil.
NONE have the right to shit in our backyard but ourselves. If you want to stay, fucking behave. Love it or leave it (peacefully or brutally).

Domesticated eurocucks will soon enough relearn the meaning of fear, death and misery like my people always knew, and yours once did.
If they survive, maybe then they will value what they have, but I'm not that optimistic.

With that said, I wish the best of lucks for britains. And for fucks sake, thick your fucking skin.

We castrated our police to protect the average citizen from arbitrariness. That worked pretty as well as long it was just us living in the country, but thanks to our leaders it will soon have to change.

Your police handles things differently because they already had to deal with dindus for decades and know there is no other way.

Too many uk cops off the beat, serving TV licence warrants, searching homes for TVs

>Domesticated eurocucks will soon enough relearn the meaning of fear, death and misery like my people always knew
You should check a book on European history at some point. Preferably one that goes back more than 70 years.

Oh god.

>Hiroshimoot changes all British flags to E.U. flags

I will fucking masturbate exclusively to Japanese women for a month if he does this.

I'd say Europe's history has a lot more blood on it in recent years than the U.S. or Brazil.

It's also partly the reason there are so many cucks.



It's not surprise the Boomers sold everyone out, while the younger and more distanced from history generations are much more politically polarized.

That's why I said "relearn", amigo.
I'm very aware that your long gone ancestors knew violence and death, but the thing is, I'm not talking about them.
I'm talking about you, today's mid 20s european men and women that don't even know what means to 'defend yourself'.

You have a point.

how can this change when your country is only becoming progressively more left wing even as it gets shitted up by foreigners?

I'm so glad my ancestors decided to leave Eurabia, that place is a shit hole.

Indeed we are, sir.

Anjem (this got corrected as anime kek) choudary also cucked a british coward for wearing a wristband supporting British troops. There's a vid of that somewhere.

>what is freedom of speech
>what is the right to peacefully gather

>peacefully gather
fuck that, anyone flying this flag or the shahada should be deported to the desert


but UK doesn't have freedom of speech or right to peacefully gather, or freedom

We can only protest at government mandated protest zones between 5-7pm

are they prayin for bremain? :^)