I'm curious to find games where you play as the nazi as instead of how you always play the one killing the nazis. look up "moon man doom" for a doom moonman wad.
Heart of iron IV, comany of heroes 2....which game is in the pic mate?
"Achtung Panzer Operation Star"
any hearts of iron game, and pretty much there arent that many games where you play as the nazis with actual history written for them.
silent hunter 3
you get to command a sub marine and sink tonnage of merchant ships.
>(((merchant))) ships
Panzer General
You should try graviteam tactics.
Red Orchestra 2 and Heroes of the West.
One of the best FPS games that simulate WW2 very well.
Any number of japanese dating sims
ArmA, DayZ, Red Orchestra
Depends on what you mean with nazi. War Thunder has german WW2 planes and tanks, but you won't find swastikas on them unless you get a custom skin
fuck that faggot shit
>comany of heroes 2
>mfw the new balance patch
bretty gud desu
Skyrim and siding with the nords is the real Sup Forums approved game
>siding with men subhumans
>not siding with aryan masterrace altmer
You want to know how I can tell you're underage?
Any elder scrolls players? :D
you're technically right the altmer are superior to every race in skyrim. but seems like average Sup Forums user will gravitate to the nords
Atelier Sophie
Fite me
i wish this gay moe anime shit would stop you might as well be a fucking brony dude
neat i saw some guy who made breivik in skyrim too
Logistics and infrastructure management vs fapping to hooves
I don't know man
>playing video games
manchild virgin losers detected. No wonder white women are going black on a massive scale.
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
>doesn't play War Thunder
borderdrawingsimulator related
KZ Manager
>bais and jewish BS
you can only play it if you like pain
...i do
that was you ?
ArmA brings the bantz
One step forward two steps back, dropped it when they had realistic use tiny maps. People complained they had to rely on their Mk1 Eyeball.
>hasn't taken united kingdom with six paratroopers yet
No just found it on google
but with gta 5 mod I can do anything
I can create an auschwitz map for the lulz if I want
was that you that made breivik in GTA V too ? you madman
and Red Orchestra, The Witcher, ArmA, Civilization are GOAT.
Red Orchestra 2 is the best thing you can find as FPS
>take island of shit i already have plenty of
>take some fucking oil that i need
i wonder why
how can I stop the videojew Sup Forums
man that would be cool if there was a game or mod that allowed you to kill jews at a concentration camp. it would be more real than what supposedly happened
>he doesn't enjoy being cancer
Wolfenstein: enemy territory.
no I only made breivik for gta 5
i'll keep doing some Sup Forums mission maybe
balance patch broke German factions :DDDDDD
i fucking HATE WARTHUNDER. the russian shit tanks and shit planes are absolutel overpowered. it's fucking ridiculous. garbage t-34 can penetrate 120mm of tiger H1 armour. how the fuck is that even possible? Russian YAK's can climb vertical permanently without losing speed. Also if you play germany you have to play in Tier 5 with WW2 vehicles against allied cold war vehicles.
how so?
I'm sure there is
Try to find a game that allow a lot of customization and allow you do create crazy maps
>Hearts of Iron
>Paradox interactive
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 all the way.
I play world of tanks with German tanks of course.
HOI is pretty decent though, despite being made by Swedish faggots
nice fucking bait
Heroes & Generals
red orchestra 2
Hearts of iron IV
If anyone has a holocaust sim link it
I only play sim planes now, and your bomber abuse faggotry doesn't work there.
wait, i don't remember having jets in that game, is that a mod or something?
Haven't played in a year, are non 1v1 matches somewhat palatable?
What is this aids?
>he doesnt have the real german flag mod
I bet youre still playing with shadow hitler too. And name your fucking theaters you casual piece of shit.
definitely, now that soviets and US have been buffed, they're much more viable in team games
ok helmet/lohere/triahx
it's not bait. it really isn't.
Ikr, feels good sniping nazicucks with my mosin. It truly is terrible that it takes longer to aim with the kar98 which sucks a lot. Soviet side master race. Also pic unrelated, I literally take out Pz4 cucks with one shot to the low frontal plate in muh aryan t34.
Nope, this isn't a mod at all. Could it be that you got an outdated version of IL-2 1946 or your missing any expansions? I got the Steam version
>tfw nearing 2000 hrs on RO2
Heroes of the West mod has been pretty neat with them adding the Bongs and a couple American v German maps.
I am a retro gamer if I game.
Baldurs Gate series
Fallout series
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas.
Dark Souls
Darksouls 2
There is some older PC games I will play every once and a while, CRPG, shooter, post apocalyptic.
No desire to play fallout 4, i think it triggers autism/OCD.
fuck. there's something about that woman I just wanna give her some white seed
pls help
How many redguard cocks did you suck today Sven ?
Soldier of fortune 2
i have 2 versions of that game
haven't really played the campaign much, more the editor, played it for hours, just surprised there were jets in it, even with the editor you can pick any plane you want, guess i missed something.
fun game
Warthunder, but it's a Russian game so the tanks and planes perfrom like shit.
Nope, there's a reason it has 1946 in the title
I use to play this MTW II mod:
Old engine, but I really enjoy it.
Age of empires 3
colonize the new world with your european settlement
agreed. the bias is too extreme.
tiger h1 gets penned frontally by every russian tank in its tier, gets uptiered every game and it's 88mm shoots crayons.
same with planes. fw 190 d-9, ta-152 objectively the best planes of WW2 get outrun at high altitude by every russian plane in the same tier.
Gaijin shills aren't even being subtle about sucking gaijin cock so it never gets fixed.
I'm personally waiting for Europa Barbarorum 2 to be finished. Taking a long time though.
Where can I download this??
>whining that t-34-85s can pen tigers
Ummmm...... UMMMMMM... that's why they gave them 85s, to be able to pen tigers
>le tigeru getsu penned heh xD
And what did you expect? At close ranges, if the tiger isn't angled of course an 85mm is gonna slice through its armor, irl t-34-85s sometimes even won battles when they faced SS divisions with tigers.
in your cuckshed, hans
I bet your bull will not need prepping any time soon.
look up "moonman doom" if you're not a retard you should be able to get the files
As someone who played thousands of hours of HOI2 back when it released in 2005, HOI4 triggeres the fuck out of me.
The land combat makes me foam at the mouth with anger. I want to be able to control my units in battle, that was the best part of HOI2/VIC2, now you are pretty much forced to let the AI play the game for you because they removed battle alerts.
Please don't fuck up VIC3 by making it retard casual edition.
>Balances to vehicles are made according to statistics instead of performance or historical accuracy
>Every now and then they change the ammo counts and other things because they just can't seem to get things right
Might as well play World of Warcraft, it has less buffing and nerfing.
There has been an update recently. I haven't tried it, but I'm almost sure It isn't finished yet. Those guys take their mod very seriously, they will spend the time they require. Have you tried BC 7.0?
>give orders and unpause the game until you win
We had this thread yesterday.
at 500 m , it shouldn't pen shit.
Also, the 88mm can't pen the -85 frontally. only in specific ,tiny spots on the mantlet,thanks to the angled armor and the shitty ricochet mechanics of gajjoop. Whereas the t-34 can pen you anywhere it wants.