>Orlando massacre was "revenge," not terrorism, says man who claims he was gunman's lover


Omar Mateen... was "100 percent" gay and bore a grudge against Latino men because he felt used by them, according to a man who says he was his lover for two months.

“I’ve cried like you have no idea. But the thing that makes me want to tell the truth is that he didn’t do it for terrorism. In my opinion he did it for revenge,” he told Univision Noticias...

... he said he met Mateen last year through a gay dating site and began a relationship soon after. He and Mateen were "friends with benefits," he said.

He described Mateen as “a very sweet guy" who never showed a violent side. He loved to be cuddled. "He was looking for love," he said.

“My reaction was that can’t be the man I know. It’s impossible that the man I know could do that,” he said.

He said they met 15-20 times, the last occasion in late December.

“He adored Latinos, gay Latinos, with brown skin – but he felt rejected. He felt used by them – there were moments in the Pulse nightclub that made him feel really bad. Guys used him. That really affected him,” Miguel said. "I believe this crazy horrible thing he did – that was revenge."

Mateen, who liked to drink, expressed frustration over his father's extreme views on homosexuality, which included a belief that "gay people [are] the devil and gay people have to die," Miguel said.

Mateen was especially upset after a sexual encounter with two Puerto Rican men, one of whom later revealed he was HIV positive, he added.

"He [Omar] was terrified that he was infected," he said. "I asked him, 'Did you do a test?' Yes. He went to the pharmacy and did the test … it came out negative but it doesn't come out right away. It takes 4, 5 months."

"When I asked him what he was going to do now, his answer was 'I'm going to make them pay for what they did to me.'"

Other urls found in this thread:


> be gay
> get aids

really makes you twink

A gay Elliot Rodger?

Well....Omar got laid at least.

>be me self centered faggot
>find a way to make the shooting all about myself
>do that as the idiotic media takes the bait

>revenge killing
>don't kill the one your actually mad at

makes no sense at all

Hey Sup Forums you fucking idiots. These are the crisis actors right here. Character assassination 101. Make it about a fucking faggot love story not islam

People are just making shit up to cover up the progressive stack. Omar literally proclaimed allegiance to isis

>Shitskin infighting

This is why I don't take people who say the world would become more peaceful if white people died off seriously.


Were his Islamist father and the terrorist suicide bomber he was friends with really a couple of spurned faggots, too?

Fbi transcript of his 911 call

Fake as all hell.
> "Look gringos! We found his Latin Lover and he said it was no terrorism!"

How convenient!

They're trying so fucking hard to make this not about Islam. His 911 call should be enough to make people realize what it was about. All these 'people' are infidelsplaining

Wasn't the guy who was preaching at his mosque basically encouraging him?

No. He pledged allegiance to [Omitted]

>faggots pozzing each other all day long

this degenerate lifestyle deserves the cleansing it got. if it werent for faggots, hiv would probably be extinct by now

Yeah. We got the stuff about him talking about how gays need to be killed early on, but not much since then. They probably got told to shut it down.


>literally phoned the police and pledged allegiance to [omitted]
>leftwing spergs nonstop trying to make it out like the attack wasn't based on [omitted]

Australian on vacation?


meme it

This who thing with the [omitted] is really [expletive deleted] up. I just hope that [redacted] has to deal with the backlash of trying to deny that the shooter literally [spoke in arabic].

.... how was this not terrorism?

If Bin Laden claimed 9/11 as an act of revenge, would that suddenly not be terrorism either?

A guy blew up a hotel at Lake Tahoe because he lost all his money there, and that's classified as a revenge attack rather than terrorism, so pretty much yeah.



When Elliot Rogers did it, he was as troubled teen. When Omar does it, it's radical Islamic terrorism.

Really makes you think

The only thing these fags [omitted] were condoms.

>Omar literally proclaimed allegiance to isis

He pledged allegiance to everybody, including the sworn enemies of ISIS.


I guess in the end it makes no difference in this case. It seems he did it in no small part due to hatred for gays and being gayed instilled from his islamic upbringing.

It's still a legitimate muslim/islam issue in the end.

No one remembers the 911 calls moments before shooting?

You know the part about pledging allegiance to ISIS?



Well at least he killed them instead of spreading the gift.

That's a plus I guess?

I'll be honest, I don't buy this for a second.

Now, if they were arguing that he was a repressed gay filled with self loathing who sought refuge in his religion and then killed in its name... That I would believe.

But I don't believe that he was fucking multiple guys, thought he got pozd, still talked to his ex lover even though he now hates all gays, and then went and shot up a gay club for revenge while effectively declaring his religion as the reason.

>Hold grudge agains lation fag who you know on a personal level
>Kill 50 unrelated fags iso taking personal revenge

Wow really makes you think

holy shit fags are such drama queens

>really makes you twink
nice wordplay, m8

Terorrism : He blew up a gay club to kill gays for Islam.

Revenge : He blew up a gay club to kill gays because they make him uncomfortable because of Islam.

Wow it's fucking irrelevant.

Huh... Never thought about it like that

ignore that fucking leaf
omar was being that kid his whole life and pledging allegiance to whatever terrorist sect he could but during the shooting he pledged allegiance to isis who later gave the act their approval

So how does this bullshit narrative implicate the NRA and straight white men, again?

If anything this should force gays to crackdown on those who spread HIV.

That's even if you ignore [omitted]

Then WHY did he call 911, pledge allegiance to ISIS and then text his woman?

Because all white men are racists and homophobic so literally any bad that thing ever happens to someone who is gay or a different race is ultimately the fault of the racists for some reason.

Its just an easy way for marxists to
1) shift the conversation away from islam so that normies dont see the contradiction between being both progressive and pro-islam
2) play up the unfounded meme of "hurr anyone who dislikes gays is actually a repressed closet homo!" The purpose of which is to give them ammunition and silence opposition to faggotry

elliot rodger had white girl problems. He wanted white poon but he couldn't get it.

omar mateen was a jihadist. he died in the service of his islam and his allah

thanks for proving to the rest of the world why Canadians have shitty opinions.

Just think, if he had let trump deport him he'd never have caught aids.

b/c that man was angry and blew up an establishment out of (((revenge))). There was no politically-driven motive, he was not trying to inspire change or incite fear into people.

This wouldn't fit the definition of terrorism. Mateen's attack does. It helps that he proclaimed it to us via 911 call.

>Mateen was especially upset after a sexual encounter with two Puerto Rican men, one of whom later revealed he was HIV positive, he added.
(((they))) are literally fucking with us at this point
They know we'll see right through this, but the general population will eat it up and that's all that matters.

Sup Forums BTFO!


huh, really Makes America Great Again™


If you fall for this you're a dumb mother fucker.

>Along with Telemundo the two spanish stations that have been runing their asses off trying their hardest to make Trump hitler and find sympathy for illegals.
>Univision suddenly finds lover no one else ever knew nor can know with the disguise who says "HE HATED LATINOS PLEASE FEEL SYMPATHY FOR US. MUH AIDS AYE DIOS MIOS HOMOSEXUALS HELP US"

Seriously if you buy this you're a fucking idiot.

>lolthey wouldnt go that far


Dumb mother fuckers.

>said no one ever

lmao and chemtrails are real too.

back to the hole you crawled out of tinfoil.


I was saying from day one Mateen was a huge fag.

Straight guys don't care enough about homos to shoot them.

hey shilly you replied to the wrong guy

don't worry you'll get the hang of this imageboard soon

Can we pay debnts with AIDSbux

>>Omar literally proclaimed allegiance to isis
>He pledged allegiance to everybody, including the sworn enemies of ISIS.

but all of them muslim terrorists

This whole story reads like a Novela (spanish soap opera)

That's not fair you had insider information

no but muslims do

what a convenient narrative that removes any blame from a culture that historically and presently kills and imprisons gays

man, the shills are off the chain......

too late, the genie is out of the bottle....no pun intended

No, he didn't.

Prior to the shooting, he had been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and 2014. Mateen pledged his allegiance to the Sunni militant jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), while citing as "inspiration" an American suicide bomber targeting Syrian government troops who was tied to the al-Nusra Front (a rival al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group), before the shooting


underrated post

>1 post by ID
>discrediting the MO purely on what 1 fag says
>only hearsay
>took a week and a half to come out with this information
>things that make you go RPG on the LGBT

But But But But But But But....homophobia!

The trippy logic they're using is that "Oh well if homophobia wasn't so accepted in American society this would have never happened" which makes no fucking sense because they never mention him suffering from homophobia and apparently the only homophobic person he was in contact with was his dad WHO IS A FUCKING MUSLIM.

How does it remove blame from Islam?

Did you even watch the report? The Attorney General said it was "clearly an act of terror and an act of hate."

It's only because your limited Sup Forums mind can't handle a multifaceted narrative that you're forcing yourself to pick one motive.



The Attorney General also tried to delete every reference to Islam and even translated the arabic to English but they fucked up because it was already widely known. If we didn't have reports of the content of the 911 calls before the transcripts came out, then we would have no way of knowing.

Grindr profile?
Text messages?
Dick pic?
Any proof at all the faggot is telling the truth?

of course not

All I want to know, is how they are ever going to spin this to the gays?

>it was all your own fault for having so much sex
I think the right wing may soon gain as serious fighting force of red-pilled supersoldiers.


It's so fucking obvious

So Omar was a gay turned red pilled about the degeracy he partook in?
Did he atone for his gay ass sins?

>hurr durr mateen went ot Pulse for three years, but it was just to case the joint, not get some dick
>three years but not for dick
>no dick, give me proofs

Straight guys caring enough about homos to throw them off buildings isn't really normal here either.
But it is on Islam.

they're trying to reduce it to the "authoritarian personality" type jew propaganda

Islam is a religion of peace you dummy, that's why the Middle East has been a bastion of peace and tranquillity for the last thousand years, everyone totally just gets along with each other.

So then why did they omit his pledge on the 911 call?

Why did obama do the semantic dance on TV?

Why is the media making this a gun issue?

You're a willfully ignorant piece of shit.

All the issues are clearly being addressed. It's not like Sup Forums has the super secret scoop on anything the media isn't already reporting.

"Federal law enforcement officials said Thursday that the F.B.I. is increasingly skeptical of reports that Mr. Mateen was gay but “closeted,” that he had been visiting gay clubs or that he had used gay dating apps. "

uhoh nytimes.com/2016/06/17/us/orlando-shooting.html?_r=0

also Pulse reps have denied he was a regular at their club.

>In my opinion

opinion discarded

Evidence that he went to pulse for 3 years that isn't homosexual hearsay? considering it was 2 hours away from his home I doubt he was a regular there

What does his wife have to say over this?
>The one the investigators lost.

The competing narratives are falling apart

>totally not a terrorist
>Self hating closet homosex
>But he wasn't in the closet except to family and he hated Latino gays more for almost giving him aids


>totally was a terrorist
>but other Muslims rated him out to the FBI so its OK
>Trump is mean


I think she is just upset he was tapping and even double tapping men.

I went to the actual Univision website to watch this video and I had to wait for it to play an ad for the new purge movie

Is this real life?

Do you realize you are a pawn, leaf?

You regurgitate fed talking points without an once of critical thinking or research

Think for yourself for a change

>"clearly an act of terror and an act of hate."

Yeah and they are trying to steer the narrative towards it being a gay "hate crime" and not linked to Islamic terrorism, and it's working because my normie family who only watch mainstream media voiced the same opinion, why is that? Maybe it's because the FBI omitted the killers pledge to ISIS in his transcript, because Obama goes on TV and manages to completely avoid mentioning the fact that it's an Islamic terror, attack which the media then reports on, and faggots like Owen Jones write articles supporting this narrative. This is 100% an attempt to detract from the fact that it's Islamic terrorism they're not omitting important parts of the truth for no reason.

>not terrorism
>literally pledged allegiance to [omitted] on the phone

Did you guys actually watch this video???!
Go look at it. This dude LOOKS FAKE as in like he does not even look like a real person.

Looks like he has prosthetics on his face, a wig, and a voice changer

Pls respond

>Muslims flip the fuck out and kill 50 people when they're sexually insecure
Boy, it almost sounds like they're dangerous animals with no self control and we should think twice before opening our borders to them. Really makes you think, huh....

Here's a good tip for you shilly boy, stop saying Sup Forums, especially when you are trying to undermine the posters.

Anyone who is a regular poster here knows there's enough variation to make framing us as a collective completely redundant.

Sure we have similar views when the spade is a spade, but that's what the objectivity of anonymity creates.

Something you shills can't seem to grasp.

No, the religion of peace is what kept the death count so low.
The really dangerous thing here was the gun, he couldn't have done nearly as much damage with a party vest.

Don't you know support of ISIS is deeply ingrained in American homophobic capitalist hetero patriarchy culture?

>But I don't believe that he was fucking multiple guys, thought he got pozd, still talked to his ex lover even though he now hates all gays
>get pozd
>WTF I hate gays now???

Don't give them tips that's fool really is a shill senpai

das raycis

He has a disguise on because Univision is worried someone would identify him and call out their lying.

Bisexuality is the cancer.