Isn't it funny that jazz is praised as the greatest African-American musical achievement but it was actually created by...

Isn't it funny that jazz is praised as the greatest African-American musical achievement but it was actually created by a white European?

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Ya you could build a great case around debussy being the Jazz harmony man. The thing with Jazz is it is in fact black music. Its lazy. When presented with harmony they took it and made stuff up on the fly where a stravinsky wrote compositions. Im not articulticing it correctly but im with you.

It wasn't jazz until blues harmony became mixed in you idiots

depussy was the first soyboy. only queers and faggots listen to him.him, satie and all the other imprecisionistic hacks

Debussy is one of my favorite composers, but Mingus was legitimately superior as a composer.

Learn to spell impressionistic first please.

Ravel > Mingus > Debussy

please refrain from your homosexual opinions please

Do the same

You could point to a lot of modernist composers (and some romantic ones) as influences but I think that's because they were popular at the time. Debussy had a big influence of harmony but I think Duke Ellington was the first one to truly make jazz into jazz because of him leaving space for improvisation and laying a foundation for chord changes and the general feel of jazz scales.

>blues harmony

Ok ... I IV V progressions ever existed before blacks.....

Europeans created everything.

Prove it bitch
Post examples of classical using I7 IV7 and V7 harmony then. Especially stuff where it's nonfunctional and a IV7 chord leads into a V7 or I7 like on a typical blues progression.

How about some example of blues scales in classical music?

Actually the Dom 7 acting as a tonic for the 1 4 5 for the blues is unique and cant really be explained with a satisfying analytical explanation. The key isnt changing constantly. The Dom isnt really funtioning in a usual manner . In a Jazz theory analysis class we just glazed over it saying it works because it works at left it.

It works because it's a separate tonality. Blues tonality. It's not really major or minor but it's own thing.

Musicians of Bach day did the same with figuered bass, They would just run through changes like air which is just a decending major scale bass line and they would wank over it. Nothing really changed. This is why classical tradition of being strict in terms of interpretation is bullshit.

Ya its not really a satisfying answer.

I mean the only reason anything really "works" is because it becomes common practice and your ear gets used to hearing it.

This is such a pleb answer, thats just a total misunderstanding of what tonality is and how its defined.

Why don't you explain it to me then you little bitch?

Debussy's ragtimes were all inspired by this guy's work. Try again.

>Sup Forums
>knowing jackshit about music history

Pick one and only one.

Embarrassing post

ok buddy

OP why are you so stupid? When you listen to Miles Davis and Debussy do you then hear the same music genre? Jazz, like every other genre draws inspiration, took some harmonic advice from Debussy, specially Bill Evans and the third stream influence in the sixties. Jesus jazz is alot more than playing am13 chords modally its also rythm, improvisation and it's own fucking style of sound.

It isn't African American tho. It is truly multicultural.

More like
The pussy

Jazz is nothing but the blues all dressed up and shit.

It’s borrowing notes from adjacent diminished chords for a restless feeling.

For example in A you have a c# and e, that’s the one chord of course. Then when you are ready to move you take the sixth from a# dim. That note ,g, is the dominant seventh of a. You also get the minor third of the key a, from doing this same process with the four chord as well as the minor third of the 5 chord. That interval could just be thought of as borrowing the five chord from mixolydian though.

It’s all jazz don’t let the simple shapes fool you. When you listen to the best blues musicians they are playing notes from diminished scales. Jimi Hendrix bends to the minor 2 all the time which follows my passing diminished chord theory. Guess what the blues note is? The root note of the 4 chord passing diminished chord.

Sorry you don’t actually get the minor third of the V chord from #IV diminished chord tones. You get it from the #I diminished chord.

>When presented with harmony they took it and made stuff up on the fly where a stravinsky wrote compositions.
Improvisation is composition in real time.

Also true.

Nice try.

Knowing there is a guy being actually smug about posting this makes me nauseous. Unironically


People =/= rational beings

>trying to point out ONE guy responsible for a entire genre
You guys don't know nothing about music nor history. Genres weren't a thing created by one man, it's a community around that start doing something until it solidfy itself as a genre.

a truly stupid post.

>whites made jazz harmony argument
>not bach