I am a African american

I am African American and I don't understand where all of this hate comes from LMAO like seriously, are y'all white ppl just jealous cuz we got the bigger dicks LOL.

I am really involved in the political process and I know a lot of fellow black Americans who know what's up. A vote is a vote, don't matter ya color. Be real, there's no diffrence between you and me.

Give me one good reason why I'm not equal to you other than the obvious fact that y'all r jealous of my dick size LMAO

>muh dik: tha post
why did I even take the b8

Post your dick bra, lets size up

that's fuckin gay bro LOL not gunna happen!!!!

>muh dick
Lol, you'll never be my equal nigger.

Whining and complaining are the worst sounds a human can make.

There's your explanation. Make of it what you will.

>muh dik
>Dat boi
stop the meems pls.

I see u got no reason 4 me so im gunna assume it's cuz ur jealous LMAO

I don't care what you think crack head.

Of course you didn't say anything about your career because my guess is, of course, you don't have a career.

So good luck about bragging about muh dick, living in black infested neighborhoods where people only vote for those who give them the most free things (of course), high crimes, high poverty and very, very low IQ.

One thing that blacks need to do to have whites and hispanics stop hating them. It's an easy fix. It's something we like to call WORK.


>muh dick
Stopped reading right here.

Fuck off nigger.

>Really involved in political process as I make it about your cock.

Displaying once again, how dindus are truly delusional.

just like I thought.JEALOUS!!

Has pol even decided on who or what is white enough? Last I heard, the Irish were tossed off the white list.

Are we going full albino now?

>literally couldn't even get out of the first sentence without 'muh dick'

your frog meme is a sham
>lifted from a physics text book

muh dik

There is nothing in the world that would make me want to be a nigger.
You're just grasping at straws trying to find a reason not to kill yourself.

lmao bro dese little dick wite boyz dun know sheeit we were kingz n queenz yknow wham sayin man? don let the hate get atcha bro

>I don't understand where all of this hate

because you're a dumb nig-nog.

Y'all r just SAD ppl my fuckin God y'all motherfuckers r racist as SHIT prolly cuz ur jealous but we

You are not an endangered species, yet you get protection status. Jew media is obsessed with you and you chimp out and rekkt cities.

>muh dick

Yes, I'm jealous of a race that is literally, on average, borderline retarded.

Blacks commit so much crime from robbery, rape and murder.

Blacks loot and burn down their neighborhood and then wonder why their neighborhoods are shit.

Blacks lie to the police all the time about who is doing what in order to protect "their own." (Which ties back into the crime above, it's almost incetivized).

Blacks do not like to work hard. I've worked in manual labor and blacks are by far the laziest mother fuckers.

Blacks can't hold a proper education because of their IQs or something. Like, okay, I get that you have an "accent" aka Ebonics but at least speak proper english with some semblance of a complete, coherent sentence. Jesus christ.

Oh, and lets go back to lazy. Holy shit. I've seen multiple blacks walk out of perfectly good jobs because they would rather be unemployed and be able to smoke weed. Like, I smoke weed but if I'm in a profession where I can't and it pays the bills and I don't completely hate it, just stop smoking.

But let's go international for a moment, you guys drive those "evil" whites and turn the breadbasket of Africa into a complete shit hole. How do you fuck up a place called the "breadbasket" (which is known for abudance of food) and turn it into having millions up millions of people starving? You just put black people in charge. Like your neighborhoods, you ruin EVERYTHING.

The list goes on.... every time I bestow upon a black person I just sigh internally and no, not because of muh dick. But because your people are the worst people on the planet in every single facet possible.