Everything german is accepted in this Thread

Will the UK leave the EU?
Are you learning german right now?
Do you Love/Hate my country and why?

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>Everything german

reporting in!

Hello friend

dumme nigger

wird Deutschland wieder einmal neuen Lebensraum suchen, wenn Norbert Hofer zu unserem Bundespräsidenten gewählt wird?

Wieso sind alle Deutschen die ich treffe so Antifa/Punk?

Glaube ich nicht, es gibt genug normale Junge Deutsche glaub mir aber diese Antifa/Punk's sehe ich auch gelegentlich uezs glaube ich ist das nur eine phase die sie erleben

Daily reminder that Germany is responsible for the destruction of European culture because of their ridiculous national guilt. Germany must fall so that the rest of Europe can see the error of its way.

Salahum Aleikum. Ich weiß nicht, Bruder.
Haha, meine Cousengs.
Yo, was gehtn, Digga?




Germany didn't destroy German culture but I admit that he hurt it, millions of Innocent people died. But European culture is alive and well!



Warum war Hitler so ein charismatischer Redner?


in meiner uni ist alles voller antifa sticker, refugees welcome, no one is illegal, fuck afd, etc. diese generation ist vollkommen verblödet und verloren


>Germany didn't destroy German culture
It actually did m8. Even today, more and more Germans stop speaking their own local language in favor of Standard, High German.

Mashallah brother. My name is Ahmed and I'm currently learning German to cum there



That's called education "hoch deutsch" sounds better than all local accents also check yourself because the last time I was in your Country it was full of moroccans

Learning German, and I do love your country, I hope you can save it. I'm voting to leave the EU, because I think it's bad for Europe and I want us all to live in independent nations with full sovereignty.

Goebbels übrigens auch


Trust me everything will be fine in the end, there is always a new way or a plan from the germans also good luck with leaving!

No please, no. We are too poor to support Ossi stormfags.

so, what comes next?

people revolted here because they felt cucked by your DT and they probably were

if you work hard and still earn less than 500 eur/month you may get a bit angry if they keep telling you we are economic superpower, with enormous GDP growth

so if you can buy the same stuff as during communism but you work now like in XIX-century capitalism this again makes you uneasy

yeah, a lot of things to discuss

Why are the former parts of the GDR so much more based than the parts of the FRG?



Oh look, turns out we were right out your businesses not wanting tariffs imposed on the UK.

Now what are you going to do?

I know, you can listen to this


Kiel reporting in.
Whats going on my Schluchtenscheisser friends down south?

Darin war er sehr gut muss man sagen, aber er war auch ein psychologe er wusste was er sagen muss um die leute zu hypen

South is the best t.Mannheim



And what was that about reforms could be achieved in the EU?

Oh was that a lie as well? You should get your dimwitted, horse faced, French, garlic fucking retard under control because you've just fucked up.


Thank you for helping us, it is appreciated.

I'd like to learn German if I had the time for it.
How's life in Krautland anyway?

You really shouldn't fuck with my island Germany.

You really, really shouldn't.



breddy gud. Would take it over a life in bongland or the US any day.

you should come over before it's too late m8.

why isle monkey, what you gonna want to do? Its your own fault

Geiler Witz junge, natürlich will keiner in Großbritannien leben aber USA ist wirklich nice solange man Kohle hat. Ich kann es dir nur empfehlen (falls du Kohle hast)

Ist es da nicht höllisch heiß? Da bleib ich doch lieber hier im gemäßigten Klima.
>inb4 flüchtlinge

Ja eben, falls man Kohle hat. Die habe ich aber nicht. War aber oft genug da, und mir gefällt es hier auch an sich besser.
Ganz abgesehen davon wäre ich nicht da wo ich bin, wenn ich in den USA geboren wäre. Arme Familie -> in DE kann ich trotzdem studieren, in den USA hätte ich tausende Schulden
Vor 2 Jahren hatte ich einen Tumor -> hier knapp 100€ KH Rechnung, in den USA wäre ich jetzt wohl tot oder hochverschuldet.

i like germany, shame what it is becoming. there are a lot of germans around though, and germans have moved to other countries in the past whilst keeping their identity. i think there will be conservative german communities scattered throughout the east.

Be honest, what's it like in Germany right now. Is it really a big rape cage like Sup Forums would like you to believe? Is nationalism really on the rise? What do people actually think of the Nazis and Hitler?

Welche Uni wenn ich fragen darf? Möchte auch bald studieren und habe auf sowas gar keinen Bock

You'll still vote remain, mang.

>Is it really a big rape cage like Sup Forums would like you to believe?
Nah, it's not really that bad. But refugees should fuck off nonetheless.
>Is nationalism really on the rise?
Yes and that's good.
>What do people actually think of the Nazis and Hitler?
Virtually everybody thinks the nazis and Hitler were shit. This German is no exception.

>big rape cage
I live in the the second most expensive area in Germany, there is literally nothing whatsoever. No refugees, no stupid criminals or rapists.
In multicultural hotspots however... just don't go to Munich, North-Rhine-Westphalia, Frankfurt or Berlin and avoid bad areas in other big towns

Oh and don't mention Nazis ever. It's a taboo topic

When #volksverrater will be on top ?

>Seine Uni danach auswählen ob irgendwo Antifa-Sticker kleben
Überleg dir das mit dem Studium besser nochmal

Come here we're open

Fuck off we're full!

i was in munich a few months ago and it wasn't that bad.

>Is it really a big rape cage like Sup Forums would like you to believe?
No we have several refugee centers around here, and in my town i didnt heard of any crime

>Is nationalism really on the rise?
Only in the east

>What do people actually think of the Nazis and Hitler?
Most people hate Nazis and Hitler, and this is good.

how do i learn german?
no one speaks german here and i don't want to pay for it

are there any textbooks i can use? any recommendations?

>Only in the east
People voting for a right-wing party in Rheinland-Pfalz and Baden-Württemberg isn't nationalism on the rise?

>Est. 187

I don't get this reference.

Better stop making the same mistakes we did, shipping in niggers or muslims makes a great nation go bad.

I made a thread about this earlier. I get the notion that the tide is turning. Maybe I am wrong, but if you compare now and six months ago, I see differences and I see that nationalism truly is on the rise.
In talkshows, more people who are openly against the current policies are invited. People voice their opinion now and it becomes more acceptable to oppose the general leftist agenda.
I study history and teaching, so 90% of the people around me and in my classes are bluepilled refugee-welcome tards, but even here I can sense a change of mind. I went to a discussion at my uni lately, and what was usually just a liberal leftist circlejerk was a genuine exchange of opinions this time, admittedly with both sides not equally strong, but the opposers are gaining ground.

Even my gf who is a feminist (and no, not a tumblr tier feminist, before anyone yells cuck) is starting to get more and more redpilled. For example, we went to a concert together and there was a homo-rainbow-flag displayed above the entrance. She literally said "gee, what the fuck is that flag doing here, is there a special day for the gays again" while shaking her head.
Also, the AFD is gaining votes.
I'm confident that this shit will all be over soon

Keep in mind that this is Sup Forums. People exaggerate and meme a lot. It's not half as bad in reality. Tbh germany is still A LOT more white than the typical american city.

As for general life, its great. I pay 200€ per semester for my Uni. Also I had cancer 2 years ago and the treatment was free for me. Wouldve died probably if not for our healthcare system.
Sorry for my English, but if youre curious I'll answer more

its on the rise but mostly in the brainless east

You Germans frequently talk of nationalism like its a bad thing, you really think your people are dumb enough to start gassing people again? You need nationalism to save you from the mudslimes

Use duolingo. I've been using it to learn Russian and it's very helpful. It's free also.

>Antifamagneten bei Unisuche vermeiden wollen
>Uni nur nach Antifadichte aussuchen
There's a difference, m8

>Uni nicht wegen Stickern wählen

Kill yourself.

Humans dont learn from the past. I dont want getting treated like a second class human only becouse im not looking like a true german

>didn't heard
>most people hate Nazis and Hitler and this is good
Leftist detected

i think i went from raging at rapefugees and dumb SJWs to hoping everyone gets raped and dies
i just want to watch it burn
is there are term for this political view or philosophy?

I for one think germans havent changed.
They just changed course a bit.
But it was no coincidence that germany was the country running Auschwitz and the underlying rotten culture hasnt changed.
Germans still hate freedom more than anything.

forgot pic

>i think i went from raging at rapefugees and dumb SJWs to hoping everyone gets raped and dies
>i just want to watch it burn
>is there are term for this political view or philosophy?

I don't know.
But i'm at the same point, brother.

Don't post the fake one.

What has the kaiser actually ruinied?

>inb4 WW1 memes because nobody reads actual books

they wont leave cause the electino is rigged anyway

i speak already german

i hate this shithole and get the fuck away as soon as i can


You honestly think the underlying culture is still there? When women are being raped by refugees and people still accept and support immigration? Fucking delusional, your people went way too far in the other direction.

Studier was Naturwissenschaftliches und geh an ne TU.

Je mehr Geisteswissenschaften, desto mehr degeneration.

>Beat the fucking brains out of Germany and turn them into a tard
>Hahahaha its your fault

Promovier grad in Physik. Die degeneration ist überall, es ist kaum noch zum aushalten.

Nationalism isn't about being white or whatever you don't look like, it's about having pride in Germany, your country. If everyone there cared about your own people as much as you do about refugees, there would be no refugee crisis

It's gotten to the point were even my father comments on it.

>What happened to you? You're always angry and full of hate! I thought you wanted to change the world and make it better!
Sorry dad, now I only want to see it all burn to the ground.

Thanks, Sup Forums.

Wilhelm II. fucked up everything his grandfather built. It was a shame, really.

Wird eher Wirtschaftswissenschaften, bin eher an Finance interessiert. Ist degenerativer als Naturwissenschaften, keine Frage. Aber immerhin noch voller Mathe und Logik im Gegensatz zu Gender Studies und Co

>Wilhelm II. fucked up everything his grandfather built. It was a shame, really.

What exactly? I want details, not just memes. Just saying "he fucked everything up" doesn´t help anyone....


>You honestly think the underlying culture is still there?
Yeah the deep down german quintessential germanness hasnt changed.
Its the product of thousand years of history.

I think its an underlying fear of freedom.
They hate dissent for example, germany has no real culture of open discussion as anglos or french have.
This right now works in favor for the pro-immigrant elite, but IMO it could turn easily 180°.

Here is how real change would have looked like in 1948:
Germany with an constitution resembling the one from the US.
I dont want to get into too much detail on this cantonese tranny imagecartoonboard.
But google "Deutscher Sonderweg" regarding our historic development if you are interested.
But the biggest irony of it all: If german culture didnt change in the last 70 years, what are the odds of arabic and turks changing their culture in the next 20 years?

The brits will vote Exit, but their overlords will fight toe and nail to ignore the will of the people. Think the aggressive disarmament of the European peoples is just coincidentally taking place right the fuck now? Think again.

Those are dark times we live in.

>destroyed Europe
choose one

Maybe in murica but here in germany our right wing party is against all what looks diffrent or might be islamic. I have the bad luck to be a quarter african and look like it. Above my skin I look like a n Immigrant but in my heart im german. Right winged people dont judge you from how you are to other people but how you looking.

> I am 1/4 German nad 3/4 Czech, living in CZE, but speaking a bit of German
> Accompanying my father on his business trip+ visit some of my relatives.
> Crossing CZE-GER borders at Sachsen near Dresden
> Stop to take a piss at some parking place at highway
>First people I see are 2 shitskins, muslims ( men and women
>Top Kek m8
>Continue to our relatives, which lives near Leipzig
>Ask about Rapefugees
>They said that they put about 100 in their village, but they run all away( so another 100 niggers on German soil without any supervision)
> Continue to Sachsen-Anhalt
>Arrive in nice idyllic German village for overnight
>Only food shop open in the evening is Kebab
>Germany is done

Ich studiere Deutsch, aber ich kann zum vier jahre sprechen. German is hard when you know what you want to say but only know half the words needed. I tried.

10/10 famalam

Well, the biggest fuck up was him kicking out Bismarck/getting Bismarck to leave. That alone cost him a ton of respect from his own people and other countries, like russia.

He continued to weaken the military, his reasons were okay, he didn't want his people to fight and die for him, wanted to stop blood from being spilled in war, but in the end it cost germany the war.

Add to that that he really really didn't like the english, believing them to have 'killed' his father and all that, leading to bad relations with the UK, arguably the most powerful military power in the world at that time.

Some of the stuff that happened to him was just bad luck, like getting the throne at 29 when by all means his father should have had it for at least 10 years to make sure that Wilhilm II. was ready.
But some of his decisions led directly to the downfall of the german empire, loss of WWI and therefor the treaty of Versailles and the rise of Hitler and the NsDAP.

>in germany our right wing party is against all what looks diffrent or might be islamic.
>huurrr memes

Against Islam yes, otherwise basically everything that doesn´t come in thousands of hordes is welcome and accepted.

>Right winged people dont judge you from how you are to other people but how you looking.
>hurrr more memes

What you mean are low IQ neo nazis which have their NatSoc idea from Hollywood. You can compare these with antifa, just a bit less retarded than antifa. Actualy right wing people that can form reasonable arguments are ususally well educated.

Well, your German is already better than that of the average mudslime invader so you'll be fine with practice. Weiter so, Bruder!

Warum bist du sehr Sheisse, OP?

Thank you, I was trying to say I speak at a grade 4 level so far. I'm minoring in German; hopefully that might help if I want to go into the RCMP or military and do some peacekeeping over there. Might even find myself a nice girl who hasn't been "enriched" like over here. And by enriched I mean "getting drunk 3 nights a week and getting fucked for 5 of them"

here just use this handy cheat sheet and you will have no problem coming and living in germany.

I think its better off than the surpreme cucks of the USA.
U know whites a minority etc.

Heh that's actually pretty funny. I heard university life there is basically subsidized communism. Is it as nice as the professors here make it seem? Or no?

I am currently an American in Germany, first time. Goodness its amazing. Lots of pretty girls, architecture, good food and drink. I'm loving it so much I'm going to see if I can't make it into Heidelberg University.

I've been learning German for 4 years.

50% of the German middle aged population migrate to Norwegian roads in the summer. At some point they may choose to not go back.

germany what an autistic humourless lifeless place