“It is isolation that would destroy us, it would lead us towards degenerating in inbreeding...

>“It is isolation that would destroy us, it would lead us towards degenerating in inbreeding,” the finance minister argued. “For us, Muslims in Germany are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity. Look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women. That is an enormous innovation potential.”

Germanbros please tell me that this rolling cuck experienced at least some form of backlash for that ignorant shit he spewed a couple weeks back. P-please?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=schäuble degeneriert


>literally using enrichment unironically

Pack it up Germs, you're done.


ah gut, wenns jemand anders für mich gesehen hat kanns mir ja egal sein

Whenever someone does they're ridiculed. It's not that far gone (yet).

lmao fucking cripple

Hes literaly one of the most powerful men in germany/europe. So no, he has ties with the rothschilds and other banking families.
Hes untouchable.
Unless you just push him down some stairs, that might do the trick.

i though this guy was low cuck but this is cuck as fuck desu

lmgtfy.com/?q=schäuble degeneriert

This is one of those fucks who lead the Killerspiel-"debate" faggotry, should-to-shoulder with Zensursula's stop-sign initiative to censor the internet and Frontal 21's flat-out illegal "report" (really, it was pure and undistilled propaganda that flat-out lied about objectively verifiable and obvious facts) on videogames that never got them sued.

At least he's doing his current job kinda well.

>we're at a point where if you're not racemixing,you're inbreeding

Hot Wheels Minister Schäuble at it again

Welcome to 2016.

There are countries with a population of far less than 2 million and barely any immigration and yet they aren't populated by incest mutants. How do they do it?!
Germany has a population of over 80 million people and he thinks this can lead to incest? Let's say it does, there'd still be migration within the EU. Would that be enough genetic diversity to prevent incest, Mr. Schäuble?
Now let's take a look at genetic diversity in the Middle East, see pic related. Huh, countries where cousins marry each other and family trees look like circles have a lot of incest? DAMN WE NEED THEIR GENES TO PREVENT INCEST IN EUROPE!

>a literal cuck on wheels

Someone should push him down a flight of stairs and put it on Youtube.

also there are a shitload of eastern Europeans in Germany. But it seems it's only diverse if they are non-white

>At least he's doing his current job kinda well.
Ja, Rumrollen kann der Wolfi (Rolfi?) wirklich ganz vorzüglich. Manchmal sogar ohne Hände!

It's true that this cuck on wheels will be Merkel's successor in the guide of the CDU party?

He's a better politician or even more retarded than her?

First there's Merkel who threw away the German flag in shame with a disgusted look on her face, then there will be Schäuble who won't even stand during the national anthem.

danke, aber poste es bitte nächstes mal gleich. ich sollte nicht raten müssen, wie viel freiheit du dir beim übersetzen genommen hast nur damit ich was googlen kann, was du selbst beifügen solltest.

>Unless you just push him down some stairs, that might do the trick.
Please do.

>ich sollte nicht raten müssen
Musst auch nicht, Google hätte geholfen.

Hey, er hat eine schwarze Null OHNE griechische Verhältnisse einzuführen!

Stell dir vor, Griechenland hätte eine Regierung, die nicht direkt versuchen würde, ihre Bevölkerung zu ertränken, sobald die zu teuer wird.


>Triggered by own nation flag

best part these people are supposed to be the center-right party lol

He also said this:

>“One thing is quite clear for the future – we have to invest more in Iraq, Syria and Libya, and then we will have to pay for sub-Saharan Africa’s development.”
>North African countries are already demanding more investment from Berlin “as a condition for taking refugees back,” he went on. “And they are right to do so.”