Trump is AGAINST free speech.
Red pill time
Trump is really just saying anything that comes to mind.
He's like a child.
this guy is so effeminate and gay it's off putting.
I'm voting for Gary Johnson now
Trump is pretty fucking retarded
I'm voting for Gary Johnson now
I just want the Arabs to get genocided is that so much to ask?
guess i'm a #hillycopter now
Why is freedom of the press good anyway ? They are basically ruining the west
Well someone needs to shut the media's dirty lying Jewish mouths
you should be off pudding.
because you're fat.
Fuck you OP - Trump 2016
These shill threads keep getting more and more pointless.
Its like shit a woman would be upset about.
Its always something exaggerated and fake. Meanwhile the shills work for a literal crime boss to be president.
Tbh this is true.
As I am not an American, I will not have any say, but there are candidates besides Trump and Clinton.
Trump is just a clown, Hillary is pretty much actively ebil. I'd honestly vote Johnson.
>gary johnson
isnt that the ((cool boss)) guy from NCSI?
johnson is the DUDE WEED of the usa
>gary "open borders and gun control" johnson
ill pass desu senpai
>Trump is a clown
>You are 68% clown, 71% forced meme
wew lad
The media should nobe able to blatantly lie and present it as fact. There should be expanded punishment for the slander they get away with.
Fuck off shill. Sage.
You are clearly an unprincipled pos Joukahainen
You're such a eurocuck user
Do note that anything under 75% is pretty much not really agreeing. pic for comparison's sake
This has always been about the least shit candidate.
>tackle the issue of illegal immigration
>simplify legal immigration
sounds better than the reforms Hillary suggests.
>gun control
and what about Hillary?
Do explain.
I know it's hard for you to adapt, but this isn't Reddit. Sage isn't a downvote.
>>tackle the issue of illegal immigration
>>simplify legal immigration
>sounds better than the reforms Hillary suggests.
>>gun control
>and what about Hillary?
who gives a shit about shillary
fucking cucks i swear
It's bullshit that they removed the sage function here. Shill threads like this need to be 404'd
Fuck off shill
>least shit candidate
>picks Gary Johnson
wew lad
whats wrong with wanting honest media?
well he is in politics
Sage doesn't make a thread 404 any faster than if you had just ignored it.
How else can you do rallies? I mean what the hell is there to say that hasn't been said? I marvel at people who can talk about nothing. It's really a skill I don't have.
>the media should be able to back up what they say with facts
>totally against free speech
>1 post by this id
>links to secular talk
Yeah, he's against free speech because he wants to disrupt ISIS communications. That's such an infringement on the first amendment.
I think he's just being open minded, and not dedicating himself to any specific strategy, pinning himself down, saying he'll do something then later getting criticized for not doing it. For example, the reporter asked him about profiling. He said something like "I think it's something we may want to consider".
The left then spun it as if he himself said it. No, he just didn't rule it out. There is a big difference between calling for a conference, to announce that you support racial profiling, and someone casually asking you in a conversation "do you support profiling" and saying "I think it might be a possibility".
He does have a point. Libel laws have no other use but censorship.
It would be better to have no libel laws whatsoever and let libelous liars discredit themselves to the point that what they say no longer matters. This has been working with the lying press in Trump's favor up till now.
Freedom of Speech does not protect you from slander or libel.
Cool Slide thread.
>Trump is against encryption
>Sup Forums supports this as only terrorists want privacy against the government
>Trump supports transgenders
>Sup Forums ignores it
>Trump criticises free speech
I miss 2012 Sup Forums. This board has literally turned into a personality cult.
The fist amendment doesn't protect blatant lies.
Also this was trumps endgame the whole time. He loves to sue people for liable.
do you think you can run around telling the american government and people you are gonna kill them and engage in mass slaughter of its civilian? how do you deal with communists? they always hid behind freedom of speech but should be beheaded
freedom of speech needs to be taken in the sense of you to me talking mano y mano to eachother publicly and not fearing persecution. government critique is allowed but not outright revolution, dont be so pozzed u fucking libertard cuck
it never existed in the first place anyway
the Internet was NEVER free, it's just the most effective DARPA weapon for America to spread degeneracy and porn around the world