I am a French Catholic
I am a French Catholic
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How does it feel to know your country has been stolen by non-Catholic mudslimes?
Frustration, betrayal..
Are you young? Is it easy to find young French Catholics or is everyone atheists these days?
Do you know
>tfw no qt 3.14 french grill?
I'm in my mid-twenties
yes, it is easy to find french catholics. the level of commitment may vary tho
How do you feel about the current Pope? Do you think it's Christ-like to flood your country with poor, low-IQ foreigners?
I'm an English catholic.
Same feels.
How do you feel about the problem across the English Channel?
>I am a French Catholic
You're a Muslim now Jaque.
which problem
well memed my american friend
How do you feel about the Royal Family coming back?
I met a Catholic early in my college years. I was bluepilled as fuck at the time, but we kept talking and kept in touch, and today we're on the same page about a lot of stuff.
I'm still unconvinced on the topic of Masturbation.
To simplify our positions : I think the best way to control your sexual desire is to crank one out, be free of your biological urges to easily avoid thinking with your dick instead of your brain around women; henceforth making rational decisions in your relationships.
His position : True freedom is embracing these desires, and get used to them so as to choose the correct women using them as a "guide" of some sort. He thinks cranking one out every day is "lying to your body", and it's getting you used to sexual gratification the easy way and making not seek a true relationship with healthy sex, with of course procreation in mind.
I'm very split on this issue. Your take one it, Frenchbro?
How do you feel about the Bourbon family coming back to france
pareil, master race
Honestly never heard of them. I'm not OP, in case you've confused us.
Doesn't even know the once ruling family of france, and yes i noticed
t'es sérieux là ? va ouvrir un livre d'histoire avant de venir ici
Vive le bon Roi Louis
Yeah, I'm not a big sucker for history, lineages and monarchs.
Please speak English. Sup Forums is an English speaking board.
If I've never heard of them, having had a standard, public school education, maybe the problem lies elsewhere than in the individual suffering from ignorance?
I don't know what you're talking about. sorry.
I agree with your friend. Masturbation is the wrong usage of the body God gave you. Plus we know that nowadays it is taught to children more or less directly not to resist temptation and better to indulge in
You make your choice of partner with your brain and heart, not with your dick, whether you're horny or not, if you look for a long-term relationship and not just a one night stand. I think this could be one of the many reasons
This is why France is being cucked by Algerians
What is your opinion about the evil and anti-catholic (((French Revolution)))?
How should we achieve the destruction of the secular state?
are you a Royalist ?
I am
Well, Nationalism is a pejorative term nowadays. I have catching up to do on many fronts, History included.
But then again, how important are the Bourbons in [THE CURRENT YEAR]?
A bourgeois revolution. The secular state is destroying itself.
Thanks for answering. Food for thought.
fuck you
If the French Republic became a Constitutional Monarchy France would be great again
you want to be part of UK again ?
No i want to be apart of Nouvelle France I live in Louisiana
>French catholic
The Catholic Church is an universal institution who bretayed our people since the War of Algeria m8
The French Orthodox Church in other hand is only composed by ethnic french and is for ethnic french only, and they don't have a fucking foreigner who order them to let the rapefugees invade them and rape their women.
Vive Henri quatre
Vive ce Roi vaillant
Ce diable à quatre
A le triple talent
De boire et de battre
Et d'être un vert galant
De boire et de battre
Et d'être un vert galant
Calm your tits, you unbearable faggot. Not every question is sarcastic or rhetorical, even on Sup Forums.
Constitutional Monarchy? Like in the UK? They're doing really bad over there, I fail to see how it would be the solution.
However, a strong leader with good, nationalistic and patriotic intentions, would make France great again for sure.
Are you studying abroad?
Will you marry me?
Mine is better
I'm a man
guy goes on Sup Forums, doesnt even know BASIC history of his own country, too hard to type french history in google m8? tard
Lets look at what the Kingdom of France built most of what France is known for today culturally was built buy the Bourbon Dynasty if you gave a monarch you would give its cultural identity again. If you remember most of the western worlds cultural courtesies are French established by the Bourbons
The question remains unanswered
As an Italian catholic I probably know how you feel. Betrayed on every side, even by your own church
But it is answered.
fucking vatican 2...
Fuck the Protestants, amirite my Catholic bro?
We need the Catholic Resurgence.
isn't Louisiana 110% black ?
You say that like it's a problem, monsieur.
are you pure virgin olive oil ?
Isn't Algeria 1000% sand nigger?
is this French clay
yea. It all went downhill after that
Vive le Monarchie
You're absolutely butt-blasted.
I agree that our cultural identity would be much better defined if we had a figurehead sitting on the throne of France.
That would already be a big step forward from the apathetic masses, and the subcultures dominating over them.
It is, my friend
Is this English Clay or Nigger and Arab clay
thats right they all left and came to france
Imagine having him on the throne again no niggers would go to your country
Louis 9 > all
nah I would have to say XIV
What are you doing in Louisiana man?
working on my undergrad and living on an old plantation
Seems pretty based. What are you studying?
Organic Chemistry
why do you worship a jew on a stick
Are you a French "catholic" or a French Catholic?
I practice Catholicism, if thats why you meant
Alright, thanks for indulging my curiosity.
Where are the most Catholic stronk places in France and where are you from?
Wow even I know who the bourbons are. You're definitely not native french
Would you support a restoration?
I don't know really. I guess that would be Brittany and Alsace
I'm from Hauts-de-France
hes obviously refering to pre or post vatican-II catholic
pre ofc
Vatican II Catholic. I don't have any traditional parishes in my area
You're correct, I'm not a Native. I'm not even French yet. But I love the country, and I'm working on it.
>inb4 sandnigger
I definitely did not hear "Bourbon" in public school though, and strayed away from history in my college studies.
I would have to read a lot on it before giving you an actual position. But in theory, if it would restore France's cultural heritage and remove kebab if they reject French culture, I would be all for that.
If someone dislikes France and its culture, they're not only welcome to go elsewhere, but they should also be penalized if they go against our laws and morals defined by our history and culture.
It would be the french version of the Reconquista
Thanks God there are still people like you in France. Such a wonerful country with beautiful tradition...till 1789.
1.Who are worse? LGBT post-modern leftists or muslims?
2.How is the situation with French church. Is it hijacked by modernist? What about traditional catholicism like society of saint pius x?
3.Is there any chance to make france christian again? Is atheism still wining?
4.How to you feel about le pen?
Here were I live there's no other option either so what can be done. Better modern catholicism than total mundanity. Lefebvre is one of the best things France has given to the Universal Church, Joan of Arc tier, absolutely great, if I was French and Catholic I'd be totally proud.
How do you feel about the fact that France has been ruled by militant atheists for decades now
Do you enjoy your French Monarch?
Well, except for the "Ghettos", or "No-go zones", for a lack of a better term, we technically aren't physically invaded by Muslims. It's a more insidious problem.
Society, culture, political correctness, the European Union, borders and widespread degeneracy... The fronts are broad, and I do not believe that simply taking arms would solve our issues this time.
I'm not OP, but those are interesting questions.
>1.Who are worse? LGBT post-modern leftists or muslims?
Apologists are apologists. The good thing is that both groups are fundamentally against each other; only one group hasn't realized it yet.
Also, the majority of our muslim population are maghrebis, unlike UK's Pakis and Germany's Turks. They are an unpleasant subculture, but are not guided by Islam, rather by "Thug Culture".
Which is why the importation of actual fundamentalist muslims from the middle-east enabled by leftists is worse, in the case of France.
>4.How to you feel about le pen?
As fake and corrupt as the other big politicians, but the National Front Party is the only one who says it wants to get out of the EU and have restricted immigration. If I had a vote to cast, I would probably go their way, as the "least worst", I guess.
1.leftists are much more subtile than muslims. veiled threats, passive-aggressive behaviour, etc.. we have many desecrations of tombs, churches. I suspect leftists because they don't just break everything, but steal the Body of Our Lord for instance. thanks to these edgelords priests have to hold mass of reparation for this terrible blasphemy.
at least with muslims when they don't like you, you know it.
2.I don't know much. we have our progressist bishops too. one agreed to hold a medieval fair and brought in horses into a cathedral.
3. only time will tell and God knows. people are still converting ; last year we had 50 people demanding baptism and instruction in the Catholic faith.
atheism will never win, atheists are just way more vocal than every other group, and because it appeals to cowardice and to the lowest instincts of man, it has a bright future everywhere.
4. Marine is not Catholic, that's all I know.
Which country do you come from?
Depends what you mean by that. There's actually two answers I could give.
No. Spanish Monarchs have been masons since at least mid 19th century.
How is FM support where you are at? I saw a good many fliers when I was in Lille but i still feel it was very taboo. Also, my ex-gf's brother (a white frenchman) converted to Islam for beurette pussy. How rampant is this?
Where were you born and what country did you immigrate from
Mean to say FN, not FM
I was born and I immigrated from Québec, when I was under 5 years old.
>Also, the majority of our muslim population are maghrebis, unlike UK's Pakis and Germany's Turks. They are an unpleasant subculture, but are not guided by Islam, rather by "Thug Culture".
That explains a lot. Is there a chance muslims will become degenerate in the same way as the rest of french society?
>1.leftists are much more subtile than muslims. veiled threats, passive-aggressive behaviour, etc.. we have many desecrations of tombs, churches. I suspect leftists because they don't just break everything, but steal the Body of Our Lord for instance. thanks to these edgelords priests have to hold mass of reparation for this terrible blasphemy. At least with muslims when they don't like you, you know it.
So i guess leftis are worse then. Is there any chance muslims will cut their ties with leftist and vote for right-wing party?
>one agreed to hold a medieval fair and brought in horses into a cathedral
Oh man, still there are worse things. I saw on youtube some movies of destrution of old french churrches. What the hell is going on there and why this is allowed?
>4. Marine is not Catholic, that's all I know.
I heard Marione is more based then Marine, is that true? And what about her party, are they focusing only on muslims or do they also try to fight with social degeneracy?
Maghrebis' subculture is already degenerate. They're our version of "The Hood" in the US.
Fundamentalist muslims are not degenerate, but regressive and violent. I don't think much higher of them than the rest.
1.I don't think so ; Hollande got his election thanks to maghrebi votes, I'd be curious to see the percentage though
2. It is allowed because the state owns every church built before 1905, thanks to an anti-clerical law. the 19th century and early 20th century saw a very anticlerical France
3. Marion is Catholic. From what I hear, they are mainly focused on muslims. Talking about social degeneracy (I understand mores) in any form would be very non politically correct as you can guess.
Is it okay to choose St. Michael the Archangel as my patron saint? Or no because he's an angel and not a human saint?
I'm unbaptized person looking to join the RCIA class soon.
After Brussels attack I read a story about muslims in Belgium and there was something like this:
>why should I respect Belgians? Abortion is a normal thing to them, they either killed they parent or put them in old people's house, churches are empty, brothels are full. For what should I respect them?
So by degenerate I mean this degenerate. Plus this whole damn LGBT+ thing.
>Talking about social degeneracy (I understand mores) in any form would be very non politically correct as you can guess.
So can't muslims help you change that? I heard there were some cooperacy in protesting against gay marriage.
I think it is. as long as it is sanctioned by the Church, it is ok.
you have a guardian angel too.
God bless you, and may He give you strength faith and discernment all along your road to catechumenate and life.
there were, yes. muslims won't help though I think. it is to the individual to decide, in the end.
have this
I have lost all faith. We are all to be eradicated. The age of atheism/egoism is coming. And after robots and AI they will probably genocide most people.
Adieu, Frenchbro.