Hi I just killed your baby

>hi I just killed your baby

No you didn't because I shot you as soon as you ran onto my property.

>leftist scum trying to ban more things

Kill the dog and the owner. The animal is broken, but ultimately the owner is just as responsible, directly, for the death of that baby. An eye for an eye.

Bit u r baby

this desu

Pitbulls are genetically disposed to be aggressive. They've been bred to bite and not let go when they are startled. The mother sneezed and he murdered the baby. It happens all the time.

This. Implying I didn't fall you the "better get a CHL" meme and carry it around like fucking herpes.

How much?
Hey, sir? Whats the cost for this dog?

>idiot nigger defending his next of kin

im glad they've banned those war dogs in montreal

> Not keeping them the way they were meant to be
> Not keeping them as guard dogs

What the fuck? Why would you let them near your baby?

>tfw pit bull owner for nine years
>tfw he was the biggest, gentlest, most affectionate creature I've ever seen
>tfw he died of cancer five years ago
>tfw I adopted a Jack Russell terrier after he died
>tfw that little fucker bites me constantly, growls at me, chases me around and tries to knock me down every time I walk by
fuck rat dogs

It's terriers for the most part. The only good terrier is the Boston.

This should be treated for all intensive purposes as "the dogs owner killed a baby". You don't ban knives because someone is a retard, cant handle it, throws it in the air and it kills a baby. You just put him on trial for murder. The dog is just a very dangerous tool that ended up in the hands of a retard. Again, owner is murderer.

He deserves a blowjob for that

Niggers kill far more White children than dogs do. Yet you don't advocate their extinction.

Why is that?


My buddy has a pit that looks like a fucking murder machine, his wife has a little bastard rat dog.

The rat dog always tries to attack other dogs and shit, the pit just chills unless he sees a black person, in fact I really like his pit he always just chills with him when I'm over and I fucking hate dogs normally.

I may have to adopt the fucker though since the pit tried to murder his neighbor's dog after it got into his yard and then bit the other dog's owner so it does go to show they are unpredictable.

People saying it was the owner are full of shit. People are worse to plenty of other dogs every day. AND YET
>Pitbulls only make up 6.6% of the dog population in the U.S.
>but 82% of dog bite fatalities are by pitbulls.
>Pitbulls have been bred for the sole purpose of being "game", or aggressive/unpredictable in fights for years. They haven't been "guard dogs" since 20 years ago.
>51% of fatalities by pitbulls involved a family dog and a family member.
>pitbulls are SUPPOSED to be dangerous to other dogs, and often kill other family pets

There's no reason to keep unpredictable animals that can kill a child with a single bite in any civilized society.

>There's no reason to keep unpredictable animals that can kill a child with a single bite in any civilized society.
Yet niggers are fine and should continue to be allowed into White civilization, right?

I have a chihuahua x terrier. Cutest and friendliest thing ever.

Pic related, is the dog