If any of you fucks actually had a kid, what kind of music would you show them growing up?

If any of you fucks actually had a kid, what kind of music would you show them growing up?

I'd probably start them on Pink Floyd and Townes but get them into Among Amarth, Baise ma Hache, Bonethugs N Harmony, and Boris as they grow older.

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I've tried to compile a playlist of "normal" sounding songs that I like to play with my family and I've given up multiple times so I would probably play the radio and a few classic bands like Pink Floyd, The Mars Volta and whatnot.


There's always just playing a CD or something, my dad would force me to listen to smooth jazz and old country sometimes as a kid along with Pink Floyd. Back then I didn't like it much but I grew to realize I loved it.

The most patrician kind: field recordings.

They'd only be allowed to listen to clyps posted in /prod/ threads.

I would try to give him a little bit of everything to see what he likes and give him a good basis for later musical enjoyment. I wouldn't play Anal Cunt or Peter Sotos to a five year old of course, but a mixture of genres certainly.

Grindcore dad is cool dad, i had a few friends in highschool with grandcore dads. The thing is they have to also be skater dads or it just makes them smelly crust dad.

probably Tylo be chillin

My childhood was defined by a lot of songy hippie music, folk rock, singer-songwriter. So, later Beatles, Cat Stevens, CSN/&Y, Fleetwood Mac, Judy Collins. And then all the stuff that played on classic rock stations back then (which, in the 80s, meant 60s - mid 70s music). Also grew up to a lot of 80s soft rock as part of the general ambience. Moved to Ohio shortly after starting elementary school, which looked exactly like the location in OP's pic, kind of a Calvin & Hobbes-y, woodsy small suburbs setting, and then with lots of road and camping trips, so all the hippie folk went well with that atmosphere, while the soft rock went with the lethargic drives to the city.

I think I'll likely have kids eventually, and will probably raise them to the soundtrack of a lot of 'parent' music. I think Fleetwood Mac / Cat Stevens etc is def the sound for that part of your life, speaking both to the parent end but also the wonder in the child's experience.

The only thing about hippie music is that that whole headspace - while I think it's great and very 'truthful' - can possibly plant a seed of future drug use in the kid. Through the Beatles alone I kind of continually had mythology of 'drug use = amazing creative insights' absorbed into me. By the time I was a teenager, living in a more plastic suburban environment in southern California, that 'realer' world implied in psychedelia beckoned to me and basically set me off on a journey of heavy drug use that burned through my entire twenties. So I'm not quite sure what to do with this insight, except to maybe try to help my kids understand that you really don't want to waste your time with the trashy, losery people. Not putting them in a school where all the cool people are hardcore, edgy druggies with future heroin addictions helps, I guess.

wonder *of

Gregorian chants

harsh noise and classical

Those types grow up to be beautiful women.

I would let them listen to what they wanted to.

evil pimp

lil pump

when my kid was like 2-3 her favourite albums were graceland and goo

Of course they can listen to whatever they want to, but what are you going to play for them on car rides, their fifth birthday party, in the living room during chill days?

Bud Light dad is cool dad.

they wuz good boys dey din do nuffins

> dog had a history of violence
> not the breed itself

Raise ya damn dog rite, pitties just wanna luv ya!

Animal that accounts for roughly 90% of canine fatalities yet only makes up 6% of the dog population, hmm really makes you think.

Sorry that shitty people raise them to fight, if you've ever raised one yourself or had a family member/friend that has you'd know they're the snuggliest breed ever.

Nigger dog for white trash and niggers, shit bull defenders always have the same excuses as coal burners.
They're ugly low IQ dangerous nigger dogs.

Actually labradors are responsible for 60% of bites. The issue is that if someone is bitten by a pitbull they say "I was bitten by a pitbull" whereas with literally every other dog they say "I was bitten by a dog." because of pitbull stigma.

I'm Japanese/Mexican you fuck, Pitties, Rotties, Danes, Irish Wolvehounds, Bullies, French Bullies are all friendly and loyal buddies to have in your family.

> . . . because of pitbull stigma.

THIS, I fucking hate the bad rep they get.

also beaners keep them and are fucked up

I said fatalities you dumb cunt, the issue is pitbulls lock onto and kill things, other dogs like chihuahuas get a shit rap too but they aren't fighting dogs that retards like to keep because they like having something dumber than themselves.

You listed shitbulls alongside a bunch of fine dogs whcih is ironic considering you're a weird mutt yourself.
Shitbull genocide best day of my life, the stigma only exists because they're nigger dogs that kill people and other pets.



Endless vids like this.

It's just because of their jaw strength, most dogs couldn't kill you unless you laid motionless and let them chew your throat open. Pitties are cursed with extreme sturdiness and bite strength, so people abuse them into fighting dogs because "lmao badass!" and when even the nicest of the dogs bite, it's going to do more damage than a very malicious corgi or some shit. Chihuahuas are probably the most aggressive dog there is and it's just not an issue because of their pathetic size. If a newfoundland could be fucked to get up and bite much of anything, they'd effectively be small bears. Plus ignoring all that, even if pitbulls are more likely to be aggressive, it doesn't change the fact that a good upbringing can make almost any intelligent species friendly and nonviolent.

It all comes down to how you raise them. My uncle had a monstrously strong pitbull the size of a great dane, over the 13ish years the pitbull lived he never hurt anyone or anything, guy was a childish love nugget that would storm at you to jump in your hands and kiss you. The pitbull my uncle and cousin have now is the same mindset, just really small and kinda afraid of the dark, but doesn't hurt a fly. I have countless friends with pitties like this, the only reason the pitties in those videos do that shit is because they weren't raised by good people. Where I live "beaners" had chihuahuas that they raised like absolute shit and those chihuahuas attacked babies and got shot. A wild German Shepard attacked someone and got shot. Every breed you can think of just about has pulled stupid shit around where I grew up and got shot.

>It all comes down to how you raise them
thats literally any animal

Exactly so what's the problem with pitbulls?

there is none
is that what the other guy said?

Oh, I dunno
I thought you meant it as anti-pitbull

i think theyre cute
are they smart dogs or dumbos

I recall them being smart

They'll usually childish and sweet, they like to stick to daily routines and have a pretty good sense of time but can be little buggers when something doesn't go as schedule lol, when they get older they can get really smart.

that sounds nice
ive wanted to get a dog like this cause i think theyre cut and theyre little balls of muscle that you can play with

check a local pound and see if you can find a young one that looks at you and wags his/her tail, that's the keeper right there.

See if you can get a really young one from a shelter. I'm not saying beware crazy violent dogs, but regardless of temperament, they can be incredibly energetic and their stumpy little legs can fucking JUMP. Try to get one that's either pre-trained or can be trained not to wreck your house/furniture every time you get home.

i will look senpai
id assume they might not get adopted as much as other dogs

yeah, the stigma really holds them back, same with Bulldogs and Danes and Rotties in preppy areas that just want purse dogs.

You'd be right, people are really apprehensive about them, a lot of really sweet dogs out there

I guess we should ban Rottweilers and Dobermans too then.

>It's just because of their jaw strength
NO it's not just their bite strength you idiot it's their entire nature and the fact that they were selectively bred to be fighting dogs that fought to the death, not even other fighting dogs are as viscious or dangerous or dumb. You're also arguing against yourslef you moron by admitting they have a strong bite force, which begs the question of why other breeds with strong bite forces don't have such a high kill count.
You're also under the delusion that upbringing is everything, if that was the case then why is there so many sstories of shitbulls snapping and killing their owners or small children or old people.
The "good owners" bullshit, if it's only down to the owners and there is a lot of shitty owners out there they amount of dog fatalities would by much much higher you're a moron if you think that.

All dogs are cognitively the same.

Rottweilers and doberman aren't responsible for 90% of canine on human fatalities and aren't nearly as dumb or niggery.

Do you know shit about shit? Fighting dogs are specifically trained to be as human-friendly as possible, your argument would only make sense if you were trying to bring up dog-on-dog violence stats
Ex-fighting dogs become excellent pets all the time, they just need to be kept away from other dogs

>why other breeds with strong bite forces don't have such a high kill count.
>You're also under the delusion that upbringing is everything, if that was the case then why is there so many sstories of shitbulls snapping and killing their owners or small children or old people.


>The issue is that if someone is bitten by a pitbull they say "I was bitten by a pitbull" whereas with literally every other dog they say "I was bitten by a dog." because of pitbull stigma.

Rofl you're retarded, border collies are the most intelligent breed by far then poodles then german shepards and belgian mallinois.
Next you'll be saying all humans have the same levels of cognition.

>Fighting dogs are specifically trained to be as human-friendly as possible
and shit bulls evidently aren't which is why they should be genocided.

>>The issue is that if someone is bitten by a pitbull they say "I was bitten by a pitbull" whereas with literally every other dog they say "I was bitten by a dog." because of pitbull stigma.
I've already explained why that reasoning is retarded you fucking moron, getting bit by some dog isn't the same as being mauled to death by a shitbull.

>Next you'll be saying all humans have the same levels of cognition.
They do. But now you've basically outed yourself as a scientific racist so I can just disregard everything you say.

So are they fighting dogs or aren't they, faggot? Can you at least pick an argument and stick to it?

Lol this is Sup Forums you dumb nigger.
I know reading is hard but try to keep up brainlet.
>Fighting dogs are specifically trained to be as human-friendly as possible
>'bred' to be as human-friendly as possible
you don't hear about chow chows killing people now do you retard.

Listen up, dweeb, if they can be trained by the most violent brainlet thugs on the earth to be extremely human friendly while simultaneously killing other dogs, then why can't a completely normal, nonviolent individual train them to be human-friendly? The breed is very smart and inherently neutral, they get trained to be fighting dogs because they're so strong, not because they're violent. Cockfight-scale dogfights with chihuahuas would be much more vicious, but not nearly as impressive to the violent "bigger is better" idiots running them.

I have a German Shepard/Belgian malinois mix and he's a retard, he failed police training so we had to take him in.
To stay relevant to the thread (even though it's derailed) id play classical when they're super tiny and then start playing pop and singer songwriter stuff when they're a toddler. Then diversify into harder rock, some hip hop, electronic, jazz when they're a little older and then let them explore from there.


Your dog looks fucking awesome

There's no way you're over 18.

I'd scale all my favorite music down to 10 or so years and slowly let them appreciate the best of it chronologically from about 5-15

Thanks man, whenever i walk him I always get compliments about how pretty he is. I guess it's because of his coat color (he has no black patches anywhere)

Classical for me was something my dad tried to show me as a kid and I only honestly liked the shit that was basically some epic song from a Disney movie. I explored classical way later on after I had learned how to play guitar and explored death/black metal a lot and I found myself enjoying classical more than ever. because of this I feel like classical is something you need to let them try twice, once when they're young, and once when they're in their teens so they can possibly see things they didn't realize in it when they were younger.

It's odd to say that's not the first GS with down syndrome I've ever seen, those types of GSs are usually really sweet and friendly and make good humble family members.

>if they can be trained by the most violent brainlet thugs on the earth to be extremely human friendly while simultaneously killing other dogs
Is that what you call being left chained up in the backyard, training? I have some training for you then brainlet. The breed is not smart by any metric, if they were armed forces would use them over german shepards and mallinois, if it was a case of bigger is better then why wouldn't they use rottys or the big rescue dogs.
The answer is that those breeds were not bred to be consistently dumb and viscous enough to be used in fighting rings.
Being the key point here, I bet about 50% of his litter wasn't retarded as not selectively breeding reduces to the mean.

I've been here for nearly 8 years now you cock sucker, maybe you should fuck off back to plebbit.

My black lab is absolutely dumb as a brick but she's the sweetest fucking dog. My bathroom door opens out, and every time you close the door, you've got about five seconds before she lays against it. Then when you try to leave, she'll get squished between the wall and the door and won't move until you tell her to.

> been here for nearly 8 years now

I browsed Ebaums World when I was 7 back in 2001, being here 8 years doesn't mean shit.

>smooth jazz
he broke you

Most old fags have left for greener pastures.

For classical i mean like when you want your baby to zone out sit em in front of a tv and play this
But after the infant stage don't play as much classical
and yeah my dog is super friendly, playful and an attention whore
There is one other dog in his litter im aware of that became a family pet instead of a police dog

He deeply regretted anything related to smooth jazz pretty shorty after that phase lol.


Aww what a dummy. I love stupid dogs. My dog has some weird quirks, like he was afraid of trash cans that open with foot pedal, but he also has some remnants of police training in him, like if he sees a gun shaped object like a nerf gun he freaks out