What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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I think he meant "Hillary BTFO."
He's begun to shitpost in real life after the liberals sperged out
against him.
Fully agree with Adams. No way out for Hillary, no way to explain out all the pay for play foundation corruption and donation sellout except dig herself in deeper with more lies.
And the evidence is coming, of that you can be sure.
she will likely just ignore it
Hillary has a way out. No reporters will follow up on any of this and everybody will just forget. You know its true
>How to you respond to Mr. Trump's allegations?
lol idk
The problem is the voters won't. Clinton Cash soon to be released as motion picture.
That is an extremely naive statement. Wait and see.
I love that guy. Had no idea he was redpilled until a few months ago.
is he the anti-Nate_Silver? the same delusion but the other side of the alley
Except Adam was correct every step of the way so far and Nate Aluminium was wrong.
>they think Trump is running for president
You're not going to convince Hillary supporters, you just won't. Everything that comes out about Hillary is a right wing lie to them. Every single scandal, every single thing that she has lied about.
Then there's the larger part of her supporters who simply don't give a fuck, and are voting on name recognition alone. This probably makes up the largest portion of Hillary voters, including blacks and hispanic low information voters.
The only way for her presidential race to end is for her to be charged with a crime, that's the only way and it's not going to ever happen.
This man changed my life....
>Serbia in charge of math
Nate was incredibly accurate with the 2012 general election. We will see how he does this year.
He is the prophet of Trump
>We will see how he does this year
>Nate was incredibly accurate with the 2012 general election
Because he's a fucking nerd. He can only predict things when they're, you know, predicable. Trump isn't exactly known for that.
>Americunt in charge of not sucking nigger dick
It means Scott Adams is retarded.
Trump just repeats accusations hoping they will stick. The "proof" he offered of Benghazi and of the quid pro quo of the Clinton Foundation in "Clinton Cash" has be debunked: Benghazi by the Senate, and "Clinton Cash" by all fact checkers. Remember, this is the guy who won't release his tax returns but for years claimed that Obama was foreign born.
His promises were hollow: How can you rebuild infrastructure while lowering taxes? How is he going to bring factories back and raise wages?
His assessment of the status quo is just plain wrong: We have the most expensive high tech military in the world.
This speech was libel.
You people are morons....
Trump is a moron...
If Trump is not removed as the Nominee, this will be the worst defeat in the history of the USA of any political party.
There are real problems in the world that the Democrats and Republicans are ill prepared to solve. Instead of looking for answers, we are all slinging shit at each other trying to see what sticks.
"Increasingly nervous man says this will be the end of Hillary's run for the seventh time this year"
Trumps entire platform with respect to hillary will be to make it impossible for her to ignore it. He's already begun,are you thick or something?
Someone explain to me why the reaction to this speech seems to be so great. It's completely scripted and it's much more apparent when it's Trump reading off a teleprompter than anyone else, so it looks extremely awkward.
Seriously, though, I'm sure Trump has left Hillary a way out, even if WE can't see what it is. Trump named his book The Art of the Deal, an obvious homage to The Art of War.
Trump understands the importance of leaving your enemy one way out.
>1 post by this ID
I didn't say it would work, I said that's what she will probably do.
>Clinton cash has been debunked
That's why major us newspapers have agreed it is accurate and run with the stories.. riiight?
Nice copypasta
this Her voters literally don't give a shit, most of them don't even remember the email scandal, the ones that do think it's heavily exaggerated.
>This speech was libel.
If that's the case, she will sue him. Isn't that right?
Anyone have a link to the speech?
My mom is exactly like this. Her attitude towards the email server is "well Hillary shouldn't have done it, but isn't it A LITTLE suspicious that the fbi is waiting until an election year to drag her through the mud?"
is there a video of this somewhere?
So...How many years you been waiting for that evidence?
Trump said he had irrefutable evidence that Obama was foreign born. Where's that?
Waited just the other day for Gusiffer 2.0's "unbelievably damaging" stuff off of the DNC server and found..
Wait for it...
Previously published articles from disreputable sources easily found on the internet that amounted to...
But if you believe that stuff, I have a bridge you might be interested in... Real money maker!
so in that way, he's the only one running the race
hillary doesn't know how to play defense against his 3d attack
bro-- you're a fucking fool. you're the joke. a successful businessman running for president and captivating the nation is not a joke. a prominent individual that calls for strong borders, putting an end to the ridiculous illegal influx of ugly uneducated criminal shitbags pouring into our country, for more competent international dealmaking, for measures that protect us from the deluded fools that blow themselves up on trains and beat up women & gays to enjoy supposed carnal pleasures (sins) in heaven, is not a fool. it's unbridled courage and unapologetic executive decision making. it's a joke that we would have a man and later, his son in office. it's a joke that we would have a man and later, his fake wife in office. it's a joke that people continue to support the globalist clinton political machine. those are the demons. those are the devil. you've got to step back and wonder why the media doesn't have it in for these criminals like they do trump. but you don't. you take it at face value. hating trump is cool among the know-nothing leftist legion, and you haven't thought into why that is at all. you're just buying into the narrative, wholesale. and it's honestly disgusting. pissant
Politicians cannot sue for libel in the USA unless it is of a personal nature or costs their private business.
Funny how Trump doesn't know this....
It's impossible to convince Hillary's supporters, but you can convince bernouts and other undecideds.
She can't win with minorities and boomers alone.
I like Scott, but I think he is being very myopic. He predicted that the Megyn Kelly interview would be the turning point of his campaign, but it turned out that people already stopped giving a fuck about her by the time it came.
>This speech was libel.
It is not! I resent that! Libel is written. In speech it's slander.
>she will likely just ignore it
She can't ignore it during the national debates. Bernie was too soft on her, Trump won't have that same problem. It's going to be live rape on tv and she will cry again.
>mfw there are people saying Hillary will destroy Trump in the debates
You don't need to convince them. You need to demoralize them so they stay home.
Everybody loves a winner.
Everybody hates a loser.
The evidence was from Obama's statements in print at least twice that he was born in Kenya.
The evidence was from Obama's aunt who said she was at Obama's birth in Kenya.
The evidence was sealed shut by the state of Hawaii who literally passed a law saying they did not have to reveal Obama's birth certificate.
The evidence that Obama is not one of us is manifest.
Unlike Nate (((SILVER))), Adams was right about the primaries.
tell your mom she needs a good fucking to straighten her out.
what am i seeing here
Just him confirming that he's an unapologetic establishment queer.
How do you build a skating rink which had been a boondoggle for 5 years in 3 months for 1/10th the original cost?
Trump did it you stupid nigger, because he knows how to run shit.
When you're incompetent and don't know how to handle money, you spend 10 times more and get a worse result. Like Jeb Bush.
Here is a Senate hearing on the construction of the UN building. The contractors were asking for $1.2 billion. Trump testified that the cost of constructing one of his new buildings from scratch, which was much taller with gold plated trim, would be $350 million, or 1/4th the cost of the hypothetical renovation.
In this hearing he tears the shit out of the incompetence the Congressmen and makes the look like little schoolboys who have no idea what they're doing.
This is the power of being competent and actually knowing what you're doing.
You don't even get the sentence correct. Can I talk to your shill sweat-shop manager ?
What a joke. It was weak. Trump sounds tired when he tries to be serious, and no strong points stood out.
You guys realize that Scott Adams is clinically insane, right? Have you actually ever watched his videos or do you only absorb the blurbs about him on Sup Forums?
>b-b-but muh hypnotism master persuasion expert XDDD
Yes such a master of persuasion that he's been fired from every single job he's ever had other than cartoonist. Great job persuading people to see you as valuable.
I prefer Sanders shills desu, they are more numerous and more passionate.
>She can't ignore it during the national debates.
>Implying the media won't completely gloss over all these questions and probably never even bring them up as a topic during debates.
>Implying the media isn't going to hardcore spin every word the Donald says during the debate into pure slander a la "Binders full of Women."
>Implying they won't coronate Hillary the winner every time, no matter how badly she gets schlonged.
Perception is everything. Few people actually watch the debate. Most people hear of the debate from the filter of the media and other people's lips. Those that do watch the debate still have to go through the filtered questions and responses of the moderators and more importantly the crowd.
Why does this numale get so much attention?
What was he right about that took other people by surprise?
It won't matter, even if they don't bring it up she'll bring something up about him like the Trump University thing meaning that turnabout is fair play. The media can crown whoever the fuck they want but if she falters or even cries on stage, then it's over for her. Remember when Hillary had crocodile tears when she faced Obama? Her numbers plummeted after that. Trump is going to go after her like a bulldog unlike dickless Sanders. Her best shot is to cancel every single debate because she wants none of him.
>he's been fired from every single job he's ever had other than cartoonist
>be a wageslave for random faggots
>Be your own boss, become wealthy and famous
This is why I think you should just kill yourself. The very fact that a success story like his is seen as a negative is why your highschool crush will never take you seriously. You are a detriment to this country, and I hope you decide to be more of man in the future.
good video.
can't wait to see Trump elected president at the bottom of this pic in a number of months.
Did I already miss the Trump speech for today?
What happened.