
beautiful german machines edition

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Got invited to an Alt Right group chat, now I need to read Evola

The elites look unbeatable because the people are kneeling down. Rise up to see how small they actually are.

Down to my last $20. Get paid on Friday. Debating getting cigarettes or alcohol. If I get cigarettes, I'll eat less. If I get alcohol, I'll go to sleep easier.

Leftypol here,

I hate blonde Polish qts

first for brodies fuck off

Btfo by a an economy car edition

made a cheeky meme

he's top notch.

quite like this boi

what an absolute racist
wh*tes rape FAR more than Pakistanis but she doesn't want to look at w*ite culture?
fucking hell

prefer beautiful german aesthetics myself

not bent just like health and fitness simple as

Authentic european culture free from jewish manipulation ended in the 3rd century AD. Ever since then it has been a vessel for the whims and wills of the collective jewish people.

>tfw too smart to fly

what does that even mean



I hear this Cenk Shapiro fella is a master debater.

Boy, I feel sorry for the poor sap going up against his humongous intellect.



*rolls up to you in a wheelchair*



>Southern Nationalists
>White Nationalists

Those two groups overlap like 90%. Not every Southern Nationalist is a White Nationalist, but 90% are.

>Southern Nationalists

fuck of rightypol

Sargon been suspended again
The tolerant left strikes again


nothing worse than /brit/ politics
don't care either way

What is this?
Some sort of virgin meetup?


would clatter that fat bastard into a stain

is that charls

Who /drunksince9am/ here?

Rhymes with Right:
Might, Fight, Height, Sight, Light, Knight, Night, Bright

Rhymes with Left:
Theft, Bereft, Heft


>the car most British folks aspire to
>America BTF-


cant argue with that


It IS happening, simple as.

Unite the Right, nationalist gathering in America

the london experience


He drank pearl in a can and Jack Daniels black
Chewed tobacco from a mail pouch sack
Had an old dog that was trained to attack


>285 posts
>25 left in the thread before bump limit
>probably an hour before 404
>leftypol getting btfo
>makes a new thread in desperation
>janny nowhere to be seen
>everyone migrates
Fuck this chickenshit general.

people want kraut cars mate not shitbox yank death traps

Based Unabomber.

his channel get flagged by left-wing death squads?

>chewed tobacco

Good lad.

getting suspended on twitter is a sign you make quality content

The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

gotta... post some packages

give me a minute mate, i'm definitely going to read all of this

*complains about immigrants taking his job*

they have those lame warnings there?
at least there are no huge pictures of rotten mouths

Rhymes with British:

>Get rid of thish

Rhymes with Irish:

>Proud to be Irish
>Never be defeatish

Bought it in Dubai on muh way from the states. From NY

Never did that

Rhymes with Canada


Don't strain yourself mate, it's literally a whole page of writing.

Suck a dick you English faggot. You're probably even from a really big metropolitan shithole built my hardworking Irishmen for you lazy trash.

C - cunt
A - anus
N - nigger
A - arse
D - dick
A - asinine

Imagine being so shit that you had to leave for the Runt World because you couldn't make it in fucking Ireland

you guys have access to the internet?

╔═════════════════ ೋღღೋ ════════════════╗

leftypol not welcome here

╚═════════════════ ೋღღೋ ════════════════╝

anyone remember the kekio meme



U - U
S - Suc
A - A lot of dick

╔═════════════════ ೋღღೋ ════════════════╗

leftypol not welcome here

╚═════════════════ ೋღღೋ ════════════════╝

anyone remember the as silly as sir billi meme

Fuck off weeb

>Police and firefighters respond to acid attack in London's Borough Market

copped this

part 'n' parcel

>when a white country is still not filled to the brim with people from the third world

Hate yanks
Love dixie

think I honestly might buy this car

only problem is it might be a hassle to park



hate yanks
love wanks

I will neck u m8

may have larped once or thrice as a dixieboo even though in reality i couldn't give a shit

I'm visiting England and I have never been to a shittier city in my life and I've been 3rd world countries.
>arrive in Manchester station
>heavy rain
>starving looking for a place to eat while almost getting run over
>no restaraunts just a packed McDonald next to London Eye
>30 min to get my order
>wagecuck aren't smiling
>nowhere to sit inside
>have to eat on the ground outside in the rain
>nobody finds this weird because they are also doing it
>ask stranger for time
>points to Big Ben
>annoying Big Ben bongs every 30 min
>Indians and gooks everywhere
>everything expensive

Wow I'm really glad I live in the States I didn't realize how good we got it

i wish i was in dixie hooray hooray

Been streaming on my phone to get it to die since it's at 1% and it's been staying on at 1% for the past half an hour

Bloody mad

This is the true form of the jewish people. Say something nice about it.

good song

I'm visiting England and I have never been to a shittier city in my life and I've been 3rd world countries.
>arrive in Manchester station
>heavy rain
>starving looking for a place to eat while almost getting run over
>no restaraunts just a packed McDonald next to London Eye
>30 min to get my order
>wagecuck aren't smiling
>nowhere to sit inside
>have to eat on the ground outside in the rain
>nobody finds this weird because they are also doing it
>ask stranger for time
>points to Big Ben
>annoying Big Ben bongs every 30 min
>Indians and gooks everywhere
>everything expensive

Wow I'm really glad I live in the States I didn't realize how good we got it

Dutch eggs are bad


Had a serious conversation with the gf last night and we laid out what we want in life.

I said 5 kids, house in a nice area and marriage. She said she wanted the same.

Feels amazing lads


Not as bad as the eggs I chucked out last night.

Whens the wedding x

>She said she wanted the same.
you've been had, shoud have asked her first

hope you get mugged you stupid yank going to all the stupid tourist hot spots

no rush, probably 2020. i like round numbers.

Leftists are weak and in a constant struggle for power, that's why they're advocates of egalitarianism. They contradict themselves however, they do not really care for the group they claim they're helping, i.e. Feminism, affirmative action, workers rights. They simply do these things because they believe it will strengthen their position. For example, when the black block or antifa riot (I know some believe that antifa aren't true 'representatives' of Communism, but their contradictory nature goes even further as not even they can come together to form a conclusive vision of Communism) They tend to destroy and attack small businesses, i.e. the very people they're trying to empower.

would you kiss me?

britain is rubbish