Weekly Bill Whittle thread

>Get in here Sup Forumsacks, cucks, and betas. Come one come all! Take up a seat and witness the magic of my favorite motherfucker that has ever walked the face of the Earth and the most redpilled person you, I guarantee it, have ever seen.

Well PJTV has ended and so (for now) has Afterburner. Threads will now will be made upon Firewall uploads which time now will vary. I may in the future decide to also make threads on Bill's ne 'Right Angle' (also featuring Steven Green and Scott Ott).
>Last Stratosphere Lounge

>Previous ThreadsMUST SEE VIDEOS

Other urls found in this thread:


>Personal Favorites

>Playlists & list of shows for your convenienceAfterburner
[On indefinite hiatus]


>Virtual President

>The Stratosphere Lounge


>Right Angle

>Klavan & Whittle

>Hot Seat w/ Bill Whittle

>National Security Review
[Members only on PJTV]

>Time Over Target
[Members only on BillWhittle.com]

>The Nexus Report
[Members only on BillWhittle.com]

>Bill Whittle & Stefan Molyneux conversations

>Other Speeches, events, and videos
[Up to date]

>Sites & Channels

What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle? Is he red pilled?

In all seriousness I love your threads OP; they remind me of original Trump OP's quality.




Reminder that this Playlist exists:
This is where I collect everything that is not in a category or show. Very diverse, this is a collection of the various things Bill has done over the years including:

A special whistleblower interview on Islamic Infiltration
Mike Munzing's Conservative Happy Hour (part 1/3)
One of many EncounterBook narrations
Some of the PJTV specials
A one-on-one Bill did for Jaime Glazov's channel
An advertisement Bill did for this Anti-Obamacare book
One of the Ramona TEA'D events Bill does every January (Part 1/7)
His interview with Dinesh D'souza (part 1/3)
One of the man Tea Party Rallies attended

Just to name a few.

>Mexibro Whittle fan

samefagging by OP

Ded thread

Dont die on me BW thread

>Only 4 posters ITT
Feels bad

is he redpilled though ?

Read my autistic OP and find out :^)

>is he redpilled though ?
In some parts he is, just like RT makes some good coverage in things like Syria and ISIS but at the same time they do shit like "americans need their guns to be banned!!!!" or "American police are racists because they killed precious black children".

Bill makes really good coverage on things like PC bullshit, gun control and Obama's idiocy, but I would never take his "le jews are le poor people that everyone bullies :'''( " videos



If blacks do not value their own lives (look at the black murder rate) they how can they demand other people to value them?

>"le jews are le poor people that everyone bullies :'''( " videos
This. Though I do.sympathize with how he came to this mindset. I'm even annoyed enough with Sup Forums when they use joooos as an uncritical/bogeyman and ruin discussion with it.
I always like to remind those autists that if merchant is going to be destroyed; it's going to happen with a whimper. No happening. No day of the rope.

Those Israel defending videos btw:
I like bibi (relatively) but even I cringed at that "there he stood" line

What needs to be done is the black community needs to be made commonly aware of what the democratic party was and still is and refocus their anger, not on slavery itself, but on what happened to them during the dialog after the civil war. youtube.com/watch?v=4EXNp3HddMI
Rappers need to start romanticizing the Tuskegee institute and call out people like Al Sharpton as the worthless shitstains they are.
During an argument with a white lib bitch, I made an allusion to a black conservative friend of mine (which was a lie as I don't actually have one) and she called "him" an uncle Tom. I stopped her there an told her that saying that is just another word for democrats to call their pet victims "House niggers". I then proceeded to get destroyed by the 5 people around us. Not because I lost the argument, but because I was shouted down and threatened into irrelevance and I didn't get another syllable in edgewise.

Trump better have a bombshell of this type waiting in reserve for the perfect moment.


Newest Right Angle and AesopsRetreat upload

another shill thread...

This is a general I've been doing for quite some time champ. I literally believe if Trump.were to add this man to his campaign Democrats wouldn't win.another election for a century.
And before you say it; yes I know he's a teeny bit of a goy. His strengthsh however are so colossally monumental that they outweigh that and then some.

Why didn't he make a similar video after the Germanwings crash, or after the Charleston shooting blaming white supremacy, the same way he's blaming Islam for the Orlando shooting?

What do you guys think of Based Dennis Prager?

Digressing, will they do a Right Angle on the EU vote, particularly if it's a Brexit?

I feel that this week's Firewall was a little bit too emotional compared to other Bill vids.

Leaf please. And he did, if it was an Afterburner, Trifecta or something else I don't remember.
I have no doubt he will.

True, but I did like how he sorta asked Obama-supportimg Jews "What is wrong with you" at the end.
The emotion added to that.

Holy fuck thats alot of pasta

Any word on all those members-only PJTV videos?


Not yet so pastebin.com/2FucxCLe is still useless
I don't into kikebook or twatter but if you do maybe you can ask him.

I've seen this guy on Stef's videos, seems like he has this thing where he thinks that he's alpha but he's not convincing at all. Other than that, he was great. But is there any point in watching him if you watch Stef a lot?

Better, concise videos allt the rhetorical weight Stefan employs but with out all the bloat.
By which I mean his format. Stefan's format is much better suited to a Limbaugh-esque radio show and I-assume this is his goal.
Also Bill doesn't shill himself on Sup Forums (I do that :^))

Still addin to it too

*with all
Don't know wtf happened there

times were always shit senpai

And getting worse

even a fucking kickstarter game i wasnt even that invested in turned into a greasy turd.
>it was might no.9
I dont believe this age of Kali shit but im definitely feeling the downswing

I invested in Yooka Laylee

>Get in here Sup Forumsacks, cucks, and betas. Come one come all! Take up a seat and witness the magic of my favorite motherfucker that has ever walked the face of the Earth and the most redpilled person you, I guarantee it, have ever seen.

You wanted to write up something new. Please, this is horrible

Whittle OP likes Bill. He makes threads about it.
I like Bill. These threads are one of the reasons I come to Sup Forums.
Bill's not wealthy enough to pay people off anyway. Even if he could/wanted to, he wouldn't do it on Sup Forums.

Whittle OP: Keep it up!
Also, do you think we'll ever see 3rd-party Bill merch? I have the bumper sticker and coffee mug from subscribing, but I would totally buy a poster/hat if they came out.

Also, [spoiler]It's scary how much you can find out about someone just from the links they post. If your initials are DM, I just wanted to let you know that common sense, Google search and about ten minutes of time are all it took to find you from the links you've posted to this general. I know from previous comments that you take anonymity seriously.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I only searched for you to prove to myself that you aren't actually Bill.[/spoiler]

>I literally believe if Trump.were to add this man to his campaign Democrats wouldn't win.another election for a century.

How can we make this happen?

Whittle OP likes Bill. He makes threads about it.
I like Bill. These threads are one of the reasons I come to Sup Forums.
Bill's not wealthy enough to pay people off anyway. Even if he could/wanted to, he wouldn't do it on Sup Forums.

Whittle OP: Keep it up!
Also, do you think we'll ever see 3rd-party Bill merch? I have the bumper sticker and coffee mug from subscribing, but I would totally buy a poster/hat if they came out.

Also, I followed the trail using links you've posted to prove to myself that you aren't actually Bill, cleverly masquerading as user. If I found the right person, your initials are DM. Did I getcha?

oh god i pray you dont get the kickstarter hangover

>If your initials are DM
Pretty spooky

But in all seriousness I was always aware of the possibilityy of connecting Whittle OP> yt playlists on my channel>to Google>my identity
Anonymity is important to me, but not as much as you thought.
Anonymity is important me in.principle mostly
Tldr; meh
I don't into kikebook/twatter so that's an option for any that want to
Also reddit but for the love of god if you make a reddit version of my pasta don't EVER link here.

Based bill


Very off topic

I am requesting the diagram of the second amendment broken down to what it means

Pic related as to why

>inb4 kikebook

Not ringing any bells. Describe it a little. Colors, abstract comparisons. Whatever ya got

I think I remember him doing a video giving a modern translation of the 18th Century text. Might have been a firewall.

Sorry about the deleted post. I demonstrated my inability to spoiler and realized my phrasing might come across as stalker-ish. And not the cool kind, like pic related.
>Pretty spooky
Exactly. Sorry about that. I'm not going to do anything with the information.

>Also reddit but for the love of god if you make a reddit version of my pasta don't EVER link here.
Hearty chortle.jpg

Does he name the jew?

Thought so....


It wasn't from a bill whittle video. Just something that gets posted a lot to shut up people raiding the board..

It's a white background and branches off about each word in the second amendment and their meaning.

Sorry to bring this to your thread, I didn't want to create an entire thread for one image.

You're fine.
>inability to spoiler
You spoilered properly; spoilers do not function on Sup Forums
If you knew that but deleted anyway: don't. I us them anyway occasionally for rhetorical effect if my post warrants it.

Make a thread on /wsr/ while I'm remembering

>muh bogeyman
Take a guess on what would happen if he did skipper.

Will do and I'll link this post in the OP

I made the thread but it wouldn't link your post correctly






Bill whittle fan down here, I really like his humor, not unlike the left that is full of clowns that yell to try to make their points look good

I wish he were more popular around here

Yeah, I think so.

Just watched the video.. I don't think I've seen bill so angry before, but he has a solid reason to be.

>Eu street sign captcha

There is ths guy on youtube that puts spanish titles on some Bill Whittle videos, check him out

Coming up blank in my folder sorry
>this angry
I can think of a couple

>You will never get to fly in a private jet with Bill Whittle as your pilot telling you stories of Freedom over the intercom

He flew off the handle at a Stratosphere Lounge thing once because someone went full Stormfag on him.

I like BW better than Klavan but I still take anything he says with a pound of salt.

decent video


His dating a stripper clip from his podcast can be an analogy for so many things.

Wow! That first video was great. The only thing about his videos that bothers me is how low his voice is. Maybe move the mic closer? Other than that his videos are excellent.

A man like bill, I would expect to be angry if someone was trying to convince him to go stormfront. He does well without naming the jew.

Realistically, what is to be done with faggots? If killing them is too much, are you willing to let them run free in your communities? I vote for ostracizing them, execution of the ringleaders who shill for faggotry only.

Is the firewall the only show bill whittle is on now? I'll watch more of his old videos. I love catching these threads when he release new content.

Thanks for directing me to /wsr/ OP! Got the image I needed. Have another bump

Afterburner is on a presumed indefinite hiatus so yes. (other than Right Anle ect) >78158409 has playlists made by me and in particular take note of Starting in the list of videosi in the first OP is best

>78158409 whoops

You betcha





I can't t to see the next thing Klavan does with Bill.
Hopefully Memeymoo too.

i like this manlet, he's kinda cute

Bill is back?

Where have you been? He never left. Afterburner ended though, is that what you were referring to?
He's like 6-something

yeah, I guess you're right

Why does Bill do all these different titled shows?


Different format=different discussion potential

Stratosphere Lounge 121 tonight folks

I happen to have one more

It's going swimmingly so I shouldn't

Best day soon