How are you preparing for the African century?

How are you preparing for the African century?

Other urls found in this thread:


19th century: The Scramble for Africa
21st century: The Scramble from Africa

>The African Bulge

by building fences and investing into maritime border security

Practicing recieving and hands free.

*notices bulge*

Currently working for a major NGO that provides gibs and medicine to their continent. Im here to sabotage it from within. You can thank me later

thank you based swiss

OwO what's this?

Thank you based swiss.

isn't that what you guys do anyway, since ancient times.?

weak. why not make money while sabotaging at the same time


It's not going to happen unless they ramp up food production.

if they don't create a manufacturing base or find new ways to work the land, they are fucked.

more people does not mean they can turn out like China. more mouths to feed without any way to increase productivity is counterproductive. you are just going to have a bunch of people that need resources to maintain so they don't revolt without having any means of feeding them or providing for them because you aren't making anything!



>west manages to send billions of food and economic aid to Africa
>unable to send them contraceptives or explain to them why having 10 kids each is not good

And people will defend whites not being evil.

They're effectively mentally retarded m8.

Forget about global cooling, global warming, peak oil, asteroids, volcanoes, sea levels rising, and on and so forth. The Niggercalypse is what is going to destroy this planet.

>tfw our former subjects will make French spurt to being the most spoken language in the world
>they will all want to attend French schools which will make our schools climb to even greater prestige than Harvard/Oxbridge
>they will build cities trying to mimick Paris because they think it's the height of being cool and rich

The French century, gentlemen, is upon us.

>French delusions

>blacks try to emulate French culture even though it's gone out of fashion, because they're stuck in the 1960s
How does that negate anything I said?

You're talking about mental midgets who can't produce gravel even if their life depended on it.

didn't american banned their ngos from sending contraceptives

Except that English also became the world's most widespread language, and their universities were granted the prestige they have now because of fucking Indians. 1 billion of them.

It doesn't matter how smart they are. Just how many of them they are.

There are already over 1 billion Africans and they don't produce any meaningful output, so i doubt that there will be an african century even if they would outnumber all other humans 100 to 1

>their universities were granted the prestige they have now because of fucking Indians.
How many of those Indians are in the faculty? Rankings are mostly based on *research* funding and research results, not how many undergraduate students go there or the quality of undergraduate education.

Chile is not 89% white by any measure.

That would be racist user.

>Rankings are mostly based on *research* funding and research results,
That, and it's also surveyed from how many people are applicants to it. Indians have lived hundred of years under British rule, hearing from their masters that Oxbridge were the penultimate of education someone could have. So once Indians were allowed to attend too, they only had Oxbridge on their minds, and it inflated the reputation of those universities to undeserved heights. Also, Indians fund, like you said, the shit of those schools to get their children inside, and those universities thrive from it.

If the same happens for France with blacks, you'll be hearing about HEC or Dauphine or Polytechnique as "omg such good schools xD" in less than fifty years.

They do send contraceptives but Africans think they damage their masculinity. They're incredibly sensitive about that actually. Ads like pic related are EVERYWHERE here.

As for explaining, well, you might as well explain law and order to them.