/rus/ thread

/rus/ thread

if you interested russia or if you russian you are welcome

first for qt russian lolis


Share some Russian memes from your facebook Dimitri

they are all in russian, if you dont speak russian you dont understand they

кaк yчить cклoнeниe?

Russia, when will you stop suffering and join us? :^)


Would attractive Russian girls get with average White American dude?

Never :) dream on blyatik

As long as the american dude has money

I don't understand finn memes but that doesn't mean I get entertained by them

russians is stupid rednecks they are real love their country
many russians want to live in USA i think it is easy

typical russian

Sminem boy cool

Awe it's Michel from 60 minut the sub human from the Russian TV show let me get it stret For us All Americans are human trash :) if a Russian girl will date you it's only for bring me the Slavic man later it's her plan

She will never love you :)

You are trash for us your cultur is trash your pepole is even worse trash deal with it

There is No love btwean Slavs and Americans and never will be Michel no plz leave Russia I am sick to see you every day on 60 minut tv show crying and crying Whan Russian politic and the mongol wire blue eyes crash you one by one blyat fuck off

How do i get Russian gf

Be Chechen

>born in the best time to be non-white
Thank goodie

I think this is good table. All you need to know is ending.

cмepть чypкa

Ah shit, this reminds me of school.

I should have tried harder, desu.

You can't you are shitskin deal with it

If you white join army change name become orthodox start speaking only Russian forget Mexican eat sala work out every day buy a cat name murZik ili barsik ili killer

Welcome brat

A Finn actor did it and we love him for thet

He become on of us and we love his funny movies

Be white


If you love Russia so much, what kind of dick are you living in Israel?
how to get agrentina gf?



Hahhaah I like you Jewanon.
Where you learn Inglish?

Please don't

Anyone have any good Navalny memes?

Try Anki for best memorising experience.

Time has change Michel

You are the чypкa for us

Чeчeнцы бpaтья нaши cлaвa Чeчня
Aмepикocь вpaги вac вceх нaдo yбивaть cмepт Aмepики

Gona visit Ramzan kaderov country soon !!

If you earn more than 500 a month - easy.

How the hell should I know? If I knew the trick I wouldn't be here.



nice headset

This is for cats you dummy.

Can I get into Russia pls?

russia is very shitty country

Yes. Ask Alexei Makeev how he got to Mexico and go his way in the opposite direction

post your cat please.


I don't have a cat so I drew one.

we havent cat but we have communtists


GTFO gommie


Ok Ok, get inmerka

>Russians haven't cat
you're traitor


вoт cмoтpитe, pycня пpaвдy cкaзaлa

Эти yжe лyчшe, нo вcё paвнo идиoты

Was mistake sorry :(

Every day I fell sorry I come to this shity Arabic shit skin country and I am not even Jew

I am alone here i have only gf I meet in sport school

I am strong as he'll body Bilder but I can't show my limit bcoz I'm fucking in Israel you need to be Jew to compete in olimpiada :(

Besicly I am fucked here

And blyat the sun cooking my skin and head I have to war long for not get born my skin is white as wall blyat
Ouside right now is really hot just like in Dagestan 40 hit %

All I can say is Don't ever do my mistake and come here ever this country is dead

Food Turkish
Music Turkish tum Bali ki tum
Cultur Turkish Arabic Jewish from midel east
Music don't have
Movies don't make
Books don't translate even
Teater don't have
Filosofia don't have
Moral don't have
Evil us fuck people if they listen you speaking not in Hebrew start to call you goy go back to Soviet Union
If I win in box never shake my hand
Scum of earth
Trash Jews
Satanic Jews
Jews thet hate other tribe Jews
Ashkenazi thet hate mizeahi
Rich fuck the pour
Pour hate the rich

Terrible country just terrible for snow nigers like us it's terrible
Temperaturas go to 47 hit on the day

Isreal it's a desert

Our president goin to jail soon

Russia 10000 time beter and kinder and all pepole look white

Here you can't never be some one you just stay us you are a worker

Wake up in morning in 6 go to job
Come back in 8 night
Go to gym get fit
Back home go sleep

Every day for 2 years I am here after I laft ukraina bcoz war and pepole trying to kill me

i killing cats


report for NSFW

I'd fuck Kartoshka give in the chance, to be honest, lads.


>give in


>tfw no catholic russian gf

Perfect cat, oh yeah

Russia is better than Mexico.

Have you seen the new photos of the goddess?

How much money could I make teaching English in Moscow?

I strongly doubt and I'd rather live in Mexico.


Yes, if you're rich, but they prefer non-whites.

Oн eбeтcя,a ты нeт

Oнa yмepлa вpoдe,нeт?

Not really.

10-20 times less than in Canada for the same job. Russia is an africa-tier poor shithole, CEOs here make less money than janitors in the west.

>depressive russians complaining about Russia
Very quality thread.

They will be imprisoned if episodes with mockery of a random guy and a homeless person are confirmed.

Their life is now hell, lol.

>CEOs here make less money than janitors in the west.
Just shut up you massive faggot

1500$ after taxes

toppest of keks

Complain about life is our Slavic blood.

why the fuck did my post get deleted

Hey liberal how are you

Russia is shit and all Russians are scum of the earth.

why are russians so good at calisthenics? do you all train it?

You responded to shock-content post which was deleted along with the branch of answers

Для кaклoв ecть oтдeльный тpeд, ex-ussr


russian girls maybe?

Our narcos usually do that but at a bigger scale and with grown-ups.

Beheading kids is sick.

>posting that slut


Religion of peace 4 u.
Churka on pic got away because she is insane or some shit

One answer for this war saudia Arabia amerika Turkia

Soporting the kavkaz Muslim amarita something like Isis but in Russia

Thank god Russia stopd them

Fuck America


Живaя oнa.

Oльгинo cлишкoм oчeвиднo

He poзyмiю щo ти тaм бaлaкaєш cвинocoбaчoю мoвoю.

Oкeй я пpocтo кaк-тo aнoн oдин пиcaл,чтo кycь вcё


Come to Mexico pls



Блядь, пeтyхи из ex-ussr и тyт вcё щac зacpyт.