What's the most obscure artist/band you're into?
What's the most obscure artist/band you're into?
Other urls found in this thread:
Death Grips
Blaze Foley
Gary Wilson
Connie Converse
Kid Rock
Virtual Riot
Prolly Jakey, Covet, Earth, and the Deer Hunter. Not sure which is the most obscure.
wishbone ash. old british rock
this blew up in ratings since the first time I listened so it might not be the most obscure but if you haven't heard this and you're into lo-fi psychedelic pop, get on it
probably obscure for a good reason, but fuck you i like it.
schizo youtube pages
Pierre Shaeffer or The Residents. No one listens to avant garde
zdorove, a russian band
I found them while searching the group health(zdorove is health in russian)
as far as I know they made only one album: mental hospital
and you can only listen to them on deezer
Birth Control. Or at least I don't see people talk about it ever
I can't read it
Aloysius Scrimshaw
>The Residents.
Jesus dude come on.
Have been listening to this religiously before going to be for ages. Probably cause I'm on the spectrum. find it very calm and relaxing for some reason
>The Residents
lmao Residents are practically famous at this point
obscure to normies or obscure to you lil dweebos ?
>liking antiwarhol-core
into the trash
what language is that
Brendan Byrnes
>biggest song on spotify has 200k plays
I get that they're big for avant garde. but compared to everything else theyre tiny
The Dead Musician
whatever u find when you search for "my new song" on youtube and sort it by date uploaded
he complimented one of my songs one time and i was so happy. great music
What's the name of the album
What's your song?
Alain Kan
Tame Impala. They got some acclaim but still fairly obscure
Abner Jay
>people only discover and listen to music on spotify
this is a band that has toured the world several times over and sells out shows regularly. try again
The bran flakes
>Graeme Downs
Any of you listening to New Zealand Indie Rock like me nigga?
Universal Congress Of, a jazz band
Also Julian Velard, one of the few pop acts I like.
The sad and tragic demise of big fine salty black wind is UCO's best album, and If You Don't like it, you can leave is Julian's best album
John Howard:
Grame Grace:
this really neat indie band called Neutral Milk Hotel. they have a really cool sound, haha :-)
maybe i just dont listen to obscure music a lot
either way no one I've talked to in my life has recognized Pierre Shaeffer.
Luciano Cilio
Thank You Scientist
not super obscure but i've known them as long as they've been playing nearby my town. They're pretty good
this semironically
you know they gonna stop making them king size cigarettes
The vernes
Boo Scrimshaw!
>the Deer Hunter
You mean the Dear Hunter or Deerhunter? Neither is obscure
Boo Scrimshaw!!!!
a while ago in a sharethread someone shared the discog of a ukranian band called Яpн (yarn) and ive been hooked on them ever since. one of my favorite folk bands.
not that obscure, my exgf listened to them, and she's a girli.
very good band but nowhere near obscure, big band in Japan (but not mainstream) the singer did the OP for Tokyo Ghoul and 91 Days btw and has some other great solo work.
Also pls don't name your soundcloud projects in here...
Escape from Myopia
Jesus Christ
Cousin Tony's Brand New Firebird
I would say K Rino. Kool Keith and MF DOOM (I listen to them more than K Rino though) are underrated and not in most GOAT discussions. But they are really big in the underground, K Rino is too. But the thing with K Rino is that he never made it into the mainstream like Kool Keith or even MF DOOM (with the Drake thing). So K Rino
Chain Dazey
I'd say Mostly Other People Do The Killing, but they're kinda famous. It's probably the cabs or She Her Her Hers, in all honesty.
Jesus fuck you guys Kid Rock and Evanescene are definitely not obscure/unknown. If anything they're world famous. Especially Evanescene.
HAH but cool that you like it
Hedge Wizard for me
*blocks your path*
Heinous Killings
Univers Zero
Alimaailman Vasarat
Sleepy Time Gorilla Museum
Devil Doll
A musician's favorite musician shouldn't count as obscure, so no Daniel Johnston or MF DOOM or any of that shit
The Beatles.
ryoji ikeda
Not gonna be obscure for long tho if you get what I'm sayin heh heh
nice a little too upbeat for me. ill save it for a better day
Sons of Sun, also for all the people here posting soundcloud and youtube links, thats not obscure, if you can find a version of it to listen to online, it aint obscure
“Low Swans”. It’s one of my buddies’ uncles’ bands. Got some pretty good stuff out- I was surprised
Nirvana, a lot of the kids at my school think nirvana is just a clothing brand. And if they do know what it is it they just know 'Smells like Teen Spirit', which is an amazing song, but I like 'Come as you are' and 'heart-shaped box'. Nobody knows them cause they listen to African-American 'trap rappers'
hey whats the name of that rapper whose album covers are just other covers with sonic the hedgehog photoshopped in?
i wish i knew what you were talking about cause that sounds golden
Charles Hamilton
it haunts me everyday
i think his name started with a C
fuck yes thank you
Same here, my band is gonna go big hehe
np user, can i piss down your throat?
Slow Motion Commotion
EMSP is criminally overlooked
fuck no thanks but ill pass
You guys don't listen to electronic music, so every artist I'd mention would be unknown to you guys.
user, please drink my pee.
probably super besse, nothing really special
my favorite song is Untitled by Unknown Artist
Guthrie. Only cause its so old. Nobody listens to him
guthrie is 'i googled bob dylan core'
probably these guys, they're honestly pretty good, check em out