Yes yes, well done Hillary, well done Hillary
Yes yes, well done Hillary, well done Hillary
And Drumpf is the most incompetent to ever run.
no an argument
Who's that?
Good thing we're going to get Trump, in that case.
Some old German dude that's related to Trump apparently.
I'm surprised Bernouts are still using the Drumpf thing considering it very rarely gets replies and no one is in the slightest bit off put by it.
Drumf? Who is this Drumf, sperglord autist?
Still better than Trump
the Bernie people are autistic. watching one of the Sander's rallies there were like 6 college aged kids with the Drumpf hats.
It's just a meme, right? All this support on here for this man. If not, that's quite problematic.
Please, Americans, vote wisely this November, the stability of the world relies on this failure of a businessman not starting a trade war with China.
>Still better than Trump
Heh. Touché.
No shit.
>took out 16 Republican candidates while spending the least amount of money out of them all not to mention Hillary
I don't even care if you're just shitposting, go eat a kangaroo dick.
what the fuck was that
Drumpf was trumps grandfather's name when he immigrated to the u.s.
Like most immigrants, spellings are often changed as they transition from one language to another and a clerk simply uses phonetics to write it down.
>Still better than Trump
>off-brand aussie
under budget and ahead of schedule, i might add
>25 shekels were deposited into current year man's PayPal account
I'm thankful for this meme that it lets me know who to ignore.
I personally think that this election has the two worst candidates I have seen since I started following politics in the 1980's.
It is really sad to see it get this far.
Thank you for correcting the record.
its 2016 come on
it was always bad. its just not many people used the internet back then.
WOw, racist. So you don't think immigrants should ever be able to change their family names?
I can't even…are you kidding me?
>Drumpf was trumps grandfather's name when he immigrated to the u.s.
No, it wasn't.
*unsheathes sheep*
nothing personnel, kid
Trumpcucks on suicide watch. Pic related, it's you.
you appear upset.
come on its 2016
I'm a SCARY WOLF trumpkin! RARRR! RAR! WOOF!
My personal pronouns are Trumpself/Trumper
1. If supreme court justices are "so important" why does Donald believe that it is sufficient to say the ones he will ultimately pick will be "outstanding". He has gained a lot of politcal capital denouncing the establishment and corruption. Why didn't he spell out his stance on citizens united? What about gun control? Civil rights? Free speech? Encryption and warrants? Property rights?
2. The speech was supposedly on economics, but corruption was the buzzword. How will giving the rich tax cuts and bringing in huge factories result in really well paying jobs? A report was just put out by Moody's saying Trump at face value would decrease employment, lead to a recession bigger than the one following the housing and financial crisis. Did Trump explain what he would do to prevent people like him from cheating on taxes? Bankruptcy?
3. Back to corruption, Trump spoke favorably of the constitution, but his trade policies necessitate an unprecedented expansion of executive power. He goes after Hillary for doing this with the state dept., but the US treasury dept is the fucking crown jewel of US policy and livelihood. How can the US people put their Trust in someone that alternates his conspiratorial innuendos with delusional hyperbole.
4. Good job talking up inner city revitalization and poverty reduction, and good job not lapsing back into racism. I couldn't help but noticed the teleprompter stiffness, the lack of a wall talk, POW camps for Muslims, deporting millions of immigrants, etc. Is this Dr Jekyll and will Mr. Hyde be back at the next debate or has he just forsaken his base?
Oh cool Sup Forums I found a picture of you
Who will make Flavortown great again?
Shill thread
So alpha!
Remember, those shilling against Trump are shilling for Hillary, it's just that simple no other way around.
Is it me or does Trump sound insanely jealous?
Jesus guys
is this some huffpost comment section pasta
It's mine. Wanna come at me?
>Why didn't he spell out his stance on citizens united?
It hasn't come up.
He has answered questions and gone into detail about all the other things.
>How will giving the rich tax cuts and bringing in huge factories result in really well paying jobs?
Define really well paying.... Most americans aren't going to be paid REALLY well... obviously. Sounds like a strawman to me.
>Trump spoke favorably of the constitution, but his trade policies necessitate an unprecedented expansion of executive power.
What exactly is the expansion you're talking about?
>Is this Dr Jekyll and will Mr. Hyde be back at the next debate or has he just forsaken his base?
You're saying he has to say all the same points in every talk he gives or else he's forsaking his base?
Where exactly is the contradiction?
>It hasn't come up.
"Self Financing my campaign" and "not bought out" are a couple of trump's most used lines.
>He has answered questions and gone into detail about all the other things.
The policy page on his site is 3 paragraphs that are contradicted by the CBO, professional economists like the ones mentioned in the post (from Moody's), and his speeches.
>define really well paying
his words, not mine
>define the expansion
Congress and treasury dept do trade, not presidents on telephones
>what exactly is the contradiction
he was to speak on the economy. He didn't even bring up his key america first policies. This is a glaring omission.
It's adorable to watch Australia's little brother try to shitpost
>he still thinks jews are the almighty evil
>that ending
What the fuck was that.
You don't actually believe all this, do you? I refuse to believe anyone is this cucked by the media.
>You don't actually believe all this, do you? I refuse to believe anyone is this cucked by Trump.
ftfy. By the way, do you think this is how you refute a point?