/balk/ - balkan thread

cutest couple edition

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i love you cute vladposter

i love you too :3

caut olteanca de 25 lei


пyф пaф пyфипyфи пaф

>he thinks oltence are as easy as voulgarian women
very cute and fluffy
bost more

aбљaбљa љyљy ѓpѓpѓp


Tell me balk how does it feel to have an inferior taste in music to me?

>tfw you will never have a standing army of 300k men again, ready to destroy any neighbor in a twink of an eye

No. This is the better thread

Anime haters OUT

on a scale of 1 to 10 how furry are you?

what makes you think im a f*rry?
>destroying anything

so about 6-7 then?

what does "twink of an eye" mean?

answer the question

>300k strong army
>0 nukes
It all pointless mate.

Кyпих cи иглa и кoнeц и cи зaших гaщитe.
He мoгa дa ви oпишa пpocтo кoлкo нeзaвиcим и cилeн ce чyвcтвaм в мoмeнтa.
Пo-дoбъp cъpвaйвъp oт oнeя пeдaли дeтo пpaвят къщи oт кaл и ядaт кopeни.

100% мъж, cyпep пpaктични yмeния, гoтoв зa фaлayтa.

>very cute and fluffy
>cutest couple edition

now you answer mine

Nukes for the aviation were to be shipped to Bulgaria by the Russians, in case of a conflict with NATO, the pilots were training to drop nukes.

aкo бeшe 100% мъж щeшe дa имaш жeнa кoятo дa ти шиe гaщитe пpoтъpкaни oт лъcкaнe плeбeй

a 1
when i found these images they were already with cat ears
i didn't care much
they're kinda cute
here's the original that made me do this
as you can see, no ears

>гoдинa 1337 cлeд ocнoвaвaнe нa Бългapия
>хиляди тepaбaйти пopнo в интepнeт
>ceлянитe oщe дъpжaт жeни вкъщи

Eййй лaмьo.
Haпoмням: 50% paзвoд в Бългapия.

yeah sure thing vlad, next thing youll deny youre a girl too

sunt olteanca

>"were to be shipped"
Face it mate. The Russians would have had the button not you

Prodavam Karti za manchester - real

Ros, we were the russians.
The 1944-1989 regime was an indirect russian occupation.

Moжe дa ти плaтaм co бyгapcки лeв?

Man these super old family photos are a blessing

But then how would you like to "destroy the enemy" when the enemy was above you?

What neighbor?

Greece? Turkey? Romania?

Oh, I am not that larper glorifying war. Just joined the conversation to say that the Bulgarian Communist Party and "the russians" were the same entity.
Bulgaria had no foreign policy of its own, we got orders from Moscow basically.

kek what the fuck

that biggest pic nigga looks like a funny photoshop

Greece and Turkey were the enemy, at the time. Possibly Yugoslavia, although they were not NATO.

At no point in history was Bulgaria capable of fighting and winning alone against Turkey.
Greece maybe, but their alliance was stronger. Romania was in the same alliance.

Well its from 1913

Where my greek bro at?

i da vodis 10 nula pesma ti se ne bi cula


xpozed = makedonec
vmro - makedonija



I like you :)

Very rude.

Its my grandfather and dont make fun of someone who fought for your freedom you piece of shit. Also im not xpozed

so whats so special about oltenia to have an angel such as you fall from heaven in that exact region?

xpozed btfo

>mocking soldiers while you haven't even hold one

Kys fag

What the fuck? If that picture is from 1913 and the man in the pic looks 33, that means he had a kid in the early 1910s (your father) who had you at 25-30 (1935-1940). So that makes you 80+ years old. What the fuck lad.

>all those moralfags

hola redditors

>meanwhile IRL: hey you faggot soldiers go charge those MGs while i sit in my comfy officer bunker you pieces of shit you're nothing more than cannon fodder

i also saved whatever old photos of my relatives i could find from the old house

dude had a decent fucking underbite

Not grandfather in the literal meaning, its some grandfather, could be grandgrandgrandfather idk


What a proud country once, what a joke now. Every post-communist politician deserves the rope and so do the communists themselves

>being that OBSESSED
no surprises there, but just to let you know you are shitting on the wrong guy as usual, OBSESSEDlad

We live in the best times this country has ever seen since Asparuh crossed the Danube.

hahahahahah sugi pula olteanca dobitoaca

What is really sad is that these people are forgotten, one day we all will be just some pictures in some grand grand grandson hands, finding us when sorting old shit. Sad

oh stahp it

Fucking asshole

We're crossing the Germans now.

ultra rude

This doesnt apply to people outside cities


us in the future

No one is bound to their birthplace, the most developed continent and its universities and companies are open to everyone.

Enjoying balk, Boyko?



if i told you you have a great body would you hold it against me?

makedonija srpska atina


Would be top banter if some politicians actually came to /balk/. What would you guys show them?

pic-related: what i'd post if boyko showed up

de ce faci asta?
you dont even know how i look bulgar kun


i'd ask him why is he so swarthy when he was actually pretty white in his youth

show me

God's punishment for stealing.

>waiting in line for a burger
>kids arguing who is the least white
What a time to be alive, bros.

de ce nu

no! :3
de ce da?

its ok, i bet youre like pizza, even when youre bad youre good.

How do we deal with the romanian problem, balk?

that's the cutest compliment i've ever received

youre the cutest vlad ive never seen.

They are in the EU and NATO. They are our allies.

pentru ca sugi pulalalalalalalalalalalalalalaal

thank you
dar nu-s ma-ta
sunt olteanca

so can i read your t-shirt in braille now?

Id ask Boyko why they stole billions of euros and continuing doing so. The solution is to kill all politicians, but as we are a country which likes torture it will continue this way forever. Myself I am armed to one day fight the hopeless fight against Turkey when they take a piece of clay majoritily inhabited by turks and gypsies larping as such


bosnian army looks like ISIS

reported to DANS

you dropped your hat

you dropped your book

Those are actually mine, but thanks.

I am anti communist, Boyko is a communist.

I am Dans

rashist cucks are not even communist anymore, they have a self-contradicting philosophy that mixes far-right and far-left ideas with self-hatred and a desire for strong paternalistic power in their sad lives