The memes are real

Sitting with a friend, eating ice cream because it's hot as fuck. Hear some annoying voice over a megaphone. Even with my back turned, I instantly realized what kind of shitty moron would stand in the middle of a plaza and yell with a megaphone.

These four abominations were standing there, yelling about the new asylum law that passed in Sweden. Yelling something about how refugees have to climb mountains and face danger to get here, then I just stopped listening and shook my head. Unfortunately, I didn't think of taping it, instead of taking a photo.

The memes a real. Also saw a nice mix of Swedish women with muslim or black boyfriends, drunks everywhere and just average degenerates/SJWs here and there. What happened to my country, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What happened to my country, Sup Forums?

got more pics ?

Not just naivety, but naivety coupled with a compulsion to "do the right thing"

Basic life lesson: if you don't know what the fuck is going on, don't do anything drastic

Only got one, they left after like 1-2 minutes. LOW ENERGY. They got absolutely no response other than annoyed and confused looks.

>Swedish women with muslim or black boyfriends,
were there as expected landwhales or uglys ?

>What happened to my country, Sup Forums?
Success breeds complacency.

>Leftists have no so far they're actual fucking Blackshits now

Holy FUG

What new law?

99% of all the problems our nations face with leftists is a result of allowing women to vote.

Just a reminder.

you gave control of your country to women, so naturally they invite bulls that will dominate them again
>enough internet for you today Sven, time to go back to your cuckshed.

You should have announced yourself to be a refugee then asked to make a ficki on them

I think it's something about Sweden reducing the amount of rapeugees they take in by 90 percent or something drastic like that. Be happy, your cucktry might have a chance after all

Hey Sven, let's say I'm a respectable and hard working Christian that just happens to be mulatto. Would you have a problem with me coming and getting a nice Swedish girl?

I act and speak like a white guy and would be much better than don't filthy African. I'd also learn Swedish.

The women were your average white trash, so no big loss. Still weird to see memes IRL.

I was thinking about yelling "shut the fuck up", but they left after about a minute or two.

No, stay here you uncle Tom fuck

Was this the first time you went outside in 8 years Sven?

We don't need more people, fuck off we're full.

>they left after like 1-2 minutes
KEK they realized they have 0,001% support and accepted defeat, Lovely.

Not really, but I try to stay away from downtown because of shit like this. First time I saw a shitty protest though.

It was pretty sad. Who the fuck cares what some whiny bitch in clown makeup says? I bet they imagined that people would gather around and chant with them, but no one cared.

Det här.

Is that Luleå?

I really want to fuck the chubby one desu.

Hehe these kind of people are delusional as fuck, They think they are something on the level of the saviors of mankind.
But the reality is that they are the ones destroying this planets upkeep by undermining the western world.

If you cucks had the balls to treat your women like the whores they are they wouldn't get uppity and vote like they do.

They now feel compelled to import alphas because there aren't enough homegrown ones.

Nope, Västerås.

Exactly. They believe their cause is righteous and helping everyone will save the world. When 230-240 politicians vote FOR a law, and 30 against it, it's pretty clear what needs to be done. The only parties that voted no were the Left and the Center.

You mean like you? Remind me, who's in the lead again, Hillary? Good job on keeping those women in check. We just had 90% approval for a law for stricter asylum seeking. We're doing better than you are.


>eating ice cream in front of this traitors
>not beating the shit out of them
oy vey, what's wrong with my country?

Civilized language or not. Niggers and Arabs are not welcome in Europa.

>Would you have a problem with me coming and getting a nice Swedish girl?
You're starting with the wrong foot if your first question is about "muh dick".

>doing better

Remind me, why did you guys need stricter asylum laws? Was it perhaps because you already let in the horde?


Exatly, They are so full of themselves like everything rotates around them.
Thank god the new asylun laws passed.

You guys won't believe me....

Ever since I was a kid I had an irrational "phobia" towards people who look like that (I couldn't find a better word).

Guess I was right all along.


You guys are in need the same kind of laws considering there is over 11million illegals in your nation.
And the mudflow from Mexico is still ongoing.

i thought mimes were supposed to be quiet

I quite like the look of the one on the right with the guitar. Would give her a good hard fannybash and squeeze her tits so they honk

Immigration law was tightened, easier to deport rejected asylum seekers and increased border controls I think

>60% """"""""white""""""""

Nothing much. Just kikes

Wanna share?


>he didn't sling his peepeepoopoo at them in contempt

It's like your new or something

sure why not?


le ebin divide and conquer

Those are ILLEGALS not "refugees" that receive thousands of dollars a month for no reason other than that they are brown. You are right though, we do need stricter laws.

also where does this delusion that people "vote for immigration" come from? mainstream politics decided to flood countries with immigrants regardless of the people's consent, it takes a while for non-mainstream parties (in this case nationalist) to become credible and they have to fight a mountain of propaganda.

take your mgtow cuckold shit back to /r9k/, cuck.

this looks weird


>Those are ILLEGALS not "refugees" that receive thousands of dollars a month for no reason other than that they are brown.
True, But they are still there commiting crimes and being a plague on the society.
I think we have simular problems except that we could have easily avoided this by voting nationalist.
Your problem will require the wall and stricter legizlation.
And i pray to god that you guys vote for Trump this November..



I thought I was the only one who noticed it.

Anti-nationalism happened.

This britbong speak the true, nobody want this shit, only autistic fucks and people making monet with human trafficking like ONGs.
Common people don't want refugees, ask around you, It's a political trend, and with the raise of the Right wind this gonna die soon.

also while on the subject she looks like wojack
>my feet hurt
>this guitars heavy
>why are we making noise if we're mimes
>I just wanna go home and get bred by Achmed

they are literally losing the human form and mixing into one big rainbow-colored jellyfish

>t. Tyrone Jamal Rodriguez

I can see it now, "Racist male beats up tolerant WOMEN who only wanted to make the world better". That will go well in the newspaper.

We did, unfortunately. Our politicians also suffered from being too naive, but at least they've seen where they did wrong.
Our stupid politicians let them in.

Saw that too when I zoomed in on the picture. Looked fucking weird.

Exactly. The people didn't have a damn thing to say about this. The only politicians that stood against our irresponsible immigration were called Nazis and just shamed. Now the only political parties for this type of immigration is the Left and the Center. The rest is almost unanimously against it.

Nobody voted for rapefugees.
Our politicians were elected because they promised better schools, Better welfare etc..
They delivered the opposite.

You beat the land whale with the micro, that's a guy, no? I don't know for sure desu, cause you swedes are evolving into something new.

This holy shit, none of us amwere asked first, refugees just sort of appeared and they started calling everyone racist Hitler 2.0s if we had any reason to disagree.

The left really crossed the line. This should have required a refforendum to pass, not a refforendum to stop. Our leaders should not have the power to displace us. That needs to be treason.

Fucking disgusting, honestly.

White women are a disgrace.

Here is a map of migrant crime in Sweden since 2010


47k views in just over a month.

Feel free to share or suggest improvements.

needs more chubby chicks with big tetas in it

chubby blondes in leather corsets so their flapjacks are bursting out the top


När tog du denna bild? Var nere på punkt idag men såg/hörde ingenting.

you got it bruv

best taste

17:40 if the time stamp is correct in the image. They were only there for a minute or two, but they walked away to some other place afterwards.

Pretty cool to see someone else from around here.

Did you notice the Pride shilling in town? On my way home I saw posters promoting Pride, but not a single poster of Cityfestivalen which is on the same days. You'd think that Cityfestivalen is bigger than fucking Pride.

The Pussy Riot of Sweden

wtf swede girls can be fat?

Also related to Cityfestivalen. Marskatt, aka Seaworld, starring Shamu, Orca and their trainer.

Pic related. A band playing in my town in a week or something.
>They are more ready than ever to show the world their music, make you think a little and give a big boot to people who didn't believe in them.


one on the right might be worth a lil pokey pokey

Funny I met a handsome swedish guy the other night, tall blonde DSL nice eyes. Such a shame to see such a handsome man be shackled by jew politics

Honestly, user, just keep working hard. One day you'll be their boss, or better yet, their nigger boyfriend's boss.

Stay focused.

Best advice I could give.

Oh, and since they're wearing yoga pants, you should've got some nice creep shots.

Great opportunity = missed

Västerås Pride is being introduced to our yearly festival, fucking hell. They've been promoting it more than the festival itself.

>11:00 Opening of Västerås Pride 2016!
>14:00 Asylumseeking hbtq-people Paneldiscussion(?)

Fortunately, these people will come nowhere near my industry. And they probably would have sperged out and yelled "RAPE" if I even approached them. Got too disgusted by what they did to even consider them anything more than retard SJWs.

>mfw I was approached by a smelly mulatto chick wanting me to sign a petition against the new law on my way home from work today

I just laughed in her face. She looked like she wanted to punch me. It was great.

Kurt Wallender would deal with this.

>Girl with dark brown hair in the back
>Girl on bench with darkish hair
>girl with megaphone has brown hair
>man sitting has brown hair

I don't believe for a second this is Sweden.

epic meme bro!


Pride är hipp och coolt vet du, allas lika värde för fan. Heterosexuella vita män är djävulens avkomma.

It's not a meme. I've seen Swedes before they are blond hair blue eyed.

>Modern, stretched out retail buildings
>Wide open space
>Hipsters in nike running shoes

100% scandinavia

Kek, sounds hilarious. I do have to give it to them, they ""TRY"" to do something about what upsets them. What they DO is pathetic, but they don't just post online in silent rage on a Turkish fish market.

Sorry, forgot! Gotta show some "solidarity" and let everything run over us.

take as many of them as you want


>What happened to my country, Sup Forums?
Cultural marxism.
Yuri Bezmenov warned us, but we didn't listen.

Fucking illegals get welfare here too, sometimes more than other leeches born here.

>liberals are literal clowns

Wow shocker.

That's a nice looking box though.

The nations remind me of the fall of the Eldar empire. They have achieved such a good life that they forgot what threat and danger is.

Yeah I didn't really see the point of it, since they weren't using it. Maybe she banged on it earlier or something. Still nice looking.

>swede women
/not even fucking once/