You see a black guy walking down your side of the street

You see a black guy walking down your side of the street.

Do you cross the street like a cuck, or do you keep walking straight?

Cross the street

One is fine. I see four or more under the age of 30, I get the hell across the street, especially if they all have similar hairstyles or are wearing those straight-brimmed caps.

I look him right in the eye so he knows that I know what he is thinking.
After he passes, I do several over the shoulder checks to make sure he isn't going to try to sucker punch me.

Black people usually cross the street before me because I look like a mentally ill homeless person

I keep walking straight because crossing the street every time I see a nigger would be dangerous.

>See white person walking on the same sidewalk as me.
>Obviously a racist.
>Walk across the street to the other sidewalk.
>White person looks fucking pissed.

Where do you guys live that there's just one black guy on the street?

You all live sheltered lives. Even if I crossed the street, there'd be black people on that side, too.

Not niggerville. Although roving hordes can be spotted outside of it, which is why you'd need to be wary

You look in a mirror and see a black guy. What do you do?

Cross the street. I can brush off being called a cuck by some nigger. My life matters more to me.

I rocked that look for a while, it's pretty great sometimes

I've never crossed the street because of any person.

That being said, if it were a group of niggers I'd honestly think about it.

>Do you cross the street like a cuck, or do you keep walking straight?

As the upstanding youth approaches me, I remember what I learned in my sociology courses at Uni. I check my privilege, realizing that my instinctively nervous reaction is only my ignorance acting up again. I stride past him, confident that even though we are different colors on the surface, inside we're all the same.

Then he punches me in the back of the head and as I begin to black out against the pavement, the last words I hear are


But I won't let one bad experience ruin my outlook on a proud, oppressed people. Perhaps if I hadn't been so privileged, that misunderstood youth wouldn't have been driven to do what he did. I am an optimist and I believe in a future diverse in color but inclusive of everyone.

Keep walking unless I see a group of 4+ niglets and then I prepare to become the next Zim Zam

I bare my teeth and flex giving off a deadly ki, sounds autistic but it works when you are 6'2 230 pound 13% bf tank

This tbqh famalam, one I can probably take, four aw hell naw

Jokes on you I'm white I can't even see black people when I walk down the street

I was walking with a black (former) friend and some nerdy looking dude crossed the street when he saw us coming at night.

We are both 6'1" lanky niggys so it's understandable, but I thought it was funny.

Whenever there's a group of thuggish types though, I try not to bitch out and push straight through.

I dont need to cross the street, I dont live around niggers

Stand your ground man, you know what to do

>Do you want to get stabbed?

Crossing the street is the only sensible option, especially if you aren't armed or ready for an attack

I live in the south
I nod at them and they usually nod back
If they look threatening I have a ccw

I prefer the reverse. Where you cross the street to walk directly past him. He'll think you're a cop or insane.

I'm not from Germany but after what I've seen of its natives I'm pretty sure if I was a German I'd turn around and go somewhere else.

Fuck no, I shit in my hands and start chimping out aggressively to display my dominance. If they react likewise I throw my turds at them and flail about like an orangutan.

>there is anyone walking down my side of the street

>i cross the street

I cross the street while holding my CCW.

Get at me, nigger.


I was once walking down the street in winter, fully clothed head to toes with only a slit for my eyes.

I saw a nigger nigging down going towards me.

I started to panick, thinking about switching sides.

He then walked right in the middle of the empty street to avoid me.

I see what?

Straight, shitskins are cowards when alone.

Okay so let's get this right.
It's not one nigger but 1 nigger and 3 sandniggers
On the other side of the street it's 4 sandniggers.

You can pick your poison, but for me it makes no difference, I'm prepared to defend myself.

My everyday life. In my portion of the city we're 10% real french, I've done the statistics myself riding the bus. Multiple times to get a better average (a lot of times I was alone among 50 "persons").

Keep walking, even if there is more than one, nothing mr .357 snubnose can't solve.

Honestly I only go around crazy looking people. Always worried of a homeless guy just deciding to stick a small screwdriver in my side and steal my wallet for his crack..

Said homeless person could be any race. If you look like meth and smell like piss from 20 ft i'm keeping my distance.

Get some fried chicken, I'd be pretty hungry

You. You're a good person. I wish I knew you on facebook so I could thumbs up and reblog that.

there are no black people where I live, #rekt

Its lunch time zimmerman. Take a break.

Self preservation is being a cuck? They are violent apes. I dont go walk around the congo.

Chicken would cross the street

i look away and look back again to test if it's a dream (it probably is lol)

Our dindus don't have guns, so it depends whether it's day or night. During the day, no. During the night, yes, he's probably dangerous if he's not home in his refugee shelter yet.


my 6th grade teacher one day asked the class a hypothetical

he asked....if you see a group of black teenagers walking down the street toward you,should you cross the street?

everyone said NO!

teacher says,WRONG...your safety is more important than people thinking you are racist

just "asians" :^)

What's wrong with you people who cross the street when uncomfortable, are you scared or something ?

I live in a liberal town adjoining a major city. One Halloween night I saw a small white guy, probably a college student, in costume (incl. blue hair) assaulted not 20 yards from me, just outside my apartment building. About 8-10 black teenagers (who happened to be the tail end of a group of at least 50 black teens, all dressed in black) shoved him against the wall and proceeded to punch and kick him. They stopped when he finally screamed very loudly at them, but I think he had some teeth knocked out. Disturbing to witness, and I don't bother taking chances anymore.

White guy here. Had a black guy cross the street to avoid me once.
I lol'd when I realized what happened.

I live in a town that is 94% White, like 3% hispanic, 2% Asian and like under 1% black. We had 3 black kids in my 1600 population high school.

Can't flim flam the Zimzam.

What's wrong, why don't you go into the calais migrant camp? Are you scaaaared?

Yeah. Instead of blacks, you probably have chavs (white niggers) and Muslims and no legal means of defending yourself from them. : ^ )

Cross the street and call the police.

And then he was fired right?

You walk in the middle of the street. Risking getting hit by a car is your safest option; I learned that when I walked through SF's Tenderloin.

>having niggers
top kek

I look him in the eye and

>sir please fuck my wife

anything else would be reddit.

Niggers in Greece are surprisingly well behaved
Albanians are the ones you should avoid meeting


I don't walk in the street. I live in a 20% white area. No thanks. If I ever pass a black it's at university so they don't stab me.

oh fuck. Intercepted

Fucking paradise. Unfortunately the town probably votes for multiculturalism because they don't experience niggers.

>being places where there are blacks
the poor are so unfortunate

Depends what he's wearing. I don't walk through ghetto areas and generally the blacks by me are in suits and look professional.

I discriminate on appearance, not just skin color.

How does a .357 snubnose feel while firing? Never much cared for snubnose revolvers but for a CCW all the way.


Kek. Done this before.

I wouldn't even think of this situation...walk by the nigga with your head held high while relaxed around blax. Im a bit of a sperg though...I want conflict so im open to it. Ill sometimes go to the laundromat just to see if there are any niggers there.


I look like this due to what I do for work and it's great.

>do night time security
>sit in room with AC and watch over a bunch of cameras all over the city
>only person i have regular contact with at work is my boss and a junior chick i'm training
>only shave when i get a large beard
>wear jackets and cargo shorts practically always
>always smell of cheap deodorant
>cheap sunnies i got for 10 bucks
>cheap backpack for food

I look so fucking ill even aboriginals avoid me.

This has gotta be one guy that does all these. The style is too consistant. TBQH famililam, he's a better cartoonist than A. Wyatt Mann, even if A. Mann is more prescient.

I cross the street.

Walk by and give him a simple nod of recognition same as I do every pedestrian. Make my face not look so "angry" and smirk a bit. Keep hand on the ready to draw if he happens to be a bad guy. Over the shoulder glance when past

Yes something like this

nigs very rarely will do anything unless in a pack.

Defcon 2, hand on CC, turn to face

I'm a skinhead /fit/ Arab, I also live in London so, black people are nothing unusual. Even the youfs.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Please fuck off Mohammad

you're the cancer of the uk.

i look crazy so i'm not too worried

>Keep walking straight
> say hello to my fellow white friend
> do weird Hand salute
> keep walking

>not crossing the street and walk right into the nigger that will point a knife at you and pull you into a back ally way and rape you

I do the obvious choice and to check that all my possessions are still in my pocket

id be walking in the middle of the street if it was dark and in a place i didn't know or was dodgy.

you need to move to a less shit neighborhood

..until they get imported there for obama's cultural enrichment program of course.

What the hell...i walk as i was walking

I simply can't risk happening.

Cross the street of course. I never relax around blacks, I am ready to kill a nigger at any second of the day.

Take a photo with him. Niggas like in my murican movies and shows and vidya are not a common sight where I live.

Cross the street, because even if I am packing heat, I don't want to be stabbed.

If you can see them then it's too late.

>smokey comes right at you, wat do


>Be black
>Going to work one night
>Counting up change while on way to bus stop
>Have change but no dollar bills
>White guy walking down the street
>I'll just ask him
>Walk towards him with five in my hand
>"Hey man... You got..."
>Guy pulls out gun and yells at me to get back before getting a few feet from me before taking off

Why are you people such fucking pussies?

Niggers know their place in my town. So I'd keep walkin unless they want every store owner to jump a shotgun in their backs the second they start chimping


That's why there's multiple rounds in my magazine. But no, if there's one or two. Absolutely not. If there's a group, I don't cross the street either. I stop and go into the store front that I'm close to.

But really, I'm never typically in this situation because I have a car.

You should ask: "Why are black guys so fucking criminal?"

Reminds me that one time I was walking into a store with my father when I was younger and some black dude was coming up to us and he just pulled out his pistol and aimed it right at him. The black guy was like "damn man I was just gonna ask if you had a cigarette! I ain't never robbed anyone!" He literally was so butthurt.

The alpha thing to do is cross the street while making eye contact.

fixed it for you