Post top 10's and guess personalities

post top 10's and guess personalities

reaching puberty age

Delete this nephew

Likes to party.


cares a lot about Sup Forums's opinion of them

you have long hair.

also underage and 'depressed'


old (mid 20s or older)
wears supreme gear
always wears a cap
has a groomed beard
regularly uses words like "fire" or "bars"


I wish to both, user, I really do.

You listen to music for the sound and not the lyrics.
Somewhat the same as above

Weezer, Frank Sinatra, Cake, David Bowie, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Oingo Boingo, Imogen Heap, Glen Cambell, Johnny Cash, and ACDC

On mobile or I'd do the image too, sorz


>old (mid 20s or older)
>wears supreme gear
haha i do own 1 supreme hoodie but thats it
>always wears a cap
>has a groomed beard
>regularly uses words like "fire" or "bars"

You were psychologically addicted to weed.
Can't count. Still a patrician though.
You mule over anything anyone says to you and are sensitive to criticism, while ignoring every compliment people give you.
You can't stand summer, it's too hot.
You used to be really angry as a kid, but now your friends would describe you as easy-going and chill.

>You were psychologically addicted to weed.
yes. i just quit, its been 3 months. how could you tell?

>You mule over anything anyone says to you and are sensitive to criticism, while ignoring every compliment people give yo
Way too accurate.

>how could you tell?

I'm psychic. Good for you for quitting though, keep it up! It really isn't easy to quit, and as marijuana keeps getting more and more socially accepted, I feel a lot more people will unsuspectedly fall into addiction.

>You listen to music for the sound and not the lyrics.
yes. i cant describe this. i enjoy the artists voice (tonally and rythmically) more than the lyrics itself. i always just phase out the actual meaning of the words when im listening. explains why NTWS is up there

> i enjoy the artists voice (tonally and rythmically) more than the lyrics itself.
Means you hear the artists voice more as an instrument than as a lyricist.
>tonally and rythmically
This is called flow

are you memeing or what, and how did you come across this board?

Has a long term gf and good memories from senior year of hs
Music major. Doesn't understand why Adam Neely gets hate
Has difficulty making decisions
Car is or is like a late 1990s Impala
Open to new things and always does the talking
Played card games when you were younger. History buff

discovered mu in 2013
wears vans

generally calm and stoic

slightly narcissistic with a bunch of complexes

pretends to be sad for attention

you eat a well balanced diet

you dont like mmorpgs but most of your friends at school did

has been improving diet lately

you like the rain

has been improving diet lately

WRONG. been thru a breakup and been eating like garbage

Is this thread still living?
this was super hard lol
would've much rather made a top 50
plz rate me


has massive dick

doesn’t talk to people at parties

wears a lot of flannel shirts


Keeps to themselves, but gives great social
Extremely patient
Likes old furniture

oops forgot 2 rate u guys
Does not like metal, cares about clothes and wants to stand out but only by a little
also plays gta v
doesn't listen to lil uzi vert
is a tidy person but has heavy feels from time to time
you're not good at crying

pretty good at staying motivated
once had a huge collection of ps1 games
everyone you meet loves you

14 y/o that thinks he knows alot about "'''''''good''''''''' music

are you my brother?

you waifu a lot of artists

call me a fag, i don't care, just gimme recs

Was Depressed

you spend a lot of time on Sup Forums

you enjoy pissing off other people over the internet, or are a soulless husk of nothing

doesn't know how to count to 10


>It's another episode of "user meets an old tripfriend for the first time"

you're 15


probably depressed


young but nice

Late Teens, listens to most genre's.

Actually spot on lol


Likely to get crushed

+love and kinks

+public image, tears and bowie

playing vi right now, terra's theme is GOAT

lotta good shit

Has been on Sup Forums for years, but is new to Sup Forums
Believes in multiple conspiracy theories.
Drowning in a sea of depression.
Very eccentric

You enjoy the company of a select few, but truth be told, you thrive in isolation. You're getting less time to yourself, and vaguely understand that this is synonymous with growing up.

this kills the Sup Forums

It's almost as if you know me


you're part of the reel feel crew

probably 14-18 years old


type of person to wear combat boots

Really enjoys road trips, spends a lot of time in rural areas
Urban dude, is trying to get into photography, likes cyberpunk
Knows a lot about obscure pop culture tidbits from the late 80s/early 90s
overthinks things a lot, but genuinely good person
likes to dick around with music production software, building up to making something more substantial

people say that you are very relaxed, but actually you tend to overthink stuff from time to time. either this or the other way round.
you want to be recognized as independent and like to do your own thing, but at the same time you really care about the people around you and what they think of you.
you're super relaxed, easy to get along with.
you're the kind of person who goes to a party, gets drunk as hell, has a deep conversation about the meaning of life and the universe, then goes to the next playground with your drunken friends and just has some fun.
you are really a mix of everything i wrote above.





you kind of have a Sup Forumscore taste (radiohead, MF DOOM). But you also seem like a Sup Forums taste because of that Final Fantasy soundtrack.

you're either old or one of those born in the wrong generation kids

you like alternative rock and are a hipster


easily influenced
likes to have confirmation from others

This was really tough to do and it's in no particular order, and yes i like the new Twin Fantasy that much

introverted, would probably my friend


good taste


my nigga

from a small town, recently moved for college
fluctiating sexuality
either really chill and fun to be around or smug and self centered

been on Sup Forums too long.
great taste tho

Depressed/ nihilist
Maybe reads alot

you think alcoholism or chain smoking is kind of hot

likes to get lost in big cities


enjoys dissociatives

very secretive and mysterious.. no one truly knows what you get up to when no ones around..

late 20's early 30's kinda introverted

whaaatt someone actually likes government plates?

its the best album

not it isnt. it really isnt. are you on crack?

no, are you on crack?

no you are on crack

why is that

because you like government plates more then the money store, the powers that b, no love deep web and bottomless pit
what is WRONG with you

>the money store
literal beginner tier pop trash

you really really really want to be edgy
depressed but otherwise little personality

you are either a girl. a trap or pretty gay
nice taste tho

You are too wholesome for your own good.
VCD and A Charlie Brown Christmas are god-tier picks

ok that's not NICE ok

was just joke sorry lad

you're in your first year of university, studying chemistry

you love taking shrooms alone

discovered Sup Forums in 2018
+incubus - morning view though

slowly sinking into depression, which you recognise, but are apathetic towards

is depressed
and gay. very gay. not a bad thing. no homo.

check out the homosexuals. no joke.

check out lowercase - the going away present

you like to take walks around your suburbs, even if it's raining, just to listen to music and get out.

man, you love weed.

what's that watercolour album cover for? with the flowers and shit

oh it's the "i don't need affirmation from others" guy. i always wonder about you people, and why you post on chart threads if that is the case.

depressed nihilist who reads a lot

you like dissociatives and getting lost in big cities. they're linked.

my comments are all entirely projection.