>REMINDER FOR THE REFEREDUM Counts will get under way when polls close at 22:00 GMT Thursday, 23 June at 382 local centres around the UK. These local results will be declared as the counts are completed before being collated at 12 regional centres, which will also declare the totals for each side. There will be a rolling total so the time at which one side reaches the point of being mathematically unbeatable depends on how quickly the vote are counted and how close the results are running. It is a safe bet that from 4am onwards there should be pretty clear picture of which way the vote is going. A chief counting officer will announce the overall result at Manchester Town Hall. There will be no official exit poll, although some private banks are doing one, but they might not release the results until after the official count. Keep your eye on the Sterling, if it suddenly tanks, then we can guess the results. Yougov is also running a exit poll. Also; bring a pen with you to vote.
watch this for ultimate patriotic feels lads, had it on all day
Jaxson Powell
I'm leaving Sup Forums on the 24th anyway If we Leave, i'll be back for Trump v Clinton If we Remain i'm done with politics
Nathaniel Edwards
Will the mods ever give us a sticky?
Joshua Roberts
4 AM is when we'll see if there's a slide either way.
Jacob Miller
I don't get where these polls are coming from. I work in a bar everyone I have overheard talk about the referendum are all going to vote to leave apart from 2 people who others were trying to convince to change there minds and 4-5 people who were unsure, to me it seems like leave must have a majority.
The only other people I have heard who want to vote remain are the 4-5 romanians and indians who work where I do and some of them do not even have the right to vote.
Yes all the nice surprises next week, EU summit on further federalisation, EU Army to fight Russia and letting the Turkroaches in.
Luis Clark
Not if our military organises a coup against the EU army.
Which is very likely. Sure we'll get a few comments but the EU will break apart.
Stay or leave, we've already won.
Dominic Mitchell
Latest poll has Leave up by 1
Zachary Anderson
Nicholas Brooks
Predict the results
Remain 53% Leave 47%
Brandon Barnes
Gabriel Adams
Julian Kelly
Now user you know that's a lie.
Angel Nguyen
See you on Saturday.
Jeremiah Cruz
Joshua Rogers
Reminder that Nigel walked out on a good job and fought for over 20 years against EU tyranny. He's been ignored, laughed at, dismissed as a racist and many other demeaning things but he kept going, all to bring us this chance. We can't let him down, the man is a hero.
Kayden Bennett
>trusting online polls >ever
We're above this lads, even if it shows Brexit winning.
Adam White
It is the current year.
Blake Mitchell
I am now a #GoodGoy
Ian Brown
Post brexit memes
Connor Gomez
How should a non britfag brexit supporter celebrate when britain leaves the EU? maybe cook a proper fry up and drink some tea.
Connor Hill
>S T I C K Y >P L S >M O D S
Camden Phillips
Oh, hey guys.
Noah Morgan
Hey it's epic fail guy! What have you been doing for the last 10 years?
Gabriel Carter
same here bro, i believe in democracy, and if my people want to destroy it then fuck it, ill save myself the hassle and live like the rest of these plebs
Dominic Richardson
Remain 52% Leave 48%
Ryder Martinez
Remain 52% Leave 48%
Brody Parker
R 55% L 45%
Isaac White
Guys I'm seriously going to cry if you lose. I'll still go to work, pretend like everything is normal and I don't care but I'll be sad inside. Don't do this to me.
Jose Bell
Andrew Myers
Nicholas Price
scotsfag living in america. what are the odds lads
Gavin Mitchell
Yeah I'm not watching that, it's a smug expat that was driven out of the UK.
Ugly as fuck and spreading his leftist bullshit to braindead Americans that lap it up like coke.
ARE THE STORMS GOOD OR BAD NEWS? lots of pensioners in the south lots of cucks and foreigners too.
Liam Perez
Browsing reddit, no doubt
Carter Foster
51% Leave 49% Remain
>not Riding the Tiger when it's obvious there's no way back :^)
Connor Bennett
Margin of 2%. Not sure which way.
Xavier Watson
pls still be here belgianlad alternatively; does anybody know how many different legislative procedures there are in the EU, and how they work? failing that, where can i look this up? belgianlad rekons that the EU parliament site is misleading/wrong about the issue.
Samuel Brooks
You're right, I can't listen to this cunts whiny voice for more than 10 seconds
Angel Young
Lads, my GF if voting Remain because she said she doesn't like the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen if we left.
I knocked back every other point she had, but this seems like she's saying "I have no real reason, but I want to". What to say?
Eli Stewart
Save us EFG, Vote out!
Chase Lewis
Dominic Wilson
Requesting fifty shades of Nigel comic.
Adam Long
FUCKING YES! Get fucked leavers.
Jason Ortiz
Isaiah Barnes
Brexit's gonna happen. Check 'em!
Isaac Allen
Consider these digits checked for King, KEK, and Country.
Zachary Bell
>friend voting remain >Friend says he wants EU members to have less sovereignty so everyone can be more equal >Hates free speech and free will >supports mind control and indoctrination
Tyler Gray
Sticky when?
Brody Wood
Pathetic little britcuckies.
If you fags vote remain you deserve to be destroyed.