How has your country been helped by Somali immigration?
How has your country been helped by Somali immigration?
They burned down some ugly buildings so I guess there's that
Once upon a time, we used to be a promising place to live. The presence of so many Somalis changed that forever.
Thanks to Somali immigration to Sweden all our problems look trivial in comparison to Swedens numbers.
Almost no rape case, low social welfare costs, low rates of violent crime etc.
They're ugly, smelly, and lazy as shit.
>racist country
>promising place to live
For who exactly?
>racist country
Your politicians fucked us so hard in the ass, that just by the word racist our spinthers clench so much together that we have to fear that our own ass will absorb our body
Now we just have to blow the bridge and get comfy
They bring strong libertarian principles from home
Before they came, we had an aging population and we didn't know how to pay for their retirement. Now, we know how we will explain old people why they can't have retirement money.
dumbest people i have meet.
Their like a mix of abos, arabs and gypsies
Michigan has become a lot more diverse.
Imagine crossing the worst of arabs with nogs.
That is the result.
i'd kek if it wasn't such a miserable fucking truth
You still have Germany in the south.
You gotta build that wall aswell.
>how has
>not just has
lol most be somthing !
Met some somali's once while they were drinking in the street. They were impressed that I could guess what African country they were from (USA here, everybody assumes we are idiots at geography for some reason).
They proceeded to show me another way to tel them apart: the palms of their hands are as dark as the rest of their skin, unlike many africans who have lighter or even pink palms.
They proceeded to tell me this was because...say it after me Im not kidding you...
I just smiled knowing that they were the genetic garbage heap from the biggest shithole in the entire continent.
For themselves you fucking darkie
you have somalis in algeria?
Thanks to them, white pro multiculturality girls now have access to a wider variety of STDs and vaginal infections. It's so sad that sometimes I send my nights crying just thinking about poor them souls.
i doubt it.
no gibs here
Somalis are caucasian tought.
That makes it extra weird how they can be worse than subsaharan africans.
The answer is obviously yes. The only question is what the benefits actually are.
the cuckening is completed
are pro multiculti spanish girls willingly sleeping with somalis? Not even sweden yes people sleep with ugly somalis (they will never admit it tought)
Made street drugs more accessible for the community
but they are. Their more closely related to arabs than subsaharan niggers
nice map, faggot
They set up child rape gangs in Bristol and were slapped on the wrist when the police and council finally were prodded into action.
Minneapolis here. I hate Minneapolis.
>This non argument
Yeah, many pro invasion girls are willing to fuck them and even marry them just to "help out". Brainwashing here has been intense.
>pic with hashtag "mix up", of one of many state funded campaigns
Croatia will accept a maximum of 1064 migrants by 2019
Well, nice map with absolutely no sources
def not an argument
AHAHAHA are they serious? Do they even know how much berber blood flows through your veins?
it was made by this guy
Does our country even *have* Somali immigration?
I mean, I live in Miami, the capitol of "Nobody here is an American", and I've never met a Somali.
not made by him, he didnt make that map you autistic fuck
meant to reply to
None in my case. I'm probably whiter than you, blond and blue eyes
Literally 0%
Well its helped me put my penis in a lot of Somali women. My last gf was an abgaal (name of her clan/tribe) and related to the Somali president. I fuck these girls and make them aware that Ill never convert to Islam. Most dont care about religion. On the other hand, I avpid the males as I dont want to be culturally enriched.
These guys are basically the first really shit tier immigrant group this country has received, so they contributed quite a bit to the immigrant crime statistics.
That's pretty much their highest achievement.
They're like gypsy version of niggers.
Only about 20% of them have ever been employed and the number is that high, only because employers are paid by the government to take them in and basically pays their salary completely.
They're 100x worse than any other breed of nigger there is.
Good thing that Somalia was just declared a safe nation, so now there's going to be no more refugees from that hellhole and I bet that many of them are going to be sent back.
That underwear bomber from Somalia made sure that we all can't bring liquids on to planes, so thanks.
Swedish graduates look so progressive ... I thought swedes were white though? I guess you learn something new every day. That's why I love Sup Forums... Really learn something new about the world all the time. I would have never thought that Swedes were mostly black!
no wonder you guys hate easterners. they're literally 8% sandnigger
they created many jobs in the asylum industry
It hasn't.
Somalis are fucking trash.
Somaliapolis is an interesting study in adaptive behavior. Due to the cold , Somalian people have excreted a protective shell in the form of a taxi cab or shuttle bus. this keeps their blood above the freezing point during the brutal winters, and provides protection from the predatory juveniles who have not found a shell yet. very similar to the habits of the hermit crab
Yeah, there's plenty of them in Maine (of all places)
Saint Paul here. Daughter's school has many Somalians.
Somali mothers do a better job at raising their kids. Their community values education.
Yes, they smell weird, and are ugly as fuck, but I predict they will quickly surpass our Americoons.
Even on the playground you can see it. American blacks are truly unrestrained savagery. Somalians at least have some community and social restraint.
Out of all the possible """"Refugees"""" somalis are definitely the worst. Next to being incredibly fucking simple, they're arrogant and actually smell really bad. Im convinced these fucks will stab you in the back given the chance. They have no respect for anything.
One of the whitest states in the union. Dammit Obama!!!!
Top left, 2nd to right bottom
>would BLEACH
I Got some some Somalis jobs in upstate New York and I went back a month later to see how the employer liked them, he said they all quit the second week and smelled.
In my city Somali gangs sell hard drugs and kill each other. Fuck Somalians.
Portland needs to be erased.
Why do somalis look so inbred?
And there's plenty in minnesota. They love to import somalis into very white communities. Lutheran churches have a big hand in this.
Somalian intellectuals.
They have made me appreciate Ethiopians because at least they come with decent restaurants.
they have given our rape statistics a massive boost