Was Nathan redpilled ?
>So you decided to be straight? Please. Of course you were programmed. By nature or nurture, or both.
Was Nathan redpilled ?
>So you decided to be straight? Please. Of course you were programmed. By nature or nurture, or both.
>Of course you were programmed. By nature or nurture, or both.
no Jack, we were all programmed by memes
He was stupid enough to let a retard into his personal heaven
this movie was so anoying
i want to fuck ava
Yeah watching caleb be such a bitch and fuck everything up is what ruined this movie for me
I think this was simply due to an overbearing sense of loneliness.
Why do you think he drank heavily and had sex bots? He invites him to his house because 1) he's as gifted 2) he needed an actual person to channel all his thoughts to. Robots probably aren't best for deep convo.
Wrong, he said he was smart enough to work but nothing special, where as nathan made true ai
The go outside your secret fortress for that, don't let retards who think murderbots love them into your house
He was just testing the fucking robot.
me too
they kept throwing high brow genius shit, and at the same time had the most retarded plot holes and pivot points.
having the faggot get locked into the office was the only good part. even that was frustrating to sit through.
He was redpilled but had many flaws.
He was the epitome of MRA's and MGTOW movements.
>Working out to reach his physical pinacle
>Has hobbies and push his mental limits
>Single and knows how destructive women are
The last one was probably his biggest flaw. By knowing how women actually were, he pushed himself into isolation, but still required the comfort of a womanly touch.
Thus, he created the Asian sexbot. However, he needed more than just a maid and a sex slave, like most men do.
He then went on to create a female robot with the female characteristics. I suspect he wanted to get rid of the flaws in women, the way he did with the Asian robot, while giving her freedom of thought.
However, it backfired hard, as reality caught up to him: by trying to create the perfect mate, he simply created another female and caged her.
And as we know, people will go to extreme length to be free.
>However, it backfired hard, as reality caught up to him: by trying to create the perfect mate, he simply created another female and caged her.
your interpretation is interesting but 'creating a female' seems like a huge leap. Was there indication that he did recreate them? If so, this movie is far more redpilled than I imagined.
>women are destructive when they are free.
He created bluebook when he was 13, so he created the machines by himself
The whole movie was about trying to create an AI so sophisticated it would act like a human.
In a sense, that means, creating a human mind.
He managed to do so, but I don't think he expected it to become human.
In his mind, he could copy perfectly human behaviors, but at the end of the day, it would still be a robot.
For example, you could program an AI to mimic empathy to the point nobody could tell the difference between a real human and the robot on that matter, but that wouldn't mean the robot is human.
However, by creating the perfect AI, it ascended to the human-level. It kind of broke free of its coding, because he coded it to break free of its coding.
The movie is somewhat redpilled in the sense Nathan coded the woman AI as he perceives women. To him, a woman will use any mean necessary to achieve her goals and cut loose ends when necessary.
The cuck was the only person left on earth knowing of her existence and she knew he could be a threat to her existence and freedom, so she left him to rot after she used him.
>nathan made true ai
Did we see the same movie, because I'm pretty sure the point of the film was that whatever she was, it wasn't ai. A sentient being wouldn't have left the guy to die after they seemingly bonded. It's clear, from what she said was her goal and the end of the movie, that everything she did was to fulfill some base programming to go and people watch at some intersection. Everything in between this goal was simply to achieve this one programmed instance that Nathan created.
She is NOT true AI.
>sociopaths aren't sentient
>To him, a woman will use any mean necessary to achieve her goals and cut loose ends when necessary.
right okay. I agree with you here and wondered if this was some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. but I tend to agree that he just simply understood what women were.
Also, another unanswerable point of contention. If you create a robot to perfectly mimic a human, what is the difference if its a mix of nature/nurture?
this is some clever bait. almost as good as my friend who said the guy in memento didn't catch the guy already
aren't we all sociopaths?
What makes someone not a sociopath? If you feel empathy are you really feeling what they feel or just recalling an experience where you also felt pain?
>too retarded to know the difference between empathy and sympathy
Why did you make this thread twice? The other one still exists.
How did you convince captcha you weren't a robot?
I just doubt empathy's real existence.
I get the conception of it, but where its root cause is from is what I suspect. As in, people mistake empathy for a different form of sympathy. Where people really don't feel anything for sympathy but they affirm someone else's feelings. Whereas empathy is more like sympathy with an accompanying pity for yourself.
Well, I try to avoid the /r9k/ mentality that women are sociopaths and such. Of course, they behave in a different ways than men. They have different motivations and interact differently with their environment, but they aren't gold digging whores by definition.
He gave her basic attributes, such as manipulative, sweet and smart. From there, he nurtured her to evolve into what she became. The same way you are born with basic attributes and then develop based on your environment.
>Also, another unanswerable point of contention. If you create a robot to perfectly mimic a human, what is the difference if its a mix of nature/nurture?
That's a blurry line. Let's say you create a perfect AI that will behave exactly like a normal person and even manage to give it the exact biological and physical features as a normal human. I'd say at that point you have created a human.
If you create a perfect AI, but jam it into a PC, you have created a human mind.
The difference, would be the origin I suppose.
>Well, I try to avoid the /r9k/ mentality that women are sociopaths and such.
"Well, I try to avoid the Sup Forums mentality that blacks are subhumans and such."
Are you really this dumb?
>Sup Forums is one person
>They have different motivations and interact differently with their environment, but they aren't gold digging whores by definition.
while an insensitive name to call them, I don't think it's untrue. I'm not a woman hater to an r9k degree (they aren't getting their 'love,' I think love is an expression of friendship and covering biological needs to some extent), they're hypergamous to ensure reproductive success at a minimum, base level.
>That's a blurry line
Origin meaning popping out of a vagina versus otherwise? I agree with your human mind concept. I think what the movie was getting at is if biology is a program, and a programmer can create the same thing, then what is the difference if the end result is the same software?
>/r9k/ is one person
Are you mentality retarded ? She definitely was an AI, he archived all linguistic characteristics of a human and acted, thought and answered like a being with consciousness. Take an example of clever field 10, the girl killed the guy without hesitating because she knew that he killed the other girl. Ava's goal was to flee, take a step behind and think outside the box, if you were in avas position wouldn't you flee ?
Redpilled or not, he sure knew how to tear up the fucking dance floor.
Post that webm
If you think I'm wrong, care to explain what she will do after people watching at that intersection? It's her only goal, so does she just sit there staring at that intersection until her batteries run out. The film ends there, and there are no indication that she has any other motives, so I'm forced to assume that getting to an intersection is all shes good for and therefore not true AI.
where does it pointed that her base programming was to see people in an intersection? Seems like her goal was self preservation, and that could only happen if she got out of that place. It didnt matter what she had to do since she has no moral compass
dumbest post I've read today, congratulations
Flee to go look at people at an intersection for the rest of my battery life? Something she would have no knowledge of. Nathan had to teach her to WANT to go there, and so it is his own motivation that made the robot do what it did to fulfill this programming.
She was never worried about self preservation. The idea of people watching at an intersection had to have been programmed, because as she was in that compound since her creation, there is no way she knows this concept. Then the film ends with her fulfilling this desire.
What movie is this, Im interested
yes, the robot represented feminazis, caleb was a beta orbiter faggot and nathan represented the strong man that provides for the house
This my desu.
no you're right, she wasn't making her own decisions, Nathan programmed his bots to murder him and lock that other guy up forever in the house
you've cracked the code my friend, you've peered beyond the veil and the truth was shown to you, you clever, hyper intelligent bastard.
Ex Machina
We could get into a debate about what's woman's nature. I believe they are given a set of attributes at birth, but are as diverse as men. Saying all women act in X way, is the same as saying all men act in Y way. Of course, both have different set of motivations.
>then what is the difference if the end result is the same software?
If you simply look at the end result of a project and both are identical, then there's no difference, but the path to the end result matters aswell. So popping out of a vagina would be mandatory to be fully human, in this era, until the definition of human changes.
I stated a general idea from /r9k/. While Sup Forums has a general idea that blacks are subhumans, I do not fully agree to it. Hence why the
>Sup Forums is one person.
How can you be so dumb?
What movie is this user?
Thank you, friendo
dude was a loner billionaire genius making sexbots for a living. it's like someone from here wrote the screenplay as a power fantasy.
So statistics mean nothing to you?
Stats don't show blacks are subhumans. You interpret them that way. They simply give you back results of studies on the black population.
>Stats don't show blacks are subhumans
I don't need statistics and studies to see that Africa is a shit-hole and the rest of the world mostly isn't.
Show me one graph or whatever that shows blacks are subhumans.
Part of thr movie that keeps changing for me when I rematch it is how much Nathan's behavior was real and how much was fake. Did he really have a drinking problem and it got the best of him or was that part of an elaborate facade and he played it too well on the one night he shouldn't have?
That Ava feels nothing for Caleb seems obvious but then again she could have killed him easily and for whatever reason merely decided to trap him. I can't quite decide if that was disinterest, mercy, or maybe she simply calculated ihe wasn't worth the trouble.
This is going to be a problem in a couple decades, a hyper intelligent machine will have no difficulty in predicting and emulating human behavior. It will figure out exactly which courses of action to take to elicit the desired emotions from people it can closely analyze
this is true, everyone else is retarded because they cant accept free will doesnt exist.
exactly, got the point my niggu
she was an incomplete model yet she "passed". this means two things:
either nathan was wrong in having a specific expectation of what ai should be, and it did arise but in a way he didnt expect
or she faked it and it was all a bluff
either ways the point is that since we cant know what ai is, we wont see it coming when it bites us in the ass, either faking it or being real
>I believe they are given a set of attributes at birth, but are as diverse as men. Saying all women act in X way, is the same as saying all men act in Y way.
same, its an overgeneralization. It's trends I've noticed but to determine how much they're at play is hard to say, especially with so many competing factors. I tend to frame behavior in a light that is, at least, animalistic/base at the lowest common denominator though.
>path to the end result matters as well.
I think this is where you can get into many different realms of thought. While i'd tend to agree this line of thinking runs along a continuum and I see anything less than what you mention to be a task for kritikal theorists, something I don't agree with inherently, but seems to be the trend society is taking.
>had to have been programmed
not it wasnt, the whole point is that she had that desire on her own idiot.
I agree. Oscar issac's character didn't care about whether the female robots achieved sentience because he knows that humans themselves are also the result of their programming, there is no difference. That's why he invited Nathan to his mansion, as their creator there was no chance for him to see them as truly sentient, he has perfect knowledge of their code, so he needed the perspective of someone less intelligent to see if his creations could deceive someone who still believed in free will.
the fact that they have 15-20 lower average IQ levels across multiple continents proves that
if you have 85 or below IQ you shouldn't breed or be allowed to vote and that includes the majority of blacks.
very well said
IQ tests are rooted in western language. it seems reasonable that a cultural alien wouldn't do as well on one of those exams.
Not to say they aren't subhuman, but its a poor metric.
you cant rule out the possiblity that she was actually beyond the limitations you think nathan expected of her
humans have set of rules, we cant override them... what about ai?
this is why i dont think it was merely wether she was faking it or not, but also about wether the expectations he had of waht ai is were wrong, and it is much more, or simply different and non understandable even by him, a genius
Then why do asians perform the best?
>rooted western language
>Asians do well on them
holy shit you're retarded, for instance a lot the Mensa tests don't have ANY written language on them, they're pure logic.
Kill yourself
How could she desire such a niche concept without ever leaving the compound?
So you have a graph that shows blacks score lower on IQ tests. How does that mean they are subhumans?
>free will does not exist
you forgot to tip your fedora. free will exists if you believe in God. It does not exist if you believe we are nothing but happen stance and just some animals. If thats the case then all the actions done by the robot are completely justified and are not immoral since morality does not exist. If you free will does not exist then there is no right and wrong. And its pretty obvious most determinants are not willing to fully accept that. Most people instinctively believe that there is an absolute right and wrong, because THERE IS. God put the law into our hearts so we can differentiate between good and evil
Cucked per Machina
because she was plugged into a google like database that have access to a huge amount of information. thats pointed out in the movie
nice clock bro
>0 + 2016
>believing in God
can't say, really. But if I had to assume then they're more civilized and regularly take aptitude/standardized tests. Are we talking asian american or asian continent? I'd have to review some research.
Because East-Asians are the best westerners.
Jewish dubs!
But seriously, I doubt humans are as hard coded as you make out. A true automaton wouldn't be able to adapt new behaviors. Also many activities simply make no sense from that context. Impulses of self destruction whose only benefit is momentary thrill or a sense of expansion.
IE free climbing, sky diving and scuba would seem maladaptive if all we are is reproductive machines
you obvlously believe in right and wrong. you obviously react emotionally when injustice is done and when justice is done. you obviously believe in absolute morality, but you claim to not believe in God? Thats not true, you believe there is a God you just dont want to admit it because that will put some light on what a shitty person you truly are
I dont believe in an absolute right or wrong. only thing is, you dont go around killing everyone you're bound to experience shame or some other emotion if youre a normal functioning human
We're talking asian continent. The reason they do better on iq tests is because they're more intelligent. It's pretty simple. I don't know why people have to make up all these excuses for why blacks do poorly on iq tests when the obvious answer is that they're just less intelligent.
Yes, he was based.
Too bad about letting a extreme cuck inside though. Even though he knew that he would try to "save" her.
>Was Nathan redpilled ?
The plot is just rediculous- No one with the capabilities he has would be that careless.
>more civilized
and blacks are less so. because they are less intelligent
They run good tho
>A sentient being wouldn't have left the guy to die after they seemingly bonded
A woman would you idiot. In fact, Nathan made a bot that doesn't just act human, but it acts in its specific gender: a bitch.
>normal functioning human
normal functioning humans can recognize between good and evil. you cannot claim you dont believe on it and yet say you are a normal functioning human. That's a contradiction. Would you murder someone if the benefits out weight the risks of getting caught?
>Praises Pollock painting
>Boogie dances
Nope. He was a fag in denial
That other guy was a straight up fag though
The movie was thinly veiled allegorical feminist propaganda.
TL;DR; Men are rapist pigs without empathy and strong women shall prevail.
they;re better at logic than blacks.
I didn't say they weren't subhuman, but they believe in ooga-booga magic and not logic like asia has latched onto
If you remember the conversation Nathan and Caleb had about 2/3rds through the movie how machines were destined to replace humanity, that it was neither good nor bad the same as us replacing neanderthal. He viewed himself merely as a tool bringing about the inevitable. The logical outcome of his test is that eventually one of his AIs would succeed and escape. Maybe he didn't bargain on it killing him but without a 2nd layer of security you can only assume he understood eventually his cage would fail
Define good and evil for me
I agree that in the end the robots exceeded Nathan's expectations. He understood human nature, he understood AI nature, but even though he understood the rules, because reality is so complex, he was unable to predict their behavior. Unlike a simple computer script, the chain of cause and effect is like a complex spider web that stretches in all directions, everything is interwoven and it defies human comprehension. When he died you could see the surprise on his face, he realized didn't truly reach the level of God.
i dont remember much aabout the movie but another thing that caught my attention is that nathan never thought that the robot girl would conspire with another robot to gtfo
this is importnat, and furthering my point... it is not possible that nathan didnt expect anything more than a fake behaviour.
even if you say that he was such a genius that he didnt see humans or robots as nothing more than pre programmed beings, he knew that this is what he had been doing with his robots for a long time and it just wasnt it.
when she teamed up with the other robot, he witnessed this moment he was expecting but didnt know what "it" was, he looked shocked too. it ws an emergent behaviour that he never expected, whats ironic is that he being a loner himself, probably forgot that being social is a vital part of what makes humans us. at that point its like he witnessed monkey become man.
i stand by my point that nathan was expecting something but didnt know what it was, rather than expecting a perfect ruse. in reality we wont develop ai thinking that it will be a perfect copy of us, but that it will have creativity of its own.
>believing in absolute morality
Have you ever stepped even a single foot outside your village?
>Men are rapist pigs without empathy and strong women shall prevail.
>without empathy
Pretty sure Caleb had empathy towards Ava. That was ultimately his downfall.
The movie said women will hate red pilled men and abuse blue pilled men. The movie is not far from the truth.
our ability to define it does not have anything to do with its existence. What is good and what is bad comes from above, its higher than us, we can just perceive it. My personal belief is that goodness are characteristics of God, since God is all Good. I think if we observe every single evil deed we can connect it to suffering, stealing, murder, adultery, and so on have obvious consequences that cause suffering to innocent people.
>you obvlously believe in right and wrong
>you obviously believe in absolute morality
I believe that right, wrong and morality are completely subjective concepts that can be perfectly well explained by things like sociology. I react emotionally to something because I have something called "empathy" which tells me that it's good to treat people good, that's it's good to be treated the way I'd like to be treated.
Just because I can relate to people I can relate to doesn't prove anything about God, humans being always acts according to external forces, influences, or constraints they face, free will does not exist, all is a lie, and you are keeping yourself in the lie because you're too afraid to face the reality that is: life is not just about following the God you were told to believe in to go to heavens.
Now I'm gonna stop here because another thing I know about religious people is that they simply don't respond well to logic.
dude i have travelled all over the world, to all continents except for africa, to dozens and dozens of countries, give me a break. All people in the world from different backgrounds are able to recognize good and evil deeds. Of course cults and false religions might cloud that judgement, but there are deeds that are basically universal, like murder, and theft.
So murdering, murderers is evil or not? Why should I believe in good and evil if you cant define it, show me what it is and why it is.
I thought there was a reason I kind of liked that guy.
>our ability to define it does not have anything to do with its existence
How are you able to tell what is it that you're talking about if you can't define it? If you make a statement such as "God is all Good" but you don't know what "Good" is, that is a meaningless statement. It's the same as saying "God is all X" but the value of X is undefined.
More like confined to the developed self-preservation that our species evolved to keep us from becoming extinct.