>tfw when only 35 more years of racism
Can't wait to start focusing on real issues.
>tfw when only 35 more years of racism
Can't wait to start focusing on real issues.
Considering it's blacks and Mexicans that cause the issues, I would say you're right.
and watch how inept these breeds will be considering we're not letting nature take its course and artificial select people out. The pure breeds will still be at the top of the pyramid.
Dont kid yourself.
In 40 years the green/blue eyed people will genocide the brow eyed degenerates
Very qt.
>Hi, I'm a time traveller from the year 2050.
>Ask me anything.
>My name is National Geographic, but you can call me Natty-G for short. In the time period I'm from, the average American looks like a mud person from who knows where.
>average american
>niggers with dreads
This implies white women will actually want to breed with blacks, or white men with blacks, for that matter. Hardly ever happens, except with the trashiest of the lowest class.
Women breed 'up'.
It is likely however that a lot of upper middle class white men will breed with asians, and middle class white men with mexicans.
>"Only the trashy ones burn the coal."
At least in America. Maybe it's different out there.
Some white chicks may fuck a black guy to rebel in high school, but they'll always breed white. They implicitly understand that they're throwing their child's future away otherwise.
Those mix-breeds are of lower intelligence, how can they focus on real issues?
>real issues
Like finding food and drinkable water.
Like protecting your daughters from rape.
Like finding money to pay off the police.
Like creating a security perimeter around your house.
You know, real issues. Issues like, "how do we get the white people back in charge?"
>He hasn't gone outside in a while
I'm sorry user, the world isn't as it used to be. Look at all these young couples.
>Can't wait to start focusing on real issues.
trust me it wont stop after that
I wouldn't say "always". There are lots of mudsharks out there with their heads very far up their ass. It does exist and will only get worse and this shit pile grows.
I'm sure the countries with 100% brown people beacons of progress and tolerance
Well don't worry you'll have tons of "real issues" to deal with once white people are gone.
>all this Sup Forumslution thinking their armchair anthropology is more valuable than NatGeo
Where do you get that women breed up? Lots of women breed down, but its usually at a young age when they are too dumb to know the difference.