21 Signs You’re Dating A Man Child

21 Signs You’re Dating A Man Child

How accurate is this, Sup Forums?

Some highlights:

2. He has a bizarre, unhealthy obsession with video games.

I’m not one to judge game addictions; Tetris stole my entire senior year right before my very eyes. But there’s something particularly off when your boy is playing a fantasy, first-person shooter game on his iPhone any chance he gets. I’m talking you look away for one second to fold your laundry and he’s at it again. The type of attachment that actually gets in the way of his work and productivity.

7. His mom still shops for him.

I realize most heterosexual men pride themselves on not “getting” fashion, but that is still no excuse to have your mom still shopping for you. Real talk, it’s kind of creepy.

10. On all of his days off, he sleeps till 4pm.

I do love a good sleep, don’t get me wrong. But like FU for sleeping until 4pm on all of your days off. You do realize these are the only hours you have to pursue your dream career of becoming a restauranteur, right? And also, that you’re 30?

17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.

Contingent to being a man child is never throwing in the towel when it comes to playing the game. He’ll always keep you questioning his devotion to you and love for you. Doesn’t matter the circumstances; you could be like, no, fool, I’m actually just trying to find out what time the movie is that YOU invited me to, and he’d still give it a good 30 minutes before responding.

Again, it’s partly his way of compensating for his insecurities, by making you feel insecure, and it also makes him feel like he’s on top.


half the things on the list are done by women at a very high degree. also, i can taste the feminazi stylistics in every phrase

"Taking forever to respond to text messages" has nothing to do with being a man child. There are busy men and women who rarely text "on time" or just plain don't like it. Some people just also don't give a shit.

That's angsty bullshit she put there because an ex-boyfriend was probably fucking a 10/10 while her fatass was begging him to cum on her face in texts.


>2. He has a bizarre, unhealthy obsession with video games.

Like how women seemingly have obsessions with preteen and teenage centered TV shows with muscular definitely not teenage guys playing teens?

One of my exes was a massive Supernatural fan. Would literally quote that shit like scripture. She was just as bad because she was glued to one of those fanbase forums.

>17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.
I don't even do this often either, just sometimes

>18. He flirts with other girls in front of you.
It's not even that I flirt with them, it's just I let them flirt with me.

These are the only two that apply to me, and yet barely

>let me tell you what a real man is

Said the obvious lonely cat lady

>i don't know who i'm dating
>perfect, this article will tell me who he is
So many examples of this, it's like they're not living their own life.
sage of sad.

projection feels good there faggot what are you a neet fuckwad with no job that needs to get this off his chest to LET PEOPLE KNOW huh

>fantasy first person shooter for iphone

does this even exist?

Also, texting is for man and woman-children

>I’m not one to judge game addictions
>but i will judge everything else
>and your game addiction too, why the fuck not


women do most of those things too

wont tell you how many women just sit there on their phones all day, barely looking up to interact with anyone, I see it at school and work all the time.

women sleep to 4pm after getting shitfaced hammered and fucked by some random guy from the bar

>his mom still shops for him

fuck off, grown women have unhealthy relationships with their mothers

>first-person shooter game on his iPhone
Nigga, that's normal behavior, as bad as it is. Candy crush addiction was a meme in my circle of friends, even with the grown ass people.


That's highly intolerant of women. It's 2016. Come on, get on with the times grannies. Manchildren never hurt nobody.

>tfw these images were only able to be drawn because of the inordinate population of womanchildren in [current year]
>tfw it will never be okay to criticize womanchildren because "what are you gay"/"she's cute shut up"/"what are you gay"/"shes adorable"/"shes a strong independent woman who does what she wants"

Literally all of these are not paying enough attention to attention whores.

What's next? How to know your man is a nigger? Like come on. This is discrimination.

>whores destroy society by voting leftist
>complain about it

What's new?

>10. On all of his days off, he sleeps till 4pm.
Only after a night shift.

>17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.
Jokes on you, got rid of my phone two years ago.

>17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.
Implying that women ever respond as fast as they can. It's "Read. Don't have time. Forget. Never respond." then no apology for not responding.

race war now

You're not a real man unless you respond immediately to text messages like a teenage girl.

>tfw had a gf that if I didn't text her back almost immediately, she'd blow up my phone with "?????"

most of that shit are things women do in my experience

>He takes forever to respond to your text messages.
I thought you were supposed to do that?

Who cares if one is a manchild though? If they pay their taxes and obey the law then whats the problem?

>17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.

what the fuck, I don't like phones man what's the beef

Every. Single. Girl. Is. Glued. To. Their. Phone


So by working night shift am I a perpetual manchild? Or am I supposed to completely change my sleep schedule on my days off?

Jokes on you, I'm a kissless virgin so I'll do what I want

Funny thing is I'm actually pretty mature, but fuck these cunts.

Just more women complaining about men not manning up or whatever.
Where are the articles calling out women on their refusal to accept reality?

>17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.
>I am a special princess and I am to be answered INSTANTLY because I matter the most at any time or instant
If you've got a bitch who complains about something so small, you'd best pump and dump.

Something else I've noticed...

Whenever a man complains about women, he gets told to hit the gym. Yet a woman is never told to look better, she's told she deserves an ultra fucking alpha Chad just for having a vagina. I'm not even fat kek and it still annoys me.

Modern life drives me insane. Dunno how much more I can take.

lol I had that same girlfriend in my life too, user. thank god I dumped her stupid, vapid ass and am in a relationship with a woman who doesn't give a fuck about phones just as much as I don't

Are you a woman?

Did you read the article?
Check out the related ads and i am not shitting you they are real.

Where did you meet your current gf, user?

whats good senpai

>7. His mom still shops for him.
I don't give a shit about clothes tbqh senpai

Also how is 17 a manchild?

He's a manchild because he doesn't give his undivided attention and do stuff for me and treat me like a fucking spoiled princess that I am 24/7.


Some of these boil down to "I don't like his hobbies."
Others are more a reflection on her than the guy. There's only one reason why he won't meet your parents, and it's because he's not serious about you. Why isn't he serious about you? Well you said he's an asshole to your friends, and I can guess why; they're party sluts or cunts who love gossip and drama.

I just wanted a lukewarm hole to stick my dick in, but you thought some guy was going to marry you after you spent college on a different dick every night. Fuck off.

Also, the money thing.
When she's broke, my check is "our" money. When she gets a good job, her check is "her" money.

>I played Tetris for literally an entire year
>For a year
>I get to judge someone who plays shit that is actually interesting

>Point 17
Ha, fuck no bitch, ya'll need to stop responding immediately and then not responding until the next day. I do to you what you do to me.

Mom still shopping for you, specifically if it all the time.

Otherwise none of this is a deal breaker


Why do women even have to exist?

sounds like a projecting cunt who dates manchilds

half of those things aren't even exclusive to manchildren

>following the grain by going with someone's else's opinion
Stay dumbed down

So basically:

>if he doesn't put you up on a pedestal and does anything other than worship you, he's a manchild

>17. He takes forever to respond to your text messages.
It's called speaking, use it.

>I dislike certain behaviors
>I will call these behaviors symptoms of a syndrome despite them being unrelated
>I will choose a belittling, mocking title for this made up syndrome to shame men into being what I want
>I will eventually get cats and become a used up feminist.

my sister is 40 and my mom still shops for her