Sup Forums Tattoos

What are some Sup Forums worthy tattoos? I'm thinking of getting one soon, but I'm not sure of what. Do any of you guys have any tattoos? My brother has a swastika.

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tattoos are degenerate

Don't get any neo-nazi tattoos unless you never want to be taken seriously ever again.

tattoos are trashy.

worthy of prison thugs and trailer trash.

Sup Forums should present themselves as upstanding people who make good decisions in life

>Sup Forums should present themselves as upstanding people who make good decisions in life

Never gonna get one.

Unless tattoos are a part of your in-group identity like a tribe, there is no reason to have them

gas the jews race war now

Get a set of balls tattooed to your chin. That way everyone will know, not just your mates. .......

Lots of jews got tattoos on their wrists in the 40s. Must have been the trendy thing to do at the time.

>no reason to have them

Wanting tattoos is like wanting a vase of flowers in your home or a nice painting on your wall - things which simply look nice to some people

Absolutely degenerate regardless of what it is.

Just know that people won't respect you or think highly of you after you go through with it.

I have an anti-zog tat that i got 15 years ago, basically an upside-down cross with a dollar sign through it. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
>t. edgelord

You asked for an opinion, I gave you mine

Just because I don't condone them doesn't mean you shouldn't get one but you may want to rethink your choice if you're looking for guidance on a Russian borscht culinary board

Hipsters ruined tattoos. They used to mean something, even if that was shorthand for being an unemployable degenerate trash. Now, even middle class soccer moms think it's ok to get inked to express their individuality.

Tattoos are a literal symbol of human impulsiveness and ignorance.
Also why would you brand yourself with identifying marks?

If not, then how do people take what we say seriously?
Or do you actually waste your time reading this shit without believing at least in a fraction?


Making Sup Forums a part of your identity is not conductive to relationships with normal people, this is a place for discussion, satire, freedom of expression, happenings etc

You are much more as a person, do not be one-dimensional as we tend to be around these parts, you know nothing about other anons besides the info they volunteer, be aware of this context

You comsume too much jewish propaganda.

>If not, then how do people take what we say seriously?
Why would they ? Sup Forums is same level of degeneracy as SJWs and Black L. M.

And are you autistic user ?
If you want to be taken seriously why are you on Sup Forums ? Do you have complexes ?

This is what I am talking about
You dont agree with me you are rapist!
You dont agree with me you are racist!
You dont agree you are jew!
Its fucking same

degenerates aren't welcome here

Tattoos are for losers.

smart, slo-bro.

Tattoos are fore degenerates

>Getting any tattoo ever

What are you retarded?

Tattoos have and always will be for the dregs of society. But by all means, have some highscholl dropout inject ink into your flesh with a symbol of some bullshit you'll find irrelevant in ten years.

what are you doing here then?

besides - i think the burger meant you can't expect to be taken seriously if you run around like trailor trash with nazi-tattoos. most ppl hopefully are smart enough not to mention in discussions that they come here.

only spics get tatoos

Every time I hear about a wanted criminal, it's always a tattoo in the description and what helps others turn them in

For the memes user

Pure narcissism.
Why would you tattoo yourself if not to show others? Too much vanity is degenerate.
Let people know who you are by your actions, not by transforming yourself into a comic book.

fair enough.
and i thought you come here to fight.

Yes... Brand yourself as an anti-Semite


>asking about tattoos on Sup Forums

You've officially figured out one of the dozens of threads that reveals Sup Forums is just as worthless as a group of cumfilled liberal sjws.

Get whatever the fuck you want and laugh at people who give you shit about it while you fuck their girlfriend.


When it comes to white people, tattoos are justified for:

-hardcore blue collar workers
-military men

If you are a white person getting one that is not one of these people or a close variation, you are/were a tryhard, trendy, impressionable faggot.

Kek, this. I was in the hospital after my motorcycle accident and I shared a room with a guy who had the swastika tattoo like Derek in American history x. He was actually reformed and liberal as hell once I talked to him but everyone assumes he was a racist white supremacist when really i was the racist white supremacist and they didn't even know. Fuck tattoos, tattoos just make you look like trailer trash that people don't want to talk to, especially Nazi and white nationalist tattoos.

This one

Kek, I think you're the one taking pol and the Internet way too seriously bro. Nobody cares if you go on Sup Forums, most people have never even heard of this site even though it's at its most mainstream state right now.

I do agree with your point though.

>motorcycle accident
story pls, I crashed in 2011 into a guardrail at 100km/h, was bloody lucky to have walked away from it pretty much unscathed even if in pain for 3 months, pic related my ride that didn't fare so well


ss tatoos everything else is degenerate