Ask a German

Ask an upper-class Germany whatever you like.
I will try to answer.

Other urls found in this thread:


In 1945, what invention did the Germans use to try and become more superiorly advantaged then the Russians.
Hint: Nacht Jäger

>tfw everywhere an x except my dad and me

I am terribly sorry to disappiont you, but I'll have to admit, that I currently do not know the answer (.__.)

That's why being a Historian is best job.
The answer was night vision.

Having French blood so close to you within your heritage makes you lose a class.

Middle class scum.

Thank you very much, Sir... one never stops learning new things...

Btw. I think that europe will collapse during the next decade...Does England has a free space for me if I want to move to your lovely island?

how many refugees have you let into your wifes vagina

To which country does Alsace/Elsaß rightfully belong ?

A German freind like you? Indeed!
We are always looking for Europeans!

And what if it is the french upper class?
But yes, I am also ashamed of my french side

I think I said that I studied computer science:
> computer science
> wife
> choose one

But concerning the rapefugees:
We have ~20 in our town (20 to much imo), but I can assure you, that none of them has raped/banged any girl/friend I know (yet)....

I have indirect relatives on my dad's dad's side that operate one of your largest corporations in the country. How easily could I go over there and ask for a single (used) handout?

I would say due to the history the french (see roman empire and before)... but I wouldn't say no to any further expansion of our country ;)

Thank you very much, Sir. I truly respect this.

Sup Rassenschade.

I cannot answer this question without further clarification?
Which branch does the company operate in?
And what do you excatly mean with "handout"? (please to forgive me my illiteracy in this case)

Are you mum and dad like decades apart in age? The family tree makes it look like that, sorta.
Also, nice lineage. And holy shit, tracing your family all the way back to 1264? Amazing.

Ich weiss, ich weiss, Kamerad \(.__.)/

No, they are about 4 years apart, some ppl in my family died sooner than others however.

It was difficult to read the old church arcives and it involed a *lot* of traveling
The problem is also, that many archives are partly incomplete due to book burning in the middle ages.

I will however not post our family crest or further details here (privacy and stuff)

Can I get a free car from BMW is what I'm asking.

Was it night vision ? but it was shit at the time

Well I got my BMW M 550 prototype one (tuned to the last possible degree) for ~95K€ ... and that because, I am a relative....

I do not know, if i will be able to help you as much as you want to ;)

I am 180 cm (bare feet). Will girls laugh at me in Germany??

I'm also Asian

I just want to hug a nice German lady.

thats because you arent the true germans. you are english colonists, the true germans were proud black men who built the holy roman empire

>upper class german
Be my friend, I have big plans.

Shame about the book burning. Even worse thinking that so many of those books could have held info much more important than family lines and censuses. But that's nearly 1000 years in the past now, so not much can be done about that
Still, the farthest I've found about my family on the British side is about late 1700s, while the other half is from a 3rd-world country with a snowflake's chance in hell of having any documents beyond the early 20th century.
Must be nice to have such a clear idea of where one comes from. I admire your dedication.
And yeah, makes sense not to post anything of that sort, especially on Sup Forums.

Does anyone have a template for that thing?

No, they will not laugh at you, do not worry ;)
It is not a problem, if you are asian -- just look nice, behave nice and you will be able to huge one german girl ...

Well, I have to append, that most german guys are ~190cm high, but you will have no problem, Sir

Niggers back then were slaves... we are not proud of them

I have big plans too, Kamerad.

Fuuuuck. I just want a used Z4 that's been fixed up nicely. Nice to see you, distant cousin.

just google "heritage template" :P

Yeah I also hate the book burning, as I love books.....

A used Z4? That is not that difficult. However, the transport cost could be pricy for you (shippment from germany to us is quite expensive afaik)

*this was my source:

But yeah, book burning you say? If we are of the same family, I don't have high hopes for my tracing because my dad said that it was difficult to find members from before 1770. I think I'm 4th or 5th generation US-German. I can't quite remember.

Honestly, I'm hoping to go to Germany in 2 years for that sweet college masters/PhD education, so I don't think transport will be an issue.

thanks. My friend went to switzerland and hes 178 and he told me that everyone was at least as tall as him and other much taller like 185 cm+ so I was worried. Here I am taller than most people so I was surprised that in Europe people are soo much taller than me.

I also have another question. How are universities in Germany? I am studying Computer Engineering and I was wondering whether to take my masters in Germany or in Switzerland.

lol you are actually a jew.

Oh, well I had trouble finding the exact recods, yet it was possible (my granddad helped me).
If you move to germany, then it will be easy to get you a nice BMW (or Mercedes)...

I would advise the KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany) or ETH Zürich (Switzerland).
I would chose the German university, as it is the best one for computer science in (continental) Europe and with study fees of (ca. 2x170€ per year the "cheapest").

Well, as I stated in my picture -- I do not think so (and do not hope so).
Concerning my financial status, one could think otherwise :P

weren't the death camps exclusively in Poland/East Germany?


Edit: here is the enlish url:

Yes, they were. However, they build one camp in france and they killed a lot of french/belgish war prisoners (independant, whether they were jews or not)

thank you very much!

why don´t you hope so?
my parents just told me about us being jews when i was 18. Was kind of a shock, since i have been raised really russian. Was totaly cool tho since i know that i belong to a very specific and rare group of people.
If they have been gasedm you better believe they were jews, since mostly jews got that special treatment.

I do not think, that we are related, but maybe our families could know each other.
Part of my family is/was also living in the UK and the Netherlands (not direct heritage though)

Well concerning Sup Forums. I do not hope so :P
Privately - I do not really care, as they do not make a big portion of my blood....

But do not worry, I have no personal anger/issues with/against the jews

They also gassed the mentally ill, and I have no doubt in my mind that illness runs in our family. Perhaps they were just special. :P

Thank you, Sir.

Let's be just happy, that hitler did not invade burger-land back then, or your whole country would have been gassed :P

>implying hitler could have invaded burgerland when he couldn't cross the English Channel
>implying hitler would succeed in an invasion when he lost to the fucking ruskies


My mother's great grandfather was possibly German. So maybe that would be possible.

Oh ok... well than,
Leuk je te ontmoeten, beste vriend

* fuck google translator...

Bro no, I'm Excuse me for not clarifying.

Nah, I know man, I can recognize Sup Forums ID's.
The post was rather meant as a joke ^^

Oregano commentarino

its not about your blood procentege. its about who your mom was, since being jewish is being passed from mother to her child.
so according to the Jewish law you are a full jew. You could even try to apply for Israeli citizen ship.
Its you who should be worried, "german" not me.

Ofcourse. Vielen dank. Meine Deutsche freund.

My grandmother (french side) and my mother are not jewish ... afaik nobody in my family is jewish or identifies as a jew.

Hallo mein Brüder

Oh - very nice tree, brother ;)
I would invite you to Germany, but given the current political situation, I do not know, whether you would enjoy it....

Things will get better, then I will come home.


And Americans are the mutts???

Did I say that? ^^
I cannot remember doing so....

Nope it's just a bad meme on this board.

How'd your parents meet? At uni I'm guessing.

Sorry, seem to miss that one ...
They met at a common friend's marriage, which took place in Brest, Northern France.

edit: *"mutual friend" instead of "common friend"

In which region do you live?

>university student
>upper class

You are full of shit race mixed hans.

I live in Baden-Württemberg

For all non-Germans: That is a state in Germany's South, next to the State of Bavaria, France and Switzerland.

Who did say, that people with more money, wealth and influence than you cannot study at a University?

woah, more money, wealth AND influence, fucking hardcore dude.

Do you live somewhere near Freudenstadt?... Stuttgart maybe?

Und was machst du so?
Gammelst wohl die ganze Zeit im Keller rum während deine Mutter in der Gosse versifft?

No, not near Stuttgart - That is Swabia (Schwabenland) :P

>Ask an upper-class Germany whatever you like.
> whatever you like.
What're your views on Speck ?

And why is smoked, raw Speck the best ?

Do you speak Fränkisch or Schwäbisch?

Fast das gleiche wie du etwas anspruchsvoller, promovier in physik (im keller). Auch bawü.

>Ask an upper-class Germany whatever you like.

Look at picture see grandpa was "worked in high levels of mayor company"

>high levels of mayor company

Verreck bitte du dreckiger Kanacke oder Ronnie du bist so Unterschicht es ist ekelhaft.


>What're your views on Speck ?
I like it, but I do not eat it so often .... dunno even why
>And why is smoked, raw Speck the best ?
Because it tastes more manly

Verzeihe mir, Kollege ;)

Hochdeutsch, Tendenz zu Fränkisch

And let me guess, neither you nor anybody in your family has achieved anything?
At least most of our family members make more than 200k a year....

Ich nehme an du bist also der Ronnie, hör bitte auf Kinder vom Balkon deines Plattenbaus zu werfen

>Mayor German car companies
My family works Mayor German Car companies too!

>And let me guess, neither you nor anybody in your family has achieved anything?
Well for one thing I can write English without sounding like a total retard.

>At least most of our family members make more than 200k a year....

Sure thing, Ronald, I'm guessing your sisters name is Nancy?


As big as Porsche and BMW? ;)

You do not have to believe anything... Just telling you as it is

sieht für mich eher so aus als fände er den mayor genauso lustig wie du

>You do not have to believe anything... Just telling you as it is

Well I believe everything anyone with crappy English skills tells me on the internet, in three months that Nigerian prince will send me a lot of money and I will be upper class like you Ronald

They work on classic Porsches and stuff. Pretty neat.

Quite understandable...
Would probably do the same, if it were you posting instead of me

nice :)
Though, admittedly I am not a total fan of oldtimers - even though most of them are beautiful cars....

general question, how did you track? word of mouth from old family?

> Chinese


Ask an upper class American Anything.

Pic related, the parlor in our home

Well, as (probably) mentioned previously:
I basically first did check our local community's archive and asked every family member of their known parentage.
I then went to the places, I knew the family members in question were born in and I looked into the church's archives (The catholic chruch did have quite a profound record of every person, who was born, married or has died in the different villages/towns).
After that I looked through national archives and various records of families.
It is rather tedious, but enjoyable work

Not proud of it (.__.)

Rule 1 if you are rich and want to stay rich: don't talk about money.
Rule 2 if you have money:don't talk about money
Rule 3: don't talk about money

I'll accept the distinct possibility you are related to the "Geißens", do you really think that is better?

huh ok, might do that one day.

thx man.

>mgw halbtadschike
Fick dich Stalin

Hello Sup Forums

Joachim Gauck here, i am the current President of Germany. The Bundesnachrichtendienst said that you don't like my Country very much.

So i am willing to give you an ama.

In real life, I do not talk about money....
On Sup Forums, it does not interest any one, how much money somebody has...

Heard of the "Geißens", but as I am not interested in television shows I cannot comment on your last question.


Go die in a ditch old man

Guys just fuck my shit up.

Typical German of 2020

>but as I am not interested in television shows I cannot comment on your last question.
implying you can read weekly newspapers in Germany for the last 3years and miss the "Geißens"

>On Sup Forums, it does not interest any one, how much money somebody has...
Everything said on Sup Forums interests someone, you might not understand this, but Sup Forums basically made Trump the Republican nominee.

Don't be a naive and gullible sheep.

But you are not upperclass in Germany with 200k income, you are upperclass in Germany with 100 million$ or more in assets, cheers from Frankfurt.