Question: why is Mario still a plumber? Shouldn't he just be guardian of Mushroom Kingdom or something by now?
Question: why is Mario still a plumber? Shouldn't he just be guardian of Mushroom Kingdom or something by now?
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looks like you came to the wrong neighborhood
He's not really still a plumber, though. That was just kind of the last thing he was before he became a hero. No?
Why should you critisize a man for doing what he loves? Not all men want power and fame. Mario is a simple man with simple wants who simply acts when his country needs him.
mushroom kingdom is not his country
yeah, my bad.
Thats just like, your opinion man.
Is just one of xir multiple genders. Sometimes he identifies as a racoon, other as a competitive kart driver expert.
Also, nice ID get, sounds like something my 12 year old me would have as an username.
Why do you have a 12 year old you?
do you think there is racial tension between different toads?
Nah, I think the colors of their heads is like having different colored hair.
He may not be a plumber but homeboy knows how to lay pipe
Yeah I'm sure he wants to hang around a bunch of talking mushrooms instead of taking peach back to his apartment and railing the shit out of her
stealin yo wimminz
>American attempt at wit
The lucky dog.
>big nose
>part of mario's gameplay involves collecting coins
Is he a Jew?
That's like saying there's a racial tension between blondes, brunettes and redheads.
he is only 5'1''
I doubt he's worked a day in his life (as a plumber or otherwise) being a filthy wop.
There is.
>says mama mia
If he were Jewish his catchphrase would have been oy gevalt
It's just sometimes very hard to tell Italians from Jews.
The real lupus test is "Has this person tried to destroy the cultural, economic, or moral structure of a country"
Looking at Mario, he saves the princess, participates in local traditions, and collects coins.
So I think it's safe to Say mario isn't a Jew
it's a simple plumber who takes drugs to see that magical world, all it's a fucking drea m(like the smb2 ending)
no its not. but smb3 was a stage play
wario is the kike one
Great thread OP. Great thread.
What plumbing? The only thing he does is fight turtles for his rich girlfriend.