Have you accepted Trump losing to Hillary, Sup Forums?
Have you accepted Trump losing to Hillary, Sup Forums?
Trump supporter here... It's a lose lose situation for the left right now... Win or lose, Trump has awakened Americans to the dangers of left wing globalist policies.
Trump is a flawed candidate... So him winning would be icing on the cake... But all real Trump supporters know that Trump isn't enough to turn the tide...
Civil unrest is eminent. If anything, Trump just slows down the process a little to give free Americans time to prepare for the shit-storm that the WTO and the Banks are planning for us. He'll hold the door and give some of us a chance to fortify ourselves.
If he loses, his supporters won't just disappear. We'll be here, there will be other leaders in this movement... And the movement will only grow because these stupid left-wing ideologues are throwing their movments into overdrive.
The fire will rise, with or without the Don...
Bring it!
You only lose if you stop calling out the (((money printers))) on a regular basis.
Hint: Trump won't protect you from them either.
I accepted this as a possibility a long time ago
still voting trump tho
It's possible.
>June 1
After Trump loses a better, faster, smarter and, more well adapted leader of the facist right movement takes over,Tay Tay
No. He's getting closer. Hillary has been fucking up recently.
Bernie supporter here... It's a lose lose situation for the nazis right now. Win or lose, Bernie has awakened Americans to the benefits of socialism.
Bernie has the system rigged against him, so him winning would be icing on the cake...But all real Bernie supporters know that Bernie isn't enough to turn the tide...
Rampant racism is imminent. If anything, Bernie just slows down the process a little to give free Americans time to prepare for the stormfront that the conservative Christians are planning for us. He'll hold the door and give some of us a chance to fortify ourselves.
If he loses, his supporters won't just disappear. We'll be here, there will be other leaders in this movement... And the movement will only grow because these stupid right-wing ideologues are throwing their racism, sexism, and islamophobia into overdrive. Just look at Trump!
The fire will rise, with or without the Bern...
>hillary completely btfo today
>shills coming out everywhere
Correct the record elsewhere, stupid ass frog poster.
where do you keep getting this "graph" from
Trump supporter here:
Once Hillary wins using the power of the Bern victims vote and Bernies endorsement, it's a lose lose for socialism.
She will back Wallstreet and sell out the country to the Globalists... Then everyone of Bernie's supporters will turn on him for endorsing a traitor...
Massive amounts of low-wage workers will flood the country and welfare EBT cards will shut down. The niggers will chimp out and burn the country alive... And muh socialism will fail as all of the educated liberal elites will isolate themselves or if they stay, they'll be mobbed and executed
True socialism will then be put in place by the brown horde of shit that is entering this country and it will devolve into a prehistoric dysotopian shit-show.
The conservative gun owning whites will emerge with their salt weapons and take the country back from their defensible strong holds in the Rockies, Sierras, Appalachians and Cascades...
Either way you look at it, the libcucks are headed on a suicide path and the only ones who will survive are those who are armed and know how to till the Earth.
Niggers, slimes, loos and spics will fucking perish in this sennario..
from a website senpai desu
Link pls
Yeah. His speech this morning was pathetic. Hes not good at speeches, only good at rallies
dont have it, i download the image from a thread, but idk it looks pretty legit 2 me m8
Johnson supporter here... It's a lose lose situation for the Bootlickers right now. Win or lose, Johnson has awakened Americans to the benefits of libertarianism.
Johnson has the system rigged against him, so him winning would be icing on the cake...But all real Johnson supporters know that Johnson isn't enough to turn the tide...
Rampant statism is imminent. If anything, Johnson just slows down the process a little to give free Americans time to prepare for the Nanny state that the Bootlicking welfare queens are planning for us. He'll hold the door and give some of us a chance to fortify ourselves.
If he loses, his supporters won't just disappear. We'll be here, there will be other leaders in this movement... And the movement will only grow because these stupid statist ideologues are throwing their bootlicking, theft and total disregard for God given rights, into overdrive. Just look at Trump and Hillary!
The fire will rise, with or without the Johnson...
Don't tread on me!
We loos are the wealthiest group of people in the states. We will just go back to India when US turns another south American country.