Who would you like to see him debate?
Who would you like to see him debate?
I want him to be my Prime Minister.
actual experts who disagree for once
>Implying you wouldn't let this hot hunk drill you and the ass and fill you up
>actual experts who disagree for once
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle? is he red pilled?
William Lane Craig, on UPB, and more generally on the idea that you can justify the existence of objective morality from an atheist worldview.
It would be so awesome to see him get completely destroyed.
he stopped because all he does is try to beat them on rhetoric instead of ideas. He's cringeworthy as fuck if he isn't talking to someone who agrees with him. Not to say he's wrong necessarily, he's just garbage at debating
The holohoax
Shut the fuck up!!
I want to see him go on CNN and FOX panels in defense of Trump.
i dunno, i thought he held his own against Peter Joseph of "Zeitgeist" infamy... although, truth be told, it was a bit like watching two iguanas tapdance. One may look slightly more graceful than the other, but neither really knows what the fuck it is doing.
he should debate me
I would shrek him so hard he would grow hair again
Not an argument
go get hosted in his radioshow then
Kek wills it.
Anyone with a brain could destroy him if there was a moderator to prevent him from just talking over people and playing stupid games like he does on his show.
>the idea that you can justify the existence of objective morality from an atheist worldview.
Sam Harris made a very good case for this.
His attempt at indian genocide video was JUST sad to be honest.
You don't disprove historical reality from the comfort of your house. If you want to play historian, you gotta work with people and archives, not semantics and gut feelings.
I plan to but only after I have moved out from home which will be as soon as I am done with my master, probably even before then because I have saved up quite some money working part time and having a humble lifestyle
if he does that on me I will call him out on it
I already debated lefties on a podium with terrible and biased moderation and audience. trust me, he will be easy
Yeah, I can see why. He needs to do it more though. Only that way can he ever improve.
I saw the debate (actually, I was going to mention it in my post), and I thought that Harris got badly beaten. Craig showed very clearly that he was playing word games and equivocating over definitions of terms
that exist?!
true expert that is leftist?!
>but only after I have moved out from home which will be as soon as I am done with my master
Surely sucking him off shouldn't take too long.