Why doesn't anyone ever mention 8 chan by name here?
Why doesn't anyone ever mention 8 chan by name here?
1. it's banned
2. it's the new tumblr, you're not allowed to say anything that isn't PC
same reason nobody mentions 9gag. why think about vermine
Good fucking riddens.
I visited 8 chan's Sup Forums and it was scary. A bunch of white nationalists there.
Also it seems you are not allowed to post the word 8 chan as one word on 4chin. Try it
Sup Forums has very few enforced rules and one of them is not to advertise other chans.
Congrats on posting this.
enjoy your AIDS
Wow you're right
are you kidding me? you get permabanned here for posting clothed lolis but they're a common sight last time I was on the eight. they even have a hebe board
Legit fucking lunatics there.
>yfw Sup Forums admins still haven't removed 8ch's URL from the worldfilter even though it's become a total shithole that's no longer worth migrating to
>running by cripplekike
RIP /intl/ and /ints/
8ch sucks because its slow as fuck and always goes down
all of those faggots come here anyways so its not like im missing out
It's like the Sup Forums of Sup Forums. It's kinda spooky desu
it got removed
Not as PC as Sup Forums, although there on the same path.
It's the alt right tumblr. It's all stormfags there
They post plenty of non PC stuff ?
>I visited 8 chan's Sup Forums and it was scary. A bunch of white nationalists there.
as opposed to here?
The only board of that type that still exists is 8teen
the rest got deleted or got the image upload feature removed from them
hotwheels is pulling a m00t and isn't running the site anymore but still does stuff "behind the scenes" and the new admin is some fag/g/ot that hates fun and freedom
Half of this board are "ironic" liberals
The other pol is superior since they don't have cucked mods. I went there when moot was in charge and let his SJW mods cuck our forum with nigger cock and music spam. I suppose most of you are newfags and have no idea what I'm talking about, but I found that unforgiveable and started browsing better chan.
>it was scary
Sup Forums is rly shit what the fuck, bunch of fucking thin skinned homos as tublr or reddit jesus fck this place.
Yeah but they're more passionate about it.
Plus anyone who has even a remotely different opinion is a Zionist kike who works for Hillary and plans to eat trumps children.
During the exodus bullshit over FUCKING VIDEOGAMES 8 shills spammed Sup Forums constantly so everything related to it was wordfiltered.
7+1chan has more intelligent people who put more effort into research and formulating their posts to look professional yet there is less freedom of speech and less conflicting viewpoints there.
It's the best chan. This chan is for shitposting only.
8 chan Sup Forums is where all the serious right wing propaganda comes from. This place /cuckchan/ is lagging behind.
16/2 chan Sup Forums has MUCH less shills and unc ucked mods
There's nothing wrong with 8ch.
There was a time when people wouldn't come here because they were afraid of the site, I guess thats 8gag now
>more intelligent people
its becuase it got invaded by normies when media started mentioning Sup Forums everywhere
That chan is more right wing than this chan, much more, its nearly far right. But of course, its still not enough for some people like me, who are ultra right.
This chan basically is centrist, with some mods leaning to the left. That chan is nearly far right, where shitty leftist shit gets pruned.
But for the rest of us who are unironically racist, we are still waiting for a p2p chan without any mods. Because those suck.
One of our favorite ultraright topics, evalion were banned there as well. Besides that, about 95% of our other topics are accepted there. Compared to only 80% here.
So that place is better than this place. Plus the posters arent half as bad either, this place has more normie fag scum. Still a large base of red pilled people, but an even larger base of normie scum.
This. Whenever you see a nationalistic or anti-migrant video on youtube with hundreds of thousands or millions of views, it was created by someone on better chan. All the talent left this board when joot cucked us before he quit.
4+4 chan is to us what Sup Forums is to normies
cause it's board is run by a pedophile who would probably use your ip address aginst you.
I lurk both sites and they are far more intelligent than the edgy little twinks on here.
Because it is where all the old Sup Forumsacks went after the moderation turned this site into a festering sewer of memes and shitposting. Alot still cross post between both our boards they are just quiet about it.
Also cripple chans Sup Forums mods are pretty based desu
hahah same xd we got him reddit!!!
>not participating in the joint operation (with other chans) against Youtubes degenerate video
This. It's always down, way better than redditchan when it's fast though
>Yeah but they're more passionate about it.
No, you're just stupid. That place just has less shitposting. Get the fuck out you dumb nigger.
Also, actual right wing politicians lurk there too, sometimes post there.
It's not lit like it used to be senpai
Because it gets banned.
But I do go there. I call it infinite chan or similar to sneakily make a reference when at Sup Forums.
Go back to tumblr, faggot.
plus shit like r/Sup Forums
Cripplechan has like 3 users, all of whom come here as well. There is nothing to cooperate with.
Infinity has some gem boards, but their Sup Forums is literally Hipster Stormfront
It's gone to shit.
/hebe/ is kill, has been fir a while
>cripplechan crashes
>they move to move temporarily
>quality of the board plummets even more than i thought possible
id rather deal with reddit sliders
They are banned now. And he was talking about Sup Forums not Sup Forums
All the best memes and propaganda come from there.
Are you a new faggot or did you forget about Open gates already.
Give me hipster stormfags over hipster cuckservatives anyday.
Now go suck Milo's little cock.
That's because 8gag has just shy of 20 active users, much easier to moderate because of this.
I present to you Jim, Jim is a strong, virile and compassionate man who now runs 8ch
No memes and propaganda come from here. This board has absolutely zero OC. We steal it from better chan and other places.
that was a good one but i thought they went too hard with the redpill for normies like it would turn alot of them away
>like it would turn alot of them away
But it didn't and was a huge success, now run along faggot.
That's allot of (You)s in that pic.
You know you could just go back to honeypotfront.org
>being this mad
because its censored here and its chock full of autistic retards that jumped ship over gamergate
it has more autistic people. they can't meme worth shit though.
>jumping ship at the first sign of trouble
The reddit sliders are getting really fucking annoying.
Then the other redditors sit there and make stupid argument and keep the thread bumped on the 1st page all god damn day.
>i thought they went too hard with the redpill for normies
Not really, all the footage is from mainstream news outlets in Europe. The only thing you could make the case for was Spectre at the end.
thats what i was talking about
right at the end that kike bitch i think they should have left it with the refugee footage
>they can't meme
The memes I see there are way superior tbqh.
At least one can play around with cuckservatives and don't get unironicaly called a kike shill for some banter or even banned for debating a non conformist opinion.
For Mijew, xhe is a usefull scape goat extremly handy to get Sup Forums narratives to normies.
You want fun? Stay on here. You want serious discussion about right wing politics, nationalism etc? Go to 8 chan.
Dat's right white boys. It's only ok for muslims to look at young girls.
>hurr durr u stuped
what's a matter, did I pull the tampon string out of your boi pussy fagot.
You know I'm right. Your dedication means shit and at the end of the day, you're no better than tumblr and Reddit. So suck my cock hitter wannabe.
>A bunch of white nationalists there.
Indeed, that's far too politically correct to be here.
speaking of lolis I recommend going to infinitychan's /agdg/ and searching for "Sim Loli" if you want something loli related on infinitychan
cripshit is a rival site. if its allowed the niggers there are going to spam and advertise their boards non stop
>i m superior because I can't articulate any political viewpoints, just post le funny frogs xddddd
is that where the nazis chill?
thats /stormfront/
Sup Forums Sup Forums is counter culture
nigger8shit is infowars circlejerk
You know moot is gone right?
That chan is full of people who will ban you for the tiniest thing. It is like if reddit was in chan form.
>being this much of a try hard
>the Internet is serious business
yeah thanks for that m00t and thanks to our new moderators for fucking us over they should read the old sticky some time.
It's where the FBI chill.
>>being this much of a try hard
Nice reading comprehension m8. I wonder why my comment was in past-tense. "When moot was in charge".
It literally is reddit with it's own subreddit system and volunteer mods lmao.
It doesn't really ruin the video, plus it's mere seconds. It helps that it's coming right out of the female Jew's mouth as opposed to some FUCKING WHITE MALE ranting about jews, lord knows we have plenty of that around. All in all it's a solid video. Last time I checked I believe it was over 6 Gorillion.
>hey look mom I'm changing the world, online
is a meme truly a meme if it stays in your echo chamber?
what fucking memes have they started?
they may have been decent and competitive a year ago, but now they're just another failed chan.
the fuck are you talking about?
no that's mast3rchan the honeypot chan
ITT: chanfags act like they are superior to chanfriends
8ch>4fags (especially this board)
8 chan Sup Forums has better mods and janitors. Plus you can post multiple images in one post. The threads there are legit and not spam like here.
>what memes have they started
Fuck off cancer.
kek. Having a board that doesn't devolve into cuck posting is super serious business now? You're just a fag m8.
they touched me in the privates
You can get banned.
>mfw all this shilling of shitchan
What is /intl/ and /ints/?