WTF is wrong with Norway and Ukraine?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Norway is rich
>The Ukraine is not rich
That money must go to salaries or something... doesn't actually show in any way whatsoever. Finland has a 10x better army than Norway for half the cost.
>That money must go to salaries or something... doesn't actually show in any way whatsoever. Finland has a 10x better army than Norway for half the cost.
Don't you have a gazillion F-16 and other jet fighters? And a Navy as large as the German Navy?
>The Ukraine
Gets me every time.
not such a thing
No, only 46 operational F-16s ("soon" 52 F35)
If our navy is as large as the German navy it's because the German navy is way too small ;)
>no ukraine means no one between us and the russians
>border with russians means high chance of invasion and liberation from EUSS
yeah,neah,i would rather have ukraine be,even if just with less land
>The Ukraine
we only say still that because thats what it was called when we were growing up
it just happens without thinking about it
>No, only 46 operational F-16s ("soon" 52 F35)
"only" 46, "only" 52
Germany has some 30 or 35 flight ready Eurofighters...
>If our navy is as large as the German navy it's because the German navy is way too small ;)
Depends on your definition. Our navy is adequate for our needs and still smaller than yours.
Norgay gonna invade the ukuleles.
Didn't you see that mini-series where Norway got betrayed by the EU and occupied by Russia.
They are just getting ready.
Wassaap bitches, can't you pussies handle some serious defence spending or what?
Also check it - Boat stealth like u mean it!
Not that weak ass european shit, Norwegian quality!
is this a videogame? the flag looks real
real as fuck.
But that was a computer render,
Here have the real deal
Noway is one of the richest countries per capita in Europe, they can afford it. Ukraine is poor as fuck.
What's it for?
raiding english monasteries
bigot/10 gj
Hi Germany
To protect their man from Swedes.
Hi Russia
THE Ukraine State University
hi africa
I don't talk to animals. That is biologically impossible.
Destroying other boats of coz.
The Skjold Class missile fast patrol boat is characterised by its speed, reduced signatures, small size with heavy weapon load and its littoral combat capability. The Skjold ('shield') has an air-cushioned catamaran hull (surface effect) which, with waterjet propulsion, provides high speed and manoeuvrability.
*Skjold-class corvettes are currently the fastest armed craft.
This can't be right, last time i checked Mongolia's military is twice the size of Sweden's.
There are more ethnic Ukrainians in Ukraine than there are ethnic Poles in Poland. Cry more polack
Original plan was to raid villages and kidnap lolis. When they encountered pic related, they decided to stick to monasteries.
it was called "the ukraine" until the early 90s
tfw most people here probably are too young to remember
You can expand all you want, we're the strongest of europe when it come to military power.
just shows how poor
Greece for fucks sake has 155 F16 fighters.
What the fuck do we spend our money on?
We have only 45000 soldiers and literally more than half of our equipment is non-operable. We don't even have any tanks left.
strip for me on webcam and I will wire you some money
I am a guy
greekroaches have half the production capabilities of Romania but 10x the consumption, yet they still complain like niggers about the krauts supposedly fucking them over
Moldavia? it is called Moldova
No you're that attention whore who used to post tits on here stop lying cunt
The eternal norsk tursk is scheming something....
that is not me
Its ok. 90% of what we spend on defense goes on officers wages.
Hi my asian friend
What the fuck's wrong with Latvia? A border with Russia and they only spend $141 per head on defence
I've seen Moldavia being used as an alternate name
So you fight wars with 3D renders? Pretty badass.
Norway is a threat to our national security
Can't spend money you do not have, or you become Greece
their military expenditure is one of the reasons greece is fucked up right now
germany warned them in various occasions by telling them to stop being so schizophrenic about turkey
Do you have a qt impoverished sister?
Do it faggot
Americucks really know shit about geography. Look in the map which countries are on our borders cuck. Can you even find Greece on the map? Jesus Christ.
>t*rkey's colony told them to not worry about t*rkey
Would only make me worry more tbqh
>Greece for fucks sake has 155 F16 fighters.
Greece is crazy.
Half of their F-16s are used as spare parts originators for the other F-16s.
I'm not gay
my sister has a boyfriend
We need more nukes to prevent bullies like or the eu.
moldavia is in romania
are you fucking retarded? Who the fuck mentioned anything remotely related to geography? Your shitskin iq is showing.
Its is, but ours is more high tech and expensive.
Not only a cuck but stupid too. Kys inbred.
>my sister has a boyfriend
does your wife also have a son?
i have no wife
>per capita
norway has 5 200 000 capitas
germany has 80 600 000 capitas
we need to spend moar. and give everyone over the age of 6 years all the guns they can carry.
Moldova used to be part of Romania, so I assume that Romanians use the same term for both regions
I'll say it again: you shitskins consume way more than you produce, and then blame your failures on whites, just like niggers
That's badass.
True, it was called that way because it used to be just a region within Russia/USSR, just like you'd say "the Highlands" or "the Midwest". I like the subtle hint in saying "the Ukraine" that the Ukraine is just a region of Russia and is rightful Russian clay.
>my sister has a boyfriend
Are you saying that she won't leave her slavshit bf for a rich westerner? Get me in contact with her and I'll buy you tons of shit, kid
its hard to stop saying it
just like czechoslovakia i hear that one often still
we helped the Israel develop nukes when the U.S. and the rest of Europe said no.
Maybe they can return the favor.
The "aryan" westerner jerks off over a slavshit girl. Oxymoron.
Glad Britain is so based
Nyet, nyet, Svetlana
Kek whenever Ukraine posts its like seeing a little kid getting molested.
Just like real life for most ukr kids
hate this term
Source on this.
Really? Go look at international shipping and how Greeks are leaders, then compare with Romania again. Then look at tourism, and compare again. Then realize you're the roach.
t. one of UPA fags who flee to canadacucks
norway finally buying helicopters?
How does one make heart of Uki qtp girl melt like reactor core?
i dont know, i have never had a gf
Your neighbor is Mexico and Canada ours is Turkey and the Balkans . Does your americuck clogged by fat brain function at all?
Norway literally have no armed forces. Please invade us, Onii-chan. It's not like our retarded politicians learned anything from the time leading up to April 9th 1940.
The US better annex Norway into a 51st state..
>Greece 457
>When there are families starving
>When our economy is on a downward spiral
Fuck this gay country,it doesn't deserve the glorious Hellenic name
Would you like me to send you a photocopy of my passport? You can trick some qts into fucking you maybe.
Best post ever.
you've been seeing a lot of that lately, eh?
Barry? Man, you look awful.
I'm quoting him. He's probably projecting. Too worried about how "aryan" his genes are.
Moldavia it a former country with a large part of it in today's Romania.
Moldova is a small river in nort-east Romania.
Also, a former soviet non-country that Stalin invented with the name SSR Moldova.
[omitted] [in Arabic] wills it [in Arabic]
post nudes of your sister and I will defend you from ruskie bullies and pay your crush to date you
Yeah stuff like that doesn't really go away easily, I still accidentally say Czechoslovakia sometimes (well, Tsjechoslowakije, but you get the point) and I was three years old at the time of the Velvet Revolution. Other people saying it like that just rubbed off on me.
Ahahahaha you're calling greeks shitskins now? Yea that adds up. Yea, the shitskins for a nation of about 11mil people do quite well in some sectors. Go wipe the raw sewage from your eyes.
World Top Ten Largest Merchant Shipping Fleets
Country Ships In Fleet
Japan 3,962
Greece 3,032
Germany 2,321
why do you think i would have nudes of my sister?
wouldn't work, I am a supreme autist
Really? I don't see anything wrong at all.. :|
Because Norwegians waste their resources on obsolete planes that will get BTFO by Russia.
Should do like Finland and have 600,000 reservists. How many reservists does Norway have? 10,000?
Kek. No wonder you are our bitch.